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  • Hello and welcome back.

  • I'm Joseph Hoffman. Today we're learning how to play the chorus of the hit song

  • from Frozen, "Let it Go."

  • Let's come to the piano to get started. All right, for "Let it Go,"

  • we're going to place our right hand finger one on G and so we'll be in the G

  • major pentascale, and the chorus starts on A with finger two, so what I'd like you

  • to do on your piano, go ahead and put your hand here, and we'll take turns. I'll

  • play a little bit, and then you play it back.

  • The first phrase, and I'll sing the letter names rather than the lyrics just to

  • kind of help out.

  • So we start off with ♫ A B C ♫

  • these first three notes of, "Let it Go," yes, are, ♫ ABCfirst three letters of the alphabet.

  • Now you try that on your own starting with finger two, good, now let's try it with

  • the lyrics.

  • Let it goNow your turn.

  • Good.

  • The next three notes are ♫ G G D ♫ or in finger numbers that would be 1, 1, 5. Now your turn.

  • Good, now let's try it with lyrics.

  • Let it goYour turn.

  • Now let's try to put those two phrases together, so we had, ♫ Let it go, let it go

  • Now you try.

  • Good. Next we're going to start on finger four and then skip down to finger two like this.

  • don't ♫ Excuse me, Mr. Hoffman?

  • Yes, Princess? I believe the correct word here is "can't."

  • Oh, yes, I believe you're right but I actually prefer to say don't, do you mind

  • if I just use don't instead?

  • Wow, it's not correct, but I suppose if you really want to.

  • Thanks, Princess. Sure thing! Bye!

  • It's one word, but actually two notes,

  • don't ♫

  • finger four to finger two. Now you try.

  • Good, then we're going to repeat on A with finger two,

  • hold it back

  • and then we step up forany more

  • See how I went stepping up right there? So putting that all together we have,

  • don't hold it back any more

  • Now you try.

  • Good. Now listen to everything this far. We're going to start on A, for

  • Let it gothat steps up, then we come down to finger one.

  • let it goand it skips all the way up to finger five, then we have,

  • Don't hold it back anymore

  • Good, now, before we go on I'd like you to press pause and just practice that four or

  • five times until you're really confident, and then press play to learn the next part.

  • All right, you're ready for more "Let it Go."

  • So the next phrase actually starts off the same way that we start off before. We

  • We have anotherLet it gojust stepping up,

  • ♫ A B C ♫

  • So you try that. Good. Now, here things get a little bit tricky. Now we're going to

  • haveLet it go-o ♫

  • Okay, it's starting to get more exciting here. So we start off on a G with finger

  • one, and then we need an E which is outside of our finger position, so we're

  • going to shift our fingers up one note. We havelet it go-o ♫

  • So play ♫ 1 5 5 4 ♫ and the notes are

  • ♫ G E E D ♫

  • Now you try that. Good. So, putting those two let it goes together, we have

  • Let it go, let it go

  • Now you try.

  • Good, now when we get to that point and we've gone that far, that we just played

  • Let it go-o ♫

  • Now we're going to shift all of our fingers up here to the C pentascale, so

  • now finger 1 is on C for "turn away and slam the door" and on "turn away" we step up

  • three notes, ♫ Turn away

  • So try that. Put your hand up here in the C position and play

  • Turn awayYour turn.

  • Good and then after that we repeat E

  • and

  • and then slammed the door we're going to step up to F and

  • then step right back down to C like this

  • slam the

  • Watch that again. We start on finger 4 and just step down,

  • slam theand then for door

  • we just godoor

  • ♫ D C ♫ So watch it all together.

  • slam the door

  • Now you try.

  • Good, now let's put it all together for turn away and slam the door.

  • Turn away and slam the door

  • Now you try.

  • Good, let's go back and put all of these parts together.

  • So watch me once, I'm back in the G major pentascale, so starting with finger two,

  • on A, we hadLet it go

  • let it go

  • Shift to C position, ♫ turn away

  • and slam the door

  • Now you try. Press pause and put all of those pieces together, then press play

  • when you're ready to go on.

