It's stilljustkindofoneofthosecalmingmomentsthat I gettohaveand I reallyenjoythecompany.
So, I havethepressday, which I do a bunchofdifferentstopswith a bunchofdifferentpeople.
And I gototheevent, whichisoneofmyfavoritepartsjustbecauseit's moreVictoria's Secretfamily, andthenthat's probablywhyit's oneofmyfavoritepartsoftheevening.
So, whilewe'regettingready I usuallyplaymusicjustbecauseit's pregame.
Kindagetsyouinthemood, thevibe.
I liketolistentohip-hoporsomething a littlemoreupbeatbecause I'm goingtobearound a lotofpeople, talking a lot, and I wannamakesurethatmyenergyisintherightplace.
So I lovetoplaylikeRihannaorBeyonceorDrakeorsomethingfunthat I love.
I alsoloveArianaGrande.
I thinkshe's reallycool.
AndSelenaGomez, I'm obsessedwithher.
Yeah, itvaries, butthosearesomeofmyfavorites.
Okay, sonow I'm gonnagetdressed.
I kindofhaveanideawhat I want, so I'm gonnagrabthem.
Thisjacket, theseleatherpants.
It's kindawhat I'm thinking.
It's kindof a coolvibe.
Alright, timetogetready.
Alright, finishingtouches.
A littlebitoffragrance.
I'm onmyway.
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