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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 156. The verb phrase today is
spring for. Okay. Let's take a look the note. Yeah. We have two meanings today to cover.
So we'll have examples to cover both of these meanings. Let's look at the note
here. If someone springs for something, he or she pays for something expensive or
something on an average day he or she would be unwilling to pay for. So we
wouldn't normally get this. So they're springing for it. They're paying more
than they normally would. That's why they spring for it. Okay. Let's look at the
second meaning too. If someone springs for something , he or she leaps. They jump or
you know, basically dashes for something. Okay. Good.
All right. So let's look at the four examples here. Example number one. I
wouldn't usually pay so much for a big-screen TV, but it was such an
incredible sale I decided to spring for it. So normally you know, I wouldn't get
this. But I couldn't refuse the sale. So I said yeah sure why not ? Let's do it.
Something like that or number two here. Since today is your birthday I'll spring
for lunch. Yeah. We often say it like when we're going to treat somebody. Just like
I said before. So you're springing for lunch. You know, you're going to pay for that
person. It's their birthday. So you're going to do something nice for them. Okay. Or
number three here. When the earthquake struck that vase on one of my shelves
started to move or shake, so I sprang for the shelf and caught it as it was about
to fall to the floor. So you had you move quickly to spring for it. And the last
example we have here. That cat sprang for a mouse running by and caught it. Okay. So
the cat running by or mouse running by. And he just jumped up, caught it. Got it.
So he's sprang for it. Anyway I hope you got it. I hope it's clear.
Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.