  • Remember that we ended that section in the C major pentascale and we're going

  • to stay there for this next part, where Elsa sings, "I don't care,"

  • and for this we go all the way up to G, skip down to E, then step down to D and

  • that makes, I don't care.

  • ♫ I don't careNow you try.

  • Good, now the next two notes arewhat they'retwo repeated notes on C, and then it

  • goes back to G, ♫ going toskip down to E, thensayskips all the way down to C

  • this time, so we have two skips downgoing to say

  • So watch that whole phrase. We start on C ♫ What they're going to say

  • Now you try.

  • Good. Now let's connect that with I don't care.

  • So remember, we start off on G here. My turn.

  • ♫ I don't care what they're going to say

  • Now press pause and try that on your own

  • three times, then press play when you're ready to learn the end of the chorus.

  • All right, so we just finished in this position. Now for let the storm rage on

  • we're going to shift back to the G position and then we begin on finger four.

  • Let the stormSo "let the" repeats on C then steps down to B ♫ Let the storm

  • then it skips down to G ♫ rage onwatch that one more time.

  • Let the storm rage on

  • Good, now for the last part, "the cold never bothered me anyway."

  • come down to C position.

  • I'm here in middle C position and again we start on finger four.

  • The cold never bothered me anyway

  • So basically the whole time you're going back and forth between F and E with a

  • lot of repeats on F throughout. Watch it one more time.

  • The cold never bothered me anyway

  • And then you end on a skip down, from E down to C. I recommend you just kind of

  • figure this out by ear. Kind of listen to when it sounds like the voice goes

  • down, and that's when you go down to the E.

  • Listen to it one more time, ♫ the cold never

  • It's on never that it steps down, ♫ the cold neverand then on bothered it also

  • goesbothered

  • so it's never and bothered when you step down to E. All the other times you're

  • playing an F.

  • The cold never bothered me anyway

  • Well, I guess, also at the end there, anyway, you also come down to E, and

  • then skip down to C.

  • Ok, watch it one more time.

  • The cold never bothered me anyway

  • Now you try.

  • All right.

  • Now you have all the pieces to the chorus, it's just time to practice and

  • put all of that together. Right now I'll show you what it's going to sound like

  • all the way through.

  • If you've already been practicing on your own you can try playing along with me.

  • Remember, you can pause and practice as much as you need on your own, and you can

  • rewind try as many times as you need.

  • So if you're ready to try it with me we're going to place our hand in the G

  • major pentascale. Your first note is finger two on A. I'm going to add in some

  • chords in the left hand to make it sound extra cool, but for now you can just

  • worry about the right hand. In the next lesson I'll show you how to do the

  • chords. I'll count one two three and then you'll start.

  • Ok, this is it for real now. Here we go. One, two, three,

  • Let it go, let it go

  • don't hold it back anymore

  • Let it go, let it go

  • Turn away and slam the door

  • ♫ I don't care what they're going to say

  • Let the storm rage on

  • the cold never bothered me anyway

  • Nice work learning how to play the chorus of let it go.

  • In my next lesson on let it go i'll show you how to add the chords in the left

  • hand if you're ready for a big challenge, but playing just the melody is fun too.

  • All right all you Elsa fans out there, I hope you have lots of fun playing "Let it Go."

  • Stay warm and see you next time.

  • Hey, Princess.

  • Where are you going? Oh, I'm off to a birthday party.

  • Really? Who's party? Queen Elsa.

  • You mean the Queen Elsa, the one from Frozen?

  • That very one. Wow, well,

  • just a word of advice, you might not want to give her that balloon.

  • Really? Why? Well, because she'll just let it go.

  • Oh Scuba! ♫ Let it go, let it go

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讓它去(冰雪奇緣)--簡易鋼琴教程--霍夫曼學院 (Let it Go (Frozen) - Easy Piano Tutorial - Hoffman Academy)

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    Nancy Liang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary