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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Proverbs 63.
The proverb today is 'beauty is only skin deep. '
Okay. let's take a look at the note here.
The proverb was first discovered in a
work by Sir Thomas Overbury in 1613.
So it was one of the books that he wrote.
The original wording was 'all the carnal beauty
of my wife is but skin deep. '
All right. All the carnal.
Carnal means you know , especially to do
with flesh and especially to doing it
with the sense of like sexual desire of flesh.
So all the carnal beauty of my wife is but
skin deep or you know, is but only skin deep.
Meaning that deep down, she's not a very
deep person. Her inside,
she doesn't really have inner beauty
which we sometimes talk about when this term
you know, anytime we say something
is superficial or something, it's only
skin deep.
So most of her beauty is just on the outside.
That's what he's saying. Okay. Let's
continue. The main present-day meaning of
this proverb is that beauty is
superficial again only on the outside,
not deep or sometimes it could be used
to say anything is superficial. Okay. We
also use it a lot to emphasize a
person's character is more important. The
character inside them. You know, are they
a good person ? Are they a moral person?
That's what we mean by their. you know,
their character Their , their real
personality. Deep down inside. That's more
important than just the, just the outside.
Okay. Let's take a look at the first example here.
In the movie, Shallow Hal,
Yeah. That's going back a while now. It must
be about 15 years old, but uh it was a
very funny movie if you've never seen it,
but anyway. Let's continue. In the movie,
Shallow Hal with Jack Black,
he played Hal and Gwyneth Paltrow, she
ends up playing the main girlfriend. The
main character Hal learns the lesson
that beauty is only skin-deep. Yeah I
don't know if you ever seen this movie
where the character Hal supposedly the
movie begins where his father is dying
and you know the father tells Hal don't
ever settle for second best. Only go for
the best. So, so his whole life he only
tried to get women that were very
beautiful on the outside, very
superficial in this sense. So that's why
it's called Shallow Hal. We say people are
shallow we also mean they are kind of
superficial , and of course he didn't have
a lot of luck because he himself was not
the most attractive guy, and he was only
trying to get women that were like model
material. But of course one day, he gets stuck
in an elevator, and one, one of the
inspirational speakers kind of
hypnotizes him. So that he will only see
inner beauty and of course this is when
he finds the woman he falls in love with.
Which is played by Gwyneth Paltrow who
is a beautiful actress, but in the movie
she wore this big huge fat suit. So she
was really fat, but of course when he
first met her, he's seeing her as a very
beautiful woman. But you know later on in
the movie you know he gets the spell
sort of knocked off, and but he already
fell in love with the person she was
inside. So that was really the whole
theme of this movie. And that's what he
ends up learning.That you know, beauty is
only skin-deep, and he really loved her
for them the good person she was. All right.
Let's continue. Example number two. Don't
marry a woman only for her looks. Only
for her outside appearance. Remember,
beauty is only skin-deep. So this is
exactly the way we would use this. Okay.
Anyway, I hope it's clear. I hope you got it. Thank you for your time. Bye bye.