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  • "Breakfast of champions."


  • What's the difference between eating less food and eating no food?

    少吃多少有什麼區別 食物和吃沒有食物?

  • Well, Let's look at two different situations.


  • In 1944, a study called the Minnesota Starvation Experiment was conducted and was designed

    ...... 1944年,一項名為明尼蘇達州飢荒的研究 進行了實驗並進行了設計

  • to understand the effects of caloric restriction on the body in order to gain some knowledge

    了解熱量限制的影響 在身體上,以獲得一些知識

  • that would help people starving in the aftermath of World War 2.

    這將有助於人們在善後挨餓 第二次世界大戰

  • Thirty-six healthy men with an average height of 178cm (about five foot ten) and average

    36名健康男性,平均身高 178厘米(約5英尺10)和平均

  • weight of 69.3 kilograms (or 153 pounds) were selected.

    重量為69.3千克(或153磅) 選擇。

  • For three months, they ate a diet of 3200 calories per day.

    三個月,他們吃了3200的飲食 每天的卡路里。

  • Then, for six months they ate only 1570 calories.


  • However, caloric intake was adjusted to attempt to have the men lose 1.1 kilograms per week,

    然而,調整熱量攝入以嘗試 讓男人每週減掉1.1公斤,

  • meaning some men got less than 1000 calories per day.

    意思是有些男人的卡路里不到1000卡路里 每天。

  • The foods given were high in carbohydrates- things like potatoes, turnips, bread and macaroni.

    給予的食物富含碳水化合物 - 土豆,蘿蔔,麵包和通心粉等。

  • Meat and dairy products were rarely given.


  • During the six months, the men experienced profound physical and psychological changes.

    在這六個月裡,男人們經歷了 深刻的生理和心理變化。

  • Everyone complained that they were too cold.


  • One subject talked about having to wear a sweater in July on a sunny day.

    一個主題談到必須穿 毛衣在七月陽光明媚的日子。

  • The subjects' body temperature dropped to an average of 95.8 degrees Fahrenheit (35.4

    受試者的體溫下降到 平均95.8華氏度(35.4

  • degrees celsius).


  • Physical endurance dropped by half, and strength showed a 21 percent decrease.

    身體耐力下降一半,力量 顯示減少了21%。

  • The men experienced a complete lack of interest in everything except for food, which they

    這些人完全缺乏興趣 除了食物之外的一切,他們

  • were obsessed with.


  • They were plagued with constant and intense hunger.

    他們受到了持續而激烈的困擾 飢餓。

  • There were several cases of neurotic behavior like hoarding cookbooks and utensils.

    有幾例神經質行為 喜歡囤積食譜和器具。

  • Two participants had to be cut from the experiment because they admitted to stealing and eating

    必須從實驗中切斷兩名參與者 因為他們承認偷竊和吃東西

  • several raw turnips and taking scraps of food from garbage cans.

    幾個生蘿蔔和食物殘渣 從垃圾桶。

  • At first, the participants were allowed to chew gum, until some of the men began chewing

    首先,參與者被允許 嚼口香糖,直到一些男人開始咀嚼

  • up to 40 packages a day.


  • Now compare all this to the case of Angus Barbieri, a Scottish man who in 1965 fasted

    現在將所有這些與安格斯的情況進行比較 巴比里,1965年禁食的蘇格蘭男子

  • for over 380 days straight.


  • That is he took in no food whatsoever -nothing but water, black coffee and straight tea for

    那就是他什麼都沒吃 - 沒什麼 但是水,黑咖啡和直飲茶

  • just over a year.


  • He lost 276 pounds, going from from 456 pounds to 180.

    他從456磅減掉了276磅 到180。

  • A case report published by the Dundee University Department of Medicine in 1973 said “...the

    鄧迪大學發表的一份病例報告 1973年醫學系說“......

  • patient remained symptom-free, felt well and walked about normally,” andProlonged

    患者無症狀,感覺良好 正常走路,“和”長久

  • fasting in this patient had no ill-effects.”


  • There were no complaints of mind numbing hunger and he kept the weight off- for several years

    沒有任何關於心靈麻木飢餓的抱怨 並且他保持了幾年的重量

  • his weight stayed around 196 pounds.


  • This of course is not a perfect comparison, with the case of Angus, there's only one

    這當然不是一個完美的比較, 以安格斯為例,只有一個

  • subject and his starting weight was drastically higher compared to those in the Minnesota

    主題和他的起始重量是巨大的 與明尼蘇達州相比更高

  • Experiment.


  • However, it does illustrate some very interesting points about just how different of a physiological

    然而,它確實說明了一些非常有趣的 關於生理學的差異

  • response you get from fasting (that is, eating nothing) compared to eating less, or caloric

    你從禁食中得到的回應(即吃飯 與少吃或熱量相比,沒什麼

  • restriction.


  • Dr. Jason Fung, a Toronto physician specializing in kidney disease, and author of the Obesity

    Jason Fung博士,多倫多醫生專業 在腎臟疾病,和肥胖的作者

  • Code, says that compared to fasting, Caloric Reduction will result in: less weight loss,

    代碼說,與禁食相比,卡路里 減少將導致:減輕體重,

  • more lean mass loss (i.e. more muscle loss), and more hunger.

    更瘦的質量損失(即更多的肌肉損失), 更多的飢餓。

  • Let's start by talking about hunger.


  • In Upton Sinclair's 1911 bookThe Fasting Cure,” he writes about fasting as a means

    在厄普頓辛克萊的1911年出版的書“禁食”中 治愈,“他寫道禁食作為一種手段

  • to improve health.


  • In describing his first couple attempts at fasting he writes “I was very hungry for

    在描述他的第一對夫婦嘗試 禁食他寫道:“我非常渴望

  • the first day-the unwholesome, ravening sort of hunger that all dyspeptics know.

    第一天 - 不健康,貪婪的那種 所有消化不良者都知道的飢餓感。

  • I had a little hunger the second morning, and thereafter, to my great astonishment,

    第二天早上我有點飢餓, 令我驚訝的是,

  • no hunger whatever-no more interest in food than if I had ever known the taste of it.”

    沒有飢餓 - 沒有更多的食物興趣 比如果我知道它的味道。“

  • Sinclair recommends to do quite long fasts - around 12 days or so.

    辛克萊建議做很長的禁食 - 大約12天左右。

  • In a section addressing concerns about fasting he writesSeveral people have asked me

    在一節解決關於禁食的問題 他寫道:“有幾個人問過我

  • if it would not be better for them to eat very lightly instead of fasting, or to content

    如果吃它們不會更好 非常輕鬆而不是禁食或內容

  • themselves with fasts of two or three days at frequent intervals.

    他們自己有兩三天的禁食 經常間隔。

  • My reply to that is that I find it very much harder to do that, because all the trouble

    我對此的回答是我發現它非常多 更難做到這一點,因為所有的麻煩

  • in the fast occurs during the first two or three days.

    在快速發生的前兩個或 三天。

  • It is during those days that you are hungry.”


  • Then he says: “...perhaps, it might be a good thing to eat very lightly of fruit, instead

    然後他說:“也許,它可能是一個 相反,吃水果非常輕鬆的好事

  • of taking an absolute fast-the only trouble is that I cannot do it.

    採取絕對快速 - 唯一的麻煩 是我不能這樣做。

  • Again and again I have tried, but always with the same result: the light meals are just

    我一次又一次地嘗試過,但總是如此 同樣的結果:便餐只是

  • enough to keep me ravenously hungry...”


  • In the book he says you will know when you should finish fasting, because your hunger

    在書中他說你會知道什麼時候你 應該完成禁食,因為你的飢餓感

  • willreturn.”


  • He quotes a letter he received from a 72 year old man sayingAfter fasting twenty-eight

    他引用了他72年來收到的一封信 老人說“禁食二十八歲後

  • days I began to be hungry, and broke my fast with a little grape juice, followed the next

    天我開始餓了,打破了我的禁食 用一點葡萄汁,接下來

  • day with tomatoes, and later with vegetable soup.

    西紅柿的一天,後來的蔬菜 湯。

  • He quotes several other letters he received from readers and this disappearance and reappearance

    他引用了他收到的其他幾封信 來自讀者和這種消失和再現

  • of hunger is a common theme.


  • Everyone who wrote to him fasted for at least 10 days, saying they only broke their fast

    寫信給他的每個人至少都禁食 10天,說他們只是打破了他們的禁食

  • when hungerreturned.”


  • This phenomenon runs contrary to the idea one would get hungrier and hungrier as long

    這種現象與這個想法背道而馳 一個人會感到飢餓和飢餓

  • as they don't eat.


  • However, most people have experienced for themselves that this is not the case.

    但是,大多數人都經歷過 他們自己並非如此。

  • Some will find that they are not hungry at all in the morning or at least they are not

    有些人會發現他們並不餓 所有在早上或至少他們不是

  • as hungry as they are for lunch or dinner.


  • But unless you are eating in your sleep, the morning is when you have gone the longest

    但除非你在睡夢中吃東西,否則 早上是你走的時間最長的

  • without food.


  • Some of this can be explained by the hormone Ghrelin.

    其中一些可以用激素來解釋 生長素。

  • Ghrelin, known as thehunger hormonehas been found to increase appetite and weight

    Ghrelin,被稱為“飢餓激素” 已被發現增加食慾和體重

  • gain.


  • A study at the Medical University of Vienna looked at patients participating in a 33 hour fast.

    維也納醫科大學的一項研究,觀察病人禁食 33 小時。

  • Their ghrelin levels were checked every 20 minutes.

    他們的生長素釋放肽水平每20次檢查一次 分鐘。

  • Here's how the levels changed over time.


  • What's interesting is ghrelin is lowest at 9:00AM, which is when they have gone the

    有趣的是,ghrelin是最低的 在上午9點,這是他們已經離開了

  • longest without eating.


  • And, Ghrelin comes in waves and overall doesn't rise during the period the subjects were fasting.

    並且,Ghrelin來自波浪,而整體則沒有 在受試者禁食期間上升。

  • Then, As you can see, ghrelin rises in sync with normal lunch and dinner times, as if

    然後,正如你所看到的,ghrelin同步上升 正常的午餐和晚餐時間,好像

  • the body had learned to expect food at that time.

    身體已經學會了期待食物 時間。

  • However, that ghrelin rise spontaneously decreases after 2 hours without food.

    然而,ghrelin上升自發地減少 2小時後沒有食物。

  • I've experienced this kind of spontaneous decrease in hunger myself many times when

    我經歷過這種自發的 當我自己多次減少飢餓時

  • I was working as a consultant.


  • Lunch time would come and I would be hungry, but I was too busy to eat so I just kept working.

    午餐時間到了,我會餓, 但我太忙了,所以我只是繼續工作。

  • Pretty quickly I forgot about eating and wasn't particularly hungry until dinner time.

    我很快忘了吃東西而不是 特別餓到晚餐時間。

  • This is very helpful to keep in mind if you're doing a long fast or even if you're starting

    如果你這樣做,請記住這一點非常有幫助 做得很快或即使你正在開始

  • intermittent fasting - you're going to get annoying waves of hunger, especially around

    間歇性禁食 - 你會得到的 惱人的飢餓浪潮,特別是周圍

  • the times that you usually eat.


  • But, it won't get worse, the hunger will simply go away if you are patient.

    但是,它不會變得更糟,飢餓會 如果你有耐心,就去吧。

  • Another study concerning ghrelin was done at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark and

    關於ghrelin的另一項研究已經完成 丹麥奧胡斯大學醫院

  • it shows what happens if you do a longer fast.


