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  • There are no shortcuts.

  • There are no hacks.

  • If you want to take the easy road, I promise you: it's longer and more painful

  • than the hard road.

  • I know.

  • I've lived it.

  • I've ventured down the easy road at times in my life and it never led to anywhere good.

  • The positive things in my life always came when I faced the biggest challenges.

  • I joined the Navy.

  • I took the hard road in the Navy and made it into the SEAL Teams.

  • There, I had the honor of leading men in combat.

  • I learned some lessons along the way, lessons that have been tested on the battlefield and,

  • when implemented, lead to success in any arena.

  • One of the best things I've learned is that anyone has what it takes to travel the hard

  • roadto walk The Path that leads to success.

  • That includes you.

  • It won't be easy.

  • It will demand everything you've got to give.

  • But you can do it, and I want to give you three key principles I've learned that will

  • help you to get it done.

  • Principle number one: Discipline. Equals. Freedom.

  • That's not a contradictionit's an equation.

  • Discipline might appear to be the opposite of freedom.

  • But, in fact, discipline is the path to freedom.

  • Discipline is the driver of daily execution.

  • Discipline defeats the infinite excuses that hold you back.

  • Some people think motivation is what will compel them to get things done.

  • But motivation is just an emotion—a feeling, and like all feelings, it's fickle:

  • it comes and goes.

  • You can't count on motivation to be there when you need to get through

  • truly challenging times.

  • But you can count on discipline.

  • Discipline is something you dictate.

  • Motivation won't make you exercise every day; discipline will.

  • Motivation won't stay up late and finish a project for you; discipline will.

  • Motivation isn't going to get you out of bed in the morning; discipline will.

  • Make discipline part of your daily life and your daily life will get better.

  • Principle Number Two: Stay. Humble.

  • In life, you are going to have to do things that you don't want to do.

  • Maybe things that you don't think you should have to dothings that offend your precious ego.

  • When I got done with Basic SEAL Training and reported on board SEAL Team One,

  • you know what I was assigned to do?

  • I was assigned to clean toilets.

  • That's rightdespite having just graduated some of the most difficult military training

  • in the world, despite being assigned to anelitecommando unitmy first mission

  • at the actual SEAL Team was to clean toilets.

  • Not exactly a glorious job.

  • But you know what?

  • I did it.

  • I did it to the best of my ability and took pride in doing it well.

  • And that attitude got noticed: if I cared that much about how clean the toilets were,

  • people knew I would do a good job with even more important assignments.

  • After a short period of time, I got those more important assignments.

  • But it was humility that opened the door for me.

  • Now, being humble does not mean that you shouldn't be confident.

  • You certainly have to believe that you are a capable person.

  • But don't let confidence turn into arrogance.

  • So keep your ego in check and stay humble.

  • The third and final principle: Take. Ownership. Of. Everything.

  • I call thisExtreme Ownership.”

  • In the military, the best leaders and the best troops were the ones that took ownership

  • of everything in their worldnot just the things they were responsible for, but for

  • every challenge and obstacle that impacted their mission.

  • When something went wrong: They cast no blame, they made no excuses.

  • They took ownership of the problem and fixed it.

  • You can implement this attitude as wellnot only in your job, but in your life.

  • Let other people blame their parents, their boss, or the system.

  • Let weaker people complain that the world isn't fair.

  • You are the leader of your life: take ownership of everything in it.

  • So: be disciplined in all that you do.

  • Don't subject yourself to the whims of motivation.

  • Stay humble and be willing to do what needs to be done.

  • And: take extreme ownership of your life and everything in it.

  • Then: choose the hard paththe path of responsibility, hard work, and sacrifice.

  • The Path of discipline, humility, and ownership that ultimately leads to freedom.

  • If you follow these principles, then nothing in the world will stop you.

  • I'm Jocko Willink, host of the Jocko Podcast and author of Extreme Ownership,

  • for Prager University.

There are no shortcuts.

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紀律=自由 (Discipline = Freedom)

  • 204 10
    pihhoul posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary