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  • "Quit the job you hate"

  • "Travel the world!"

  • "Follow your passion"

  • is what every 'motivational' Youtuber is trying to tell me these days.

  • Bullshit.

  • Then who will take care of my family? You?

  • When I started my career in 2009,

  • my only passion was to earn money

  • because most of us are not born with a silver spoon.

  • We first have to meet our financial responsibilities

  • whether we like the job or not.

  • But the advantage that we have is that

  • meeting our responsibilities makes us a professional

  • and that professionalism brings us closer to our dream job

  • like it did for me and a lot of other friends I know.

  • And today I am going to tell you exactly how.

  • So it doesn't matter if you are a student, a home-maker or a person stuck in a job that you don't like,

  • today by the end of this video

  • I'll give you a step-by-step procedure of how to find your dream job

  • while you earn money.

  • So in today's video we are going to discuss

  • How to find out who you are?

  • How to figure out what your dream job is?

  • Things that will help you achieve your dream job

  • but most importantly, towards the end in the Bonus Section

  • I'll give you examples of people like you and me

  • who had a 9 to 7 job and have still found the work that they love to do.

  • But before that, if you love the work that I am doing

  • or if you like me even a little bit

  • make sure you hit that 'Like' button

  • because that motivates me to make more videos.

  • Lets begin.

  • So figuring out who you are, professionally

  • or even personally

  • is a 3-step procedure.

  • Step 1: Get a job. Any job.

  • The reason why I am asking you this is because

  • a job teaches you a lot of things, like

  • team work, meeting deadlines, professionalism, drafting mails, presentation skills

  • but most importantly it teaches you something that's not taught in our colleges

  • and that is how to talk to the opposite gender

  • without shaking inside.

  • I started my career as a Software Engineer

  • and for the initial few years of my career

  • I loved my job.

  • I really did.

  • Because from a 'jhalli' college graduate,

  • it made me a confident, it made me a better person.

  • But unfortunately, most of the college graduates I meet these days tell me that

  • the 'idea' of desk jobs sounds boring to them.

  • See, if you want to know who you are then

  • the initial few years of your career should be dedicated to

  • Personality Development

  • and a job does that along with getting you a pay-cheque.

  • Step 2: List down your strengths and weaknesses.

  • What will happen after you get a job?

  • You will work.

  • And what happens to your work?

  • It gets reviewed by your colleagues, by your bosses

  • and that is the best way to figure out your strengths and your weaknesses.

  • For example, suppose you are good at following up and getting work done...

  • that's your strength.

  • And may be you are not so good at presenting your ideas...

  • that's your weakness.

  • So your strengths give you direction

  • and your weaknesses tell you what you need to work on.

  • So take your appraisals seriously, talk to your colleagues because they know more about

  • your style of work than you do,

  • look at the work you have done in the past and make a list

  • of your strengths and your weaknesses

  • because these realisations help you figure out who you are.

  • Step 3: Ask yourself the IKIGAI questions.

  • IKIGAI is a Japanese concept. It means

  • "A reason for being"

  • "A reason to wake-up every morning"

  • (Oooo.....fancy stuff)

  • But it's as real as it gets because

  • to find your IKIGAI you need to answer these 4 questions.

  • What are you good at?

  • What do you love to do?

  • What does the world need?

  • What can you get paid for?

  • At the intersection of these questions is your IKIGAI.

  • Now, these look super simple but

  • these questions are so difficult to answer.

  • You might be wondering..

  • "I like to travel, watch movies, spend time with my family, but...

  • who will pay me for it?"

  • That's what even I thought initially

  • but the more you do point #3 of our next section

  • the easier it gets to answer these questions.

  • But note down these 4 questions, ok?

  • Because in your journey of finding your dream job

  • these questions will help you think in the right direction.

  • Now, while you are discovering/creating your personality

  • you can also figure out what your dream job is.

  • Here's how.

  • Discovering your dream job is also a 3-step process

  • and the first step is to make a list of the jobs that you like.

  • CA, engineer, doctor, lawyer, teacher, civil services.

  • Most of us know only these jobs.

  • So here are the things that will help you make a list.

  • a. Google. Literally type out "different professions"

  • and make a list of the professions that appeal to you.

  • b. Ask a question on Quora.

  • Most probably somebody would've asked it already. All you have to do is

  • scroll through the answers.

  • c. Join different clubs. Now what does that mean?

  • When I was working, I was talking to only 15-20 team mates of mine

  • who had the same background as me.

  • So to meet more people I joined a club called 'Toastmasters' which is a

  • public-speaking club.

  • I remember a friend of mine had commented,

  • "Why are you wasting 36$ just to talk to people?"

  • but being a part of this club developed my public-speaking skills.

  • I won 5 rounds to represent India at the World Championship of Public Speaking at Florida, USA.

  • And I met people from different professions..

  • Software Engineers, Stand-up Comedians, Politicians, RJs, Fashion Designers, Entrepreneurs, Soft-skills Trainers.

  • So I was exposed to all of these careers that helped me decide what my dream job is.

  • This is where I also met my husband.

  • So if you want to find out what your dream job is, you need to go out and interact with...

  • humans.

  • Join different clubs like TM, Rotary, check,

  • check the events section of your newspaper to find out what's happening that weekend.

  • Because the more contacts you make, the clearer your career path becomes.

  • And the fourth and the most important thing to do to make a list of the professions that you like is..

  • think skills instead of jobs.

  • For example, suppose you say, "I want to be a writer", then it's just one job

  • but if you think of "Writing" as a skill then you can be

  • a columnist, a novelist, technical writer, content strategist, film critic, travel writer, Youtube content creator..

  • so many exciting careers!

  • So make a list of the skills that you have

  • or the one's that you want to learn and then branch out different professions out of it.

  • Step 2: Learn those skills

  • Now that you have a list of professions and skills that you are interested in

  • go out there and learn them.

  • Attend workshops, get certifications, attend classes.

  • If you ask me, one of my favourite ways of learning a new skill

  • is through this website called Skillshare.

  • This website has helped me develop my creative, design, marketing and business skills.

  • I'll tell you more about it later.

  • But the point is, do whatever you can

  • to learn more.

  • The third and the final step to figure out your dream job is

  • to get into a relationship

  • with multiple jobs.

  • Don't get too excited.

  • Now suppose your list says...

  • I want to be a PR Manager,

  • I want to be a Photographer,

  • I want to be a Stand-up comedian.

  • Great!

  • But you don't have to marry right away.

  • Just pick one and get into a committed relationship for a couple of months

  • to see where it goes.

  • For example, one of the items on my list was..

  • I want to be an RJ.

  • I love how RJs get to be on radio and play cool songs.

  • I thought that is my dream job.

  • But I was not sure about it.

  • Luckily, thanks to the clubs I joined, I made friends with an RJ

  • and I requested her to let me observe her, shadow her.

  • She agreed and it was

  • traumatising.

  • She has to wake up early,

  • keep searching for news items,

  • create content everyday,

  • get that content approved from her bosses because you cannot make mistakes on the radio,

  • represent her channel at various events,

  • keep posting on social media,

  • keep doing 'LIVE' to interact with her audience.

  • She just can't turn off her cellphone.

  • It was a tough job and after a while I realized

  • it's not my cup of tea.

  • See, all the jobs are tough

  • but we need to figure out which process will we enjoy?

  • Now you might be thinking,

  • "OMG, who will go out and do so much mehnat?"

  • But see, you can sit at home, watch all the TED talks you want,

  • make all the excel sheets you can

  • but all of this will be useless

  • unless you go out there and try it.

  • So instead of quitting your job, look for mini learning opportunities,

  • volunteer work that you can do in your spare time

  • and if you don't like that job, cross it off your list

  • until you reach the job that you'd like to marry

  • atleast for a few years.

  • I think by now you would've figured out that

  • finding your dream job is a journey

  • and here are a few things that will help you in that journey.

  • 1. Financial Knowledge

  • Yes. You need to know how to save your money, how to invest your money

  • so that when you finally decide to quit your job

  • you atleast have 4-5 months of your income as savings

  • so that you are comfortable incase your dream job

  • pays slightly less in the beginning.

