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um... i'm gonna go ahead and get started and uh...
those of you were here last week and i know several of you were um the goal then was to
do the first part of uh... organizing your study time to have people think if they're
too busy or not if they've taken on too much
to learn how to know what's coming uh...
all of that so today we have two more questions for me to try to help you answer for yourself
do i know how to set up a successful daily schedule and do i know how to avoid procrastination
for some people this
is really serious a serious problem other people not as much
this is an interesting one for everyone so this is what we're gonna start with and
by a uh... daily schedule this
is what i'm talking about ok this has the entire week
everyday sunday through saturday from six in the morning till midnight it has a place
at the bottom for the class schedule so this is what i'm gonna be referring to for about
the next twenty minutes or so and
you have to help me with this
my goal at the end of the workshop is to give everybody one of these so that you can
use it hopefully the way that i teach you today and some people even actually use this
as a master and they make several copies so sometimes when the workshop is over i'm trying
to get you out
i'm trying to get out
and i forget so just say hey
if i forget and i'll make sure you get one i got a plenty of these for you alright
so uh...
here's the uh... the first idea when it comes to setting up a successful daily schedule
some people like schedules and like filling in boxes other people don't
even those people who don't like
this idea
you learn the way that i show you how to do this
it may not convert you to somebody who uses one of these everyday but hopefully it'll
help you get some ideas that you can use and sort of customize
to your own way of doing things
um... the one thing that i wanted to say first sort of to introduce this is that whether
you have ever actually used something like this before not everybody sort of knows how
to use it you just put in your life in the boxes and all that but
most people don't know
a really good successful way to use it and so that's what i'm gonna try to show you today
um a lot of people have a negative attitude toward this
and so uh...
and by the way some people make me nervous
i guess i'm more of a schedule person but people just say uh... i say how do you decide
your schedule and all that they i just wake up in the morning
just sort of see where the day takes me
so they just sort of make it up as they go along uh... that's nice but sometimes you
have a lot of specific things you have to do at scheduled times during the day so you
have to kind of come up with a balance so a lot of people look at a schedule like
this and their first reaction is i would never want to do one of these and i say why and
some people say
well because it would suck all the fun out of life
because the idea is that you fill out every box every day and then you have to follow
it and
that sounds awful to me too uh... people say i can't just do anything on the spur of the
moment when i feel like it 'cause it's all programed or planed well that's not my design
with this at all because that doesn't work
and you can kind of figure that out
does life
always fit according to plans
no some people in here and i don't know you well enough but some people in here have a
life that's kind of
predictable and steady
and then others of you
you have no idea what's around the next corner because of
family issues or whatever else it is so i'm not going to try to turn anyone in here
into a slave of a schedule where you have to follow it around everyday trying to figure
out what to do
but i'm gonna show you some things that have really helped students to get a lot more done
make their study time work a lot better for them and it's all based on this ok so the
first thing
is for me to jot down something and just talk to you about it for a couple of minutes and that
uh... when a person is faced with a blank time management schedule and they're going
to start plugging in their life in the boxes
there's a certain order
that seems to help students really get a lot of use out of this
and it's not just any random order for putting things on there is an exact order
so this is what i wanna show you first it's really simple concept
and that is
i ask people what's the first thing you would think of to put on the schedule people say
well my class schedule
i say what else well my work hours
what else family time
all those things would need to go on there
but that's never the first thing i suggest so here's one that might surprise you
that's what goes on their first
okay and the reason that this is important is because for mental health
to have balance
i don't know if there's anyone in here like this and you don't have to raise your hand
if this is you but some people when i say this you need to
allow for fun
some people say what's that
i don't have time for that
i'll do that during the vacation they're just like really hard driven
other people
that's never a problem
i have some people who have fun
every second of every day
they hardly ever do anything they're supposed to do but they have so much fun so it's a
balance between the two
and so fun activities i'm going to give you an example of the this in a minute
uh... next
and i'm not gonna write all of these down but i'll say a uh... everything else
okay so all the things you would think that would need to go on a time management schedule
class time
work time family time social time
any other thing that you do that is our regular same day same time every week all of that
would go on there
the orders not that important
and then
this is a strange statement coming from me for sure
the last thing that you should put on a time management schedule for sure
is this
study time
and that seems like a really strange idea coming from me because i teach
study skills
and some people have said shouldn't it be
this way you know if you have a little time for fun throw it in there but if not
study twenty four hours a day
you'll go crazy if you try to study too much you have to have balance
why would you put study time on the schedule last it doesn't seem to make sense but that's
what i want to show you so i'm gonna give you the first of a couple of handouts today
this is a sample
schedule that's been partially filled out by a student and i wanna show you a couple of
things on here first and then get to the details of why it's helpful to put study time on last
this is uh... a pretty long teaching actually uh... so i'm gonna just sort of hit some highlights
wish i could get into more detail but no time for that
uh... if you could pass the rest back.. i think i gave you enough hope
here's some extras
okay i think that works
okay uh... here ya go
okay so i want you to look first at the bottom of the page and i want you to notice this
student whose life we're gonna look at for a few minutes they have a pretty busy school
schedule they have general business class history english and math and
no matter how long you've been in college
you know that every one of those classes is going require a lot of work lot of homework lot of reading
ecetera next to that the days and times that the classes meet than the total
hours in class means per week
so three hours ecetera and then the study hours needed is based on something i taught
last week which again is that times two formula that you kind of estimating how many hours
you need to study this person
as a result of all this is in class twelve hours a week
they're gonna plan to study twenty four hours a week and they also work twenty five hours
a week
so that's a busy person
when we look up into the schedule we see
some fun activities anybody see a fun activity
besides sleep
yeah out with friends on friday night
and then there's some tv
kind of scattered in there
uh... are they going to have more fun than that during the week
probably but these are the ones that they're setting aside so that they can do them and
relax and not feel guilty
cuz you always have something to do for school you always have a chapter to read or something
else but
you need to get away from it for a little periods of time uh...
class time is listed here
work time
fam some family time some social time so it's kind of like what i described up here
what's missing
what is their none of
yeah study time and
this person if you just kind of glance at this looks like they're kind of busy
but you see a lot of open boxes scattered all around those are all possible study hours
are they gonna study every one of those no
but they're available okay and so this brings me to the first reason why it's usually very
helpful to put study time on last when you look at your life the best that you know it
and let's say that this is your life for right now you look at this and you see the open
boxes scattered throughout the day
in the evening
and this brings up an important question or an important consideration
that a lot of people never think of and i wanna talk about this for just a few minutes
uh... it has to do with this
best time of day
and so uh... i'm actually going to take a quick survey of uh... everybody here 'cause
it's always interesting for me to see this
uh... the question is during what period of the day usually
do you have the most energy
you're the most wide awake you're able to concentrate the best i'm gonna give you four choices even
though the none of these might work exactly for u one would be
from eight to twelve in the morning
twelve to four
four to eight
and then eight o'clock to midnight
so how many of you would feel like the morning time is when you're at your very best the
most energy one two three four five six eight
how about twelve to four
it's almost everybody four to eight
got one and how about eight to twelve at night
one that's interesting
your an interesting group
sometimes this is the highest group sometimes it's blended whatever but
everybody here has a body clock that works differently than everybody else
and some of you
when you first wake up about ten minutes or twenty minutes after you're awake
you're awake
and you're the best you're going to be all day and a person who's a morning person
i always say that they're great here they're good here
they're ok here
and by about nine o'clock at night
one eyes closing and they're just dying okay
person who is a night person
takes a long long time to get going and then they're alive here and everybody else is just
sort of different so what does this have to do with studying well
when would be the smartest time for any student to study
yeah when they have more energy which means their best time of the day
though everybody who raised your hand for this one
or for this one whatever
uh... the uh... as much as you can within reason you should try to study during that
time during your best time of the day
when do most people study
at their best time of the day and my one example just so you understand uh... with this
is i've talked to students before and i've said this when do you do most of your studying
this semester and they say we usually around ten o'clock eleven o'clock at night maybe
an i say oh so you're real night person right
and they say me i'm...
a morning person
so i say well why are you
studying late at night
and they usually say that's when everybody's asleep
i'm done with everything else i need to do
so now i can study
well that sort of sounds okay
but the problem is
i asked them when you study and you read your text books late at night
and remember it's a morning person
late at night
do you remember what you read
and their answer i never understand this
they don't just say no they say this
no but i read it though
and they're just like really proud of themselves
but the problem is
they close the book and go go to bed
it's like a huge eraser
just goes away and they have no idea so the next day or the next day after that what do they
have to do
read the whole thing over again if you're a busy person you know don't want to have to read
every chapter in your text books three or four or five times
you almost don't have time for that so would be good to get a lot of it the first time
and then just go back and review and kind of get it settled well uh... what happens
if a person can't study
when they're at their best
for example
those of you who raised your hand here
maybe you're in class
from eight to twelve
it's good to be awake when you're in class too so that's okay
but if you can't study during this time then what do you do
well then you ask yourself out of the rest of the other three what's your second best
time of the day
and try to study then ok when should you never study
yeah your worst time of the day whenever that is for you and it could be here it could be
and so you're trying as much as you can and again if you look at this
schedule after you filled it out partially
like a jigsaw puzzle with all these pieces you see some open boxes here here here
and you just stop and say when's my best time of the day and if it's like from four to eight
then you say okay where some hours that i can put in for studying during that time
that's kind of the thinking
most people
don't do that
they just study whenever
and again i talk to people all the time and i say when do you normally study and they
say oh when i feel like it
that scares me
more than any statement any student can ever make is how often are you actually gonna feel
like studying just kind of keep it
drifting away
you do this which we're going to talk about in a few minutes
so that's one and one other little idea about that that i should mention too
um... let's say that this is your schedule right here
if you can't study
all or most of your subjects during your best time of the day
which one would be the most important to study during that period when you're at your best
and the answer to that one is
your hardest class or your most boring one
because hard classes
are hard
so they take all your energy and boring classes
are boring
so they take all your energy too
and uh... i always tell this to students to if anybody here has one class this semester
that's both
of those
goodluck it's the hardest and the most boring that's that the worst combination ever but
if you have that you just need to say look
i'm best between four and eight p_m_
math is my hardest subject or most boring or both i've got a schedule some study time
for math during that time it doesn't always work perfectly but it's just thinking that
way most people just never even think that way at all
okay and then the other idea that i want to give you
off of this sheet among many that i could give
is uh... what to do bring a break
between classes
um... students are really funny with this when i ask them uh...
what do you have going on today they say well i have a class that goes from eight to nine
fifteen am
say is that it they say no i have another one at noon
so they have like this two hour gap or two-and-a-half-hour gap and they're always so unhappy
because they figure they messed up their schedule because you don't have a break what a waste
but actually having breaks between classes is a really good thing if you can do it
so want you to look at this schedule
i'm gonna do a really short version of this but i just want you to get the idea if you
look at monday morning
this student has a general business class that goes from eight to nine thirty
and then they have a history class at eleven so that means they have an hour and a half
from nine thirty to eleven off
what are they gonna do during that hour and a half will they could do
whatever right
uh... if they live across the street they can go home but most people they're just sort
of stuck here and they're thinking
okay let's see is the cafeteria open or whatever they try to figure out what to do
so what i want to do and again this is just uh...
kind of a quick example of this
i'm going to break the hour and a half into three half-hour
and ask you a question
okay and that is this person in the morning
has their business class than they have history
so business here
history here
what are they gonna do during these half-hour's well again anything they want but there's
something that i have in mind that hopefully you'll kind of understand as being logical
what would be the best thing for this student to do right here in this half hour no other
time but right here
um i heard three answers
they were all interesting
uh... some people by the way should say this
uh... i say what do you do here they say eat
okay well how about here
eat how about here eat
so they got eating on their mind eatings important but gonna hold off on that so what i want
a and this is kind of what you mentioned
is to review
the class that you just got out of
now you don't have to answer this because i don't even know the answer but i know
that if we say what percent of all college students are in the regular habit of reviewing
a class right when they get out of it
you know
that it's really
really small
you know five percent three percent hardly anybody does that they just when class is over class is
over and they leave
um... what's the benefit of reviewing here instead of here or here
here or here
yeah still fresh what happens with every minute that goes by once the class ends
it just leaks away you you forget
well what you're trying to do is hold all that in your brain so that it goes more
into your long-term memory so it sticks
and so sitting in the classroom
if no other classes is coming in on a bench
in the library or whatever
and just spending thirty minutes at the most reviewing the notes that you just took that
looking over the chapter in the text book that was covered if there was one
and even starting homework that was given all these things are good
when do most people look at their notes the next time after the day they've taken
uh... some people say the next time i go to class
and that's actually
not great but not bad but most people say
the night before the test
the problem with that in college is that that might be
a few days later or it could also be like
four or five weeks later
and unless you're the greatest note taker ever
when you look back at your notes that you took three weeks ago they're going to
be all these
parts of sentences
that you didn't finish because you were trying to keep up with the teacher other things you
can hardly read
and you don't even understand the notes and then it becomes impossible to use them and
then that affects you on the test
so if you spent five or ten minutes reviewing the notes right after class
rereading em fixing finishing putting a question mark ecetera and asking the next
time your notes become much better
and all it takes is a couple minutes it's very simple thing to do
uh... middle box
will use the general word uh... break
and the idea during this time is actually to take
a break
this person has been in their business class and then studying it so they've been busy
concentrating for a couple hours
and i don't know about you but after a couple of hours that's it
my brain and my body are just saying
you need a break time out right
what do you do during the break
uh...eating is good
taking a walk
is good just get outside get some blood circulating all that
few other things are possible but what i wanted to ask you
okay and again
i'd love to get into more detail but we won't for eating
what kind of food should you not eat
given the fact that you have another class coming up
general kinds
yeah a lot of sugar
what's the other
dangerous one yeah
junk food ok what do both of those
usually due to people
right and when does this happen
oh about half way through this class
okay and you don't want to eat anything that causes you to sit there and then halfway through
the next class
start to completely fall asleep
so when you eat it doesn't have to be the healthiest thing in the world but it should
be something that gives you energy for what's to come
doesn't put you into a coma halfway through the next class
people do that all the time i see them over at the
cafeteria eating like a double cheeseburger and fries
they might the probably love every bite of that
but then i guess if i followed them the rest of the day
something horrible had happened somewhere right around in here
and of course if you're done for the day you don't have any other classes you could do
whatever but again
i don't know yet how many of you are like this but a lot of my students
take a class at eight or nine in the morning
they have one at eleven
then they have one at one
and then one at three they have these long days exhausting days
and that's hard
if you're giving yourself
sort of uh...
food that will affect you that way that's not so good
okay and then the last half hour
what would go in there
right is to
the next class
how many people are in the regular habit of doing that well it might be a little bit more
than this but
not much hardly anybody does these
everybody's good at this
like professional breakers you know and i understand that
well what would you do as part of the preview right before class one thing would be to
go over your notes that you took the last time you were there
kind of get your brain warmed up
another one would be to preview the textbook so if your history teacher the last time you
were there said
chapter seven next week
then even if you haven't read the chapter which would be nice then spending ten minutes
looking through it and reading the summary in the bold print headings and just kind of seeing
what's there again
helps warm you up for what's to come
with all of this as sort of uh... background i wanted to give you one other idea related
to this break time and then we're going to get to our other uh... question's spend a little
time on that
there are about three or four really good reasons why most students don't do these
and wondered if anybody
can think of one or has thought of one
since hardly anybody does this why is that
thanks for your honesty that's good you know some people say
they say
look i'm done
when the teacher says we're done we're done
you know i don't want to look at anymore it takes a lot of effort to do this so let me just
take a nice long break
i i get that ok that's one anybody think of another reason
why people don't do these so much
yeah you know uh... you know this is kind of interesting to me
some people when i teach them this this is their reaction
it's a good idea not bad
they've never thought of the one-time nobody ever taught them about this so then you're
not going to do something if you never realized it might be helpful so they just didn't know
but there's another reason that's kind of a main one that i want to talk just for
a minute or two and that is that some people can't do this
it isn't that they're lazy
or they didn't know to do it they can't
why would somebody not be able to do this
yeah because their schedule uh... the way they schedule their classes
squeezing together
this is of a little phrase that you might not have heard of before that's called
stacking classes
alot of people take a class from eight to nine fifteen
nine thirty to ten forty five eleven to twelve fifteen
like that
one after the other back to back to back it's called stacking like stacking
plates or dishes
uh... sometimes students do this because they have to
because they have to leave the campus at a certain time to go to work
or to pick up a child or something else so they have to squeeze all their classes into
a small period
other people though just do it for convenience sake because if you get all your classes
done in the morning for example then you're free
you have the rest of the day to leave and do whatever you want well this
is something that's not the best way to set up your schedule unless you have to and some
people have to so that's the way it is
uh... instead
if you had a class from eight to nine fifteen
and then if you took a break from nine fifteen to eleven
then another class from eleven to twelve fifteen etcetera
then you would be able to do all of these things which are very valuable and of course
the negative here
is that you're here
longer when you do this right you're here on the campus like hours longer
but this brings up one last thing about this and that is
i want to see a show of hands on this to how many of you
do all or most of your homework
or your studying
at home
that's the main place that you study
okay a lot of you that's usually what happens some people say they do it in the library
some people
do it at starbucks
or wherever else
but those who raise your hand for home is that a perfect environment for you to study
uh... occasionally a student says yes
usually cuz they live alone
you know so they have control
but otherwise and we don't have to go into this
how many temptations and distractions and all that are there around that cause people
not to get enough done well um... there's been a study actually a lot of studies done
with college students that have found that the average college student
and that may not be you ok so there are exceptions
but the average college student can get the same amount done
in terms of studying in one hour at the library
than they can
three hours at home
and that's because you know at home
they call a friend
then they study for ten minutes
then they're hungry so they need a snack so they get one of those
and then they come back and then ten minutes later they think you know that wasn't enough
so they go back for another snack
and then they watch something on t_v_ for half hour then oh gotta check my
face book or whatever and they're just like all over the place
and they waste a lot of time
when you set up your schedule like this where you're on campus longer and you have breaks like
you get more done while you're here
that means there's less to do when you get home
and usually people when they get to a library they look around
and everybody else is kinda studying so they're thinking
all right i guess and they just sit and get down to business there aren't as many distractions
for most people in the library so that's the the benefit there
so again a lot more we could discuss about uh...
study time and how to organize after that gives you a couple of ideas
we're going to spend the last uh...
fifteen to twenty minutes of the workshop on a really important topic which is
and that is uh... i wanna ask you this question
everybody here knows the answer
to this question
okay how do you avoid procrastination
yeah somebody gives you something to do
is do it
that sounds easy right but why is it not so easy
we have all kinds of struggles some people are professional procrastinators
they're so proud of it they just say i could teach classes if you ever want to know how to procrastinate
ask me
like they're proud of it well
um... whether you procrastinate a tiny bit
or whether that is a major problem for you in a lot of areas of life
um... there are so many reasons
why people procrastinate sometimes people
are afraid of failure
and if you're afraid of failing at something then you can't even
get started because you're just afraid of that
other people uh... are overwhelmed by how much they have to do
and again my example of that i don't know if this is ever happen to you but if you walk
into a room in your house or your apartment and it's
filled with all kinds of things and you have to clean it up
it's a total mess
you stand there and you look around
and you think okay where do i start
and you feel
like this and so what do you do you say
i know i start tomorrow
and then you'll even go lie down or whatever it is like too overwhelming
well one of the things that i want to show you and this is one of my favorite little
is that there are a couple of uh... tricks if you want to call it that
that can help a person who tends to procrastinate a lot to kind of get over that bad habit
uh... the first one that i want to show you
it's kind of a combination of two and i'm gonna give you an illustration over on the
board here
one of them is
to make sure
to include
okay and then the other one that goes with it and then i'll kind of explain these
is that it's always a good idea
to divide the job
into small pieces
and so let me give you a an example of what i mean by this uh...
what is today's date
the ninth ok so uh...
did anybody here
uh... earlier today have uh... class that you went to that's a
tough class
even a very tough class what what what's the class
math ok so we'll use math
that's always a tough one for a lot of people
let's say that you had a math class and today
your teacher made an announcement that nobody wanted to hear and that is that two weeks
from today
you're gonna have a big test
and so two weeks from today
is the twenty third
that's the big test
they also say that the test is going to cover chapter four five and six
all right so that's the announcement to the class
now no matter how
experienced you are as a college
student or how new you are
everybody knows what to do with this
you have two weeks to go home and read those chapters and learn the information go over
your notes and all the problems you do and get ready for the test so it seems really
clear and easy
but remember the person we're talking about here
is this person so
on what
is that person going to do all or most of their reading
yet the twenty second or
some people give me a heart attack they say the twenty third
set the alarm for three in the morning and get up and study that's a real procrastinator
ok could they have done the reading and the
studying all the way along
yes but they're a procrastinator so everything slides to the last minute that's what a procrastinator
so how can this person who gets this assignment to study for this test
how can they what can and they do so that they won't procrastinate and get a better grade
well that's where these two come in so all you have to do with something like this
is a really simple
math problem
and here we're talking about math but this is easy okay
how many chapters do they have to read
three how many days do they have now around fourteen
the answer to this without getting exact with decimals and all that is between four and
so what you do is you pick the four
and you come to here what's four days from today it's the
then seventeenth
what do we put here
yeah chapter
chapter four
chapter five
and chapter six
what we just did which takes like one minute to do is that we've included little deadlines
along the way
those are really important for a procrastinator this is bad if this is the only deadline because
they're gonna let everything go
here are little deadlines and we've also divided this big job of reading all the material into
small pieces
so that's how this looks ok and again it's not a hard thing to do it at all
but there's a problem
this person who makes this schedule
could type it up
put it on their refrigerator with a little magnet
and they could walk up to it everyday and look at it and say
man that's the best schedule i've ever seen
but what's their problem
yeah doing it if if you could hit all those little deadlines you wouldn't even be a procrastinator
ok so this is the first thing you have to do but then the question is and that's
what these other two things that i'm gonna write up here or values
how can you actually behave yourself
and get those things done what's the trick ok and
the best
trick i know
that has cured more people of
procrastination than anything else
is a very simple one this is sort of a life
skill or a life truth also but i wanna explain how it works here and that is to be
accountable to someone
ok this phrase be accountable to someone usually means
to be responsible to someone
obligated to them to answer to them
if you work
who are you
accountable to
your boss right if you're living at home as a child teenager whatever you're accountable
to your parent or parents
everybody's accountable to somebody in different situations
so how does this actually work here well here's what you do
on this day that you make this beautiful schedule that you admire
but you don't trust yourself to keep
you think of someone you know a friend a relative somebody who is kind of a reliable responsible
person hopefully you know somebody like that
and you call them today and you say
um... i have a math test coming up in two weeks
i have a beautiful schedule
but i know how i am
i'm not gonna keep it
so could you do me a really big favor i'm supposed to have chapter four read and the
problems done by the time i go to bed on the thirteenth could you call me that night
at ten o'clock eleven o'clock
and just make sure i did what i was supposed to do
okay so this person says ok chapter four
thirty k got it
as soon as you hang up
you're gonna be sorry you called
because now somebody else knows
your plan and what does that mean if somebody else knows that means you kinda hafta
do it
but that's good but then you're thinking i should never have told anyone
how much of your math chapter four are you gonna do today
probably none
how about tomorrow
probably none probably starting to procrastinate already on the eleventh
how much you gonna do
well on the eleventh or the twelfth one of those two dates
you're gonna walk by your book
and most students say they like to walk by their books and wave
you know as they keep going
so they walk and go how r u today and they keep going and then when it gets to like
the twelfth
they walked by it again and start to wave and then this is the thought that always comes
to the person's mind they look at the book and they think
the call is coming
it's like this monster you know let's hang over that's gonna come tonight or tomorrow
night and so what are they do because of that
grb it
open it up
start reading
and i've had people this is kinda sad
funny and sad i've had people say that they opened up their book knowing that their friend
or their relative is going to call the next day
and they opened the book and they were angry
at the person who's gonna call them
you know this poor person is just doing you a favor like they're they're gonna call me
well but see look what you doing you're actually sitting there reading so you're not procrastinating
and then when they call you that night
you say hopefully you know what
i finished an hour ago i've been waiting for you to call or i finished yesterday is the first
time in my life i ever finished anything one day early
so thank you very much for calling and then what's the next thing you say to them after
could you do me another favor
could you call back on the seventeenth to see if i did chapter five the reason you need
to do that is because if you have a bad habit
you can get out of it
for a little while
and then we all tend to start going back into the bad habits again
and so
it just because you had one victory
which is good that doesn't mean this is going to be a victory in this and so they're
calling you at the deadline
now again wanna make sure you're clear on this are they supposed to call you every day
no if somebody thinks they have to call you every day say are you studying
are you studying
you're gonna get so upset with them you're gonna lose them as a friend and you don't
wanna lose a friend they just call you one-time and that's at the deadline to see if you did
what you're supposed to do
so many people end up getting much more disciplined and hitting all their deadlines because there's
somebody else
checking on them and that's all it takes in suddenly they become much much better at this
ok so that's the first idea and then the other one and then i have one last thing that
i want to share
uh... sign-in sheet isn't making it around
yes ok have you signed over here
yes okay good
the other motivational tool
in addition to this one
is this one and that's always
i don't think i've ever met a person who told me i hate rewards those are horrible
everybody likes rewards okay
well how does that work what does it look like here here's what you do
when you have a few minutes and you take a nice deep breath maybe out on a bench if
the day of the weather is nice so you're kind of in a good move you either take a little
three-by-five card
like a flashcard
or even a piece of paper and you just brainstorm for a couple minutes
and you write down the list of everything that you would like to do
or buy or get
it's kind of like your birthday list sort of
and you just write down everything you can think of okay and then on this day today
after you've called your friend
so you know that you have that motivation there you say i need more motivation so what
i'm gonna do is
if i have chapter four read by the time i go to bed that night
i'm gonna go
do that
so it's just right there that's your reward you can see it you can almost taste it
maybe it it's food you
almost can taste it okay
and so then on that day you finish your chapter
you're able to tell your friend thank you for calling i did it i finished
and then you go and do that
or buy that
okay that's the reward method
ok the only problem with this and i always have to caution people about it this is the
important word
uh... if you are rich
and you're just going to college for fun
do whatever you want
ok but for everybody else who's kind of on a budget um... i have had students before before i
started telling them this
and they actually did what i just explained but they really
spoil themselves with really nice rewards
and by the end of the semester they never procrastinated on anything
so they were cured
but their credit cards were maxed out
and i thought they were going to bring me their bills and all that so you don't want
to be writing you know uh...
go to uh...
a play
go to a concert
it's a hundred dollars but
it's a concert ilove that group
you're going to go broke ok what can you uh think of that's free
that would motivate you some people say nothing
but you have to think of things simple things that would you would look forward to and so that's
where the rewards come in
some people use one of these sometimes people use both
it's whatever works is good and again it kind of gets you rolling ok uh... got one more
thing i wanna share with you any other questions about any of this
uh... ok last idea related to procrastination that im gonna share with you has to do with a uh...
a modified or a changed
to do list i don't know how many of you have ever written a to do list before you
went to bed or when you go up in the morning of the things you have to do that day
some people are list people other people not so much
but this is called the a_b_c
priority method and this is helped a lot of students
to avoid procrastinating especially on important things
if you do this correctly the way that i'm gonna show you it should take you at the very
most five minutes
and per day
so no matter how busy you are everybody could do this
the first thing you do and you can do this again at night before you go to bed or while
you're eating breakfast or whatever in the morning
is what
some of you have done before
you write a list
of every activity
that you need to do or would like to do that day
or the following day just jot it all down not just
school but life
the things you have to do okay and then the next thing to do is where the name of this
method comes from
and that is you look at all of these activities and ask yourself a really simple question
which is
out of all of these which ones are
by far the most important and if i don't get them done
today i'm going to be in big trouble
next to each one of those you put
the letter a
which means top priority
you look at all the rest of them and ask the next question which is
which of these other ones are important and i should do them but if i don't it's not going
to kill me
those are medium
so those are the b's
okay and then what goes next to all the other ones
c that's where the name comes from and what are c's they're just the least important if
you have uh...
time to do em great if not
who cares
this takes a minute or two
this takes a minute or two and then there's one more step
that seems to be the final thing that helps people get a lot done
and that is you go back and you look only at the the a activities
it's just for those
and you try to think about your schedule all that you have to do that day and you try to
pick a specific time
that your scheduling yourself to do that activity
k so one of them might be from eight to ten pm maybe it's studying for a test that's
the next day
so that would be a very high priority
this might be a five minute phone call but it's an important one
and so you're gonna make that at noon
this one might be from three to four p m
and this one might be from nine to ten am something like that so you actually schedule
these times almost like
doctors appointments
and uh... i don't know about you but whenever i have a doctor's appointment
i know about it i write it down and when that day comes i make sure that everything
kind of revolves around being there when i'm supposed to be cuz it's an important appointment
if you treat these the same way
then you should get them done no problem
and so this brings me to the last idea of here and that is uh... when the day is over
or as the day goes on
you cross off everything that you do
and wanna have you take a quick look at this let's say that you get to the end of this
and you mark it off like this you did this and this
that and that that a good day or a bad day
yeah some people say it's okay
i say why just okay they say well i only did about half
but what did you get done
you got all these a's done...
you had time along the way to do one b and one c so you didn't procrastinate on any
of the important thing so that was successful
but then
what happens to
all of those
they go
on the next day schedule
along with new things what happens to the letters
yeah they might stay the same but usually
they go up they almost never go down
something that was not very important a couple days later it's still on the list you haven't
done it now it's a b
and then it may become an a and so you just kind of rotate over the these two steps that are
added to just the normal writing things down and focusing on it usually helps people to
get way more done and sometimes the things that are the most important for you to do
the a's things that you don't want to do
and tend to procrastinate on and by doing this it sort of focuses your attention so
that you accomplish more and this has helped a lot of people it's a very simple thing to do
so definitely worth a try kind of experimenting
okay any questions on that
okay well i remembered so
i'm gonna go ahead and give you
a copy of the uh... blank time management schedule if you end up using this as scratch paper
oh well that's okay
but if you want to just try it's not that you have to fill out everyday and be all that
detailed about it but if you want to just try it experiment a few things that would
be good and as i said some people
uh... like to use this in as a master so that they can make several copies and then just experiment
with different ways of doing things so hopefully that'll help and if you try this
out you want me to take a look at see what you're doing with it uh... you can always
come talk to me okay
uh... all right let me take a quick look you can go ahead and pack up but i want to make sure again
i can read these teacher's names
that's good i'll go ahead and email these people later today thanks for coming
next week is all about improving your listening skills so if you have trouble concentrating
when teachers are talkin'
that's a good one hopefully you'll be here