  • They looked at the ghrelin levels of 33 subjects who fasted for 84 hours.

    他們研究了33名受試者的ghrelin水平 誰禁食84小時。

  • So, did they get increasingly hungrier throughout the fasting period?

    所以,他們在整個過程中變得越來越飢餓 禁食期?

  • Well, No.


  • Their ghrelin followed similar rhythms each day but actually decreased the longer they

    他們的ghrelin每個都遵循相似的節奏 但實際上減少的時間越長

  • fasted.


  • Going longer without food actually made them less hungry.

    沒有食物的時間更長實際上是他們 不那麼餓了。

  • This gives credence to what Upton Sinclair and his readers said about hunger disappearing

    這讓人相信厄普頓辛克萊 他的讀者說飢餓消失了

  • after the first 3 days of fasting.


  • I've done a couple 5 and 6 day fasts in the past myself and this was indeed the case.

    我已經完成了5天和6天的禁食 過去我自己也是如此。

  • Actually, I did a 4 day fast last week and again the 4th day was when I had the least

    實際上,我上​​週快了4天 第四天是我最少的時候

  • hunger.


  • Another thing that may be contributing to this phenomenon is that you are entering ketosis.

    另一件可能有助於此事的事情 這種現像是你進入酮症。

  • Ketosis is a physiological state where your metabolism switches to using primarily fat

    酮症是一種生理狀態,你的 新陳代謝轉向主要使用脂肪

  • for energy.


  • For this reason ketosis is popular as a weight loss method, but it has many other benefits

    因此,酮症作為體重很受歡迎 損失方法,但它有許多其他好處

  • including better physical and mental efficiency.


  • Ketosis occurs when you restrict carbohydrates down to 50 grams or less and you don't eat

    當你限制碳水化合物時會發生酮症 低至50克或更少,你不吃

  • too much protein.


  • Everyone's body is a bit different so you might have to eat even less carbohydrate or

    每個人的身體都有點不同所以你 可能不得不吃更少的碳水化合物或

  • may have room for more, but the recommended ratio of a ketogenic diet is to get 5% of

    可能有更多的空間,但建議 生酮飲食的比例為5%

  • your calories from carbs, 25% from protein and 75% from good fat.

    來自碳水化合物的卡路里,25%來自蛋白質 75%來自好脂肪。

  • A simpler way to enter ketosis is just don't eat anything for a long enough time.

    進入酮症的一種更簡單的方法就是不這樣做 吃了足夠長的時間。

  • This is one of the major points in the difference between fasting and caloric restriction.

    這是差異的主要觀點之一 禁食和熱量限制之間。

  • The problem with the subjects in the Minnesota Starvation experiment was that they were eating

    明尼蘇達州的主題問題 飢餓實驗是他們正在吃東西

  • just enough to keep them out ketosis and keep their metabolism primed for burning carbohydrate

    足以使他們遠離酮症並保持 他們的新陳代謝準備燃燒碳水化合物

  • (glucose), so they couldn't use their body fat for energy.

    (葡萄糖),所以他們不能使用他們的身體 脂肪為能量。

  • This explains a lot of things like why they were losing their strength and were very sluggish

    這解釋了許多事情,比如他們為什麼 他們失去了力量,而且非常遲鈍

  • and cold.


  • It also clears up why Upton Sinclair said fruit or light meals were just enough to keep

    它也清除了厄普頓辛克萊說的原因 水果或便餐就足夠了

  • him ravenously hungry and far weaker than if he had just eaten nothing.

    他貪得無厭,遠遠弱於 如果他什麼都沒吃。

  • As I explained in my last video, insulin is necessary for glucose to get into the cell

    正如我在上一個視頻中所解釋的,胰島素是 葡萄糖進入細胞所必需的

  • to be used for energy.


  • When you eat carbohydrates, the pancreas secretes insulin to deal with it and too much insulin

    當你吃碳水化合物時,胰腺會分泌 胰島素來處理它和過多的胰島素

  • hampers the action of something called hormone sensitive lipase which is necessary to mobilize

    阻礙激素的作用 動員必需的敏感脂肪酶

  • fat and use it for fuel.


  • Though, keep in mind that grains or refined carbohydrates will provoke a much higher insulin

    雖然,請記住穀物或精製 碳水化合物會激發更高的胰島素

  • response than say green vegetables.


  • Now because the body is having a hard time using its fat for fuel, it will do a couple

    現在因為身體很難受 使用它的脂肪作為燃料,它會做幾個

  • things: One, it will simply slow down metabolism to preserve energy.

    事情:一,它會簡單地減緩新陳代謝 保護能量。

  • In the Minnesota Starvation experiment, the subjects metabolism dropped by 40 percent.

    在明尼蘇達州的Starvation實驗中, 受試者的新陳代謝下降了40%。

  • Their bodies didn't have access to its stored energy, and their restricted calorie diets

    他們的屍體無法存放 能量和他們限制卡路里的飲食

  • don't provide much fuel so there's no choice but to slow down the metabolism.

    不提供太多燃料,所以沒有 選擇但要減緩新陳代謝。

  • Ironically, in the case of fasting, as Jason Fung points out - metabolism actually goes

    具有諷刺意味的是,在禁食的情況下,就像傑森一樣 馮指出 - 新陳代謝實際上是如此

  • up.


  • "If you don't do anything about your insulin and just reduce your calories, your metabolism

    “如果你對胰島素沒有任何反應 只是減少你的卡路里,新陳代謝

  • goes down.


  • But what happens during fasting?


  • Well, here's a study of 4 consecutive days of fasting.

    好吧,這是連續4天的研究 禁食

  • What happens to your REE - this is this middle line here, that's the resting energy expenditure.

    您的REE會發生什麼 - 這是中間的 在這裡,這是靜止的能量消耗。

  • It doesn't go down, it goes up.


  • You're burning more energy than you did."


  • The other thing the body will do when it can't use fat for fuel is break down muscle into

    當它不能時,身體會做的另一件事 使用脂肪作為燃料是將肌肉分解成的

  • glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis.


  • The body doesn't want do this too much because it's not very smart to completely eat through

    身體不希望這樣做太多,因為 吃完全並不是很聰明

  • something as important as muscle, but when it can't access its own stored energy it's

    像肌肉一樣重要的東西,但什麼時候 它無法訪問自己存儲的能量

  • more likely to resort to this.


  • This is why you'll experience more muscle loss on caloric restriction than if you ate

    這就是為什麼你會體驗到更多的肌肉 卡路里限制的損失比你吃的時候要多

  • nothing.


  • When you are fasting, Human Growth Hormone is released.

    當你禁食時,人類生長激素 被釋放。

  • As the name implies, Human Growth Hormone is an anabolic hormone - a hormone conducive

    顧名思義,人類生長激素 是一種合成代謝激素 - 一種有益的激素

  • to growth.


  • In Leningher's Principles of Biochemistry textbook they give the example of how injecting

    在Leningher的生物化學原理 他們給出了教科書如何注射的例子

  • the human growth hormone gene into a mouse makes it unusually large.

    將人體生長激素基因轉化為小鼠 使它異常大。

  • As explained in Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology: "...growth hormone also mobilizes

    正如蓋頓的醫學教科書中所解釋的那樣 生理學:“......生長激素也動員起來

  • large quantities of free fatty acids from the adipose tissue, and these in turn are

    來自的大量游離脂肪酸 脂肪組織,這些依次是

  • used to supply most of the energy for the body cells, thus acting as a potent "protein

    過去常常供給大部分能源 體細胞,因此充當有效的“蛋白質

  • sparer."


  • "That is human growth hormone is protecting your muscles from breaking down.

    “那就是人體生長激素正在保護 你的肌肉從崩潰。

  • The study I referred to earlier about subjects undergoing an 84 hour fast shows that growth

    我之前提到的關於受試者的研究 經歷了84小時的快速表明增長

  • hormone rises significantly after the second day of fasting.

    激素在第二次後顯著上升 禁食日。

  • As mentioned earlier, you should enter ketosis sometime within the first 3 days or so of

    如前所述,你應該輸入酮症 在前3天左右的某個時間

  • fasting, and it depends on how much you are moving around and what your diet was like

    禁食,這取決於你有多少 四處走動,你的飲食是什麼樣的

  • before starting the fast.


  • The state of ketosis is a great indicator that your body is making good use of its stored

    酮症狀態是一個很好的指標 你的身體正在充分利用它的存儲

  • body fat for energy.


  • In Tim Ferriss' bookTools of Titans,” Tim talks about his first clinically supervised

    在蒂姆費里斯的書“泰坦工具”中 蒂姆談到他的第一個臨床監督

  • 7 day fast.


  • For some sort of liability reasons, he wasn't allowed to exercise or leave the facility.

    出於某種責任原因,他不是 允許運動或離開設施。

  • Considering exercise is a potent stimulator of human growth hormone and will help deplete

    考慮鍛煉是一種有力的刺激因素 人體生長激素,將有助於消耗

  • glucose stores, not getting any exercise is a great way to prevent yourself from getting

    葡萄糖儲存,沒有做任何運動 一個防止自己得到的好方法

  • into ketosis during a fast.


  • It's also a great way to lose muscle.


  • Tim says he lost 12 pounds of muscle during the overly restrictive clinically supervised

    蒂姆說他在期間減掉了12磅的肌肉 過度限制性的臨床監督

  • 7 day fast.


  • But, when following a protocol designed to get him into ketosis as soon as possible - involving

    但是,遵循旨在設計的協議 盡快讓他進入酮症 - 涉及

  • things like 4 hours of brisk walking, he did a ten day fast and apparently lost zero muscle

    他做了4小時快走的事情 十天快速,顯然失去了零肌肉

  • mass.


  • One last factor in Ketosis preserving muscle is leucine.

    Ketosis保留肌肉的最後一個因素 是亮氨酸。

  • When you're in ketosis, you have a higher fasting blood leucine level.

    當你患有酮症時,你會更高 空腹血液亮氨酸水平。

  • And leucine is a key branch chain amino acid that has an anabolic effect on the body so

    而亮氨酸是一種關鍵的分支鏈氨基酸 這對身體有一種合成代謝作用

  • it preserves lean body mass.


  • A lot of people interested in building muscle may be worried that fasting or a ketogenic

    很多人對建立肌肉感興趣 可能擔心禁食或生酮

  • diet wouldn't work for them because insulin and therefore carbohydrates are necessary

    因為胰島素,飲食不適合他們 因此碳水化合物是必要的

  • for protein synthesis (i.e. muscle growth), but actually this leucine fills that role

    用於蛋白質合成(即肌肉生長), 但實際上這種亮氨酸填補了這個角色

  • and is a good trigger for protein synthesis.


  • So, just to sum all this up: compared to a conventional calorie restricted diet, fasting

    所以,只需將所有這些加起來:與a相比 常規卡路里限制飲食,禁食

  • means you lose more weight in the form of fat, you keep more muscle, you have more energy,

    意味著你以減肥的形式減掉更多的重量 脂肪,你保持更多的肌肉,你有更多的能量,

  • and you are less hungry . If proper weight loss is your goal, it might be better to eat

    你不那麼餓了。如果適當的重量 失敗是你的目標,吃東西可能更好

  • nothing at all rather than eating a conventional low calorie diet.

    什麼都沒有,而不是吃傳統的 低卡路里飲食。

"Breakfast of champions."


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