  • But don't worry, I have got you covered.

  • I have made a plethora of videos about how to save your money,

  • how to grow your money.

  • I have left the link in the description, do check it out.

  • 2. Exercise

  • Before you close this video, hear me out.

  • Our body is capable of doing 'x' amount of work

  • and if all that energy is going in your existing job

  • then how will you find your dream job?

  • By increasing the efficiency of your body

  • through exercise and eating right.

  • I am not asking you to build biceps

  • but by walking, running, cycling or playing any sport

  • for 30 minutes everyday will give you crazy energy

  • that you can invest in getting closer to your dream job.

  • And the third and the final thing that will help you in this journey is

  • Skillshare.

  • Like we discussed earlier, Skillshare is a website

  • where you can take more than 25,000 classes

  • related to the skills that you want to learn.

  • Like photography, writing, business, technology, lifestyle.

  • My personal favourite are the marketing classes

  • and the writing classes

  • because they help me develop better content.

  • You can even join different groups where

  • you can ask a question or initiate a discussion

  • with like-minded people.

  • I love this website because the first time I saw it,

  • I got the 3 idiots.."Knowledge jahan se miley lapetlo" kind feeling

  • which is why I jumped on the opportunity of a collab with them

  • and I have got something for you too.

  • The first 500 of my subscribers to click the link below

  • will get a free 2-Month Premium Membership trial.

  • And even if you don't get it, the annual subscription is less than 10$ per month.

  • So if you are as crazy as me about learning new things

  • and are desperate to find your dream career

  • then don't miss this opportunity.

  • Click the Skillshare link below and get it.

  • And finally, it's time for the Bonus Section.

  • But before I tell you that, make sure you Subscribe to my channel

  • and hit that 'Bell' icon

  • because I make career and finance videos for you only.

  • Stories of Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk

  • following their passion, don't connect with me.

  • But if my cousin is doing it then I'd be like..

  • "I can do it too!"

  • which is why I am going to end today's video by giving you

  • examples of people like you and me

  • who had a 9 to 7 job and are on this journey

  • of finding their dream job.

  • Vivek Muralidharan.

  • He is a Software Engineer by day

  • and a Stand-up Comedian by evening.

  • He says he loves exploring funny ideas

  • and his corporate job gives him the financial security

  • while he is in a relationship with stand-up.

  • Arvind Ramachander.

  • He was a Database Designer in US.

  • He took this photo during a fund-raising event

  • and that got him excited about photography.

  • He moved back to India and slowly transitioned

  • to becoming a full-time wedding photographer.

  • And trust me, his clicks are 'sooper'.

  • Jahangir Pasha.

  • He was a Team Leader at JP Morgan

  • but fitness always had his heart.

  • After proper financial planning, he decided to become a Fitness Trainer

  • and start his own studio.

  • Bonny Sikdar.

  • She is a Sr. Manager with a MBA in marketing in an I.T firm by day

  • and a Zumba trainer by evening because she loves to dance.

  • But recently she got her dream job at Cult, Hyd.

  • She says that along with her dance, her corporate background

  • played a major role in getting her the job.

  • And finally, we have Naveen Pandit.

  • He says that he was a small townie with bad english diction

  • but a Software job at Infosys gave him confidence

  • and he joined various theatre groups while at Infy

  • where he discovered his love for acting

  • until he finally decided to move to Mumbai

  • and pursue acting full-time.

  • If you are a TV buff, you might recognise him from various TV serials.

  • The reason I chose their examples instead of Mark Zuckerberg's is because

  • I know these folks

  • and I really admire their hustle.

  • For them, finding their dream job is a journey

  • and they are enjoying it every single day.

  • I truly believe that just like them

  • you can find your journey too.

  • On that note, I promise to see you again very soon

  • until then, if you miss me, you can follow me on Instagram

  • that is my ID

  • and don't forget to keep fighting

  • The Urban Fight to be Fit.

"Quit the job you hate"

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當你覺得自己的職業生涯停滯不前時,如何找到你的DREAM工作? (How to find your DREAM Job when you feel STUCK in your Career)

  • 89 3
    up1217home posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary