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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 360. The title of today's lesson is the five

  • of the most common mispronunciations by students that are learning English as a

  • Second Language. So students that are studying you know ESL English as a

  • second language. Okay. Let's look now the first grouping, or the first group of

  • them is words that we get that have a CC combination. So let's look at the note

  • here. The combination of CC is pronounced like KS if it is followed by an" E " or an

  • "I. " Now this is where students make the most mistakes. I have often corrected

  • students about this. And this one always eventually comes up by some different

  • students. Even the same students sometimes will forget and they will

  • repeat it. So this one you should really pay attention to. First let me pronounce

  • it the correct way. Remember this one should have a KS sound. So we should say

  • success. So the first C is pronounced like a K and the second C is pronounced

  • like an S. Just like access. Okay. vaccine. Okay. So the CC followed by an

  • "I" or an "E" has that sound. Now what are most students do when they do it wrong. They

  • usually pronounce it as almost like a double "S. " They usually say success. He has

  • a lot of success. No he has a lot of success or you know I have access to his

  • computer. Not access or you know vaccine. You know

  • somebody doesn't want to get a vaccine. Something like that. Okay.

  • Let's look at number ... Well let's, let's continue in with the CC because you do

  • come across some other CC combinations that's pronounced a little differently.

  • So the combination of CC or if the combination is anything other than an "E"

  • or an "I" it is pronounced like a hard "K. " So if you get a CC combination and

  • there's no ... it's not followed by an "E" or an "I" then it's pronounced like a hard

  • "K. " Okay. So again, let me give you the

  • correct pronunciation first. So accuse. so almost think of it like the first C

  • is silent and the second C is just like a K or a hard "K. " So, so the correct way

  • would be accuse, occur , occupy , accurate, zucchini. All right. Zucchini we'll come

  • back to later because this is where we borrow from Italian. I'm going to explain

  • that soon as well. All right. Good. So all right. Let's look at the third part of a

  • cc combination. Pronounce CC like CH in some words borrowed from Italian. Yeah. So

  • I studied Italian I know this. I know "C" before an "I" or an "E" is pronounced like a CH.

  • You might see this often in you know, a very very common word. We say ciao. It's

  • become an international word for like goodbye. Although in Italy it actually is

  • both hello and goodbye, but most people know it as goodbye. We say ciao , ciao.

  • So and remember you know when people see this in English sometimes they always

  • think why is this pronounced ciao ? It should be like "see ow" or something.

  • No. It's ciao because "C" before an "I" or an "E" in Italian is pronounced like the CH.

  • All right. So here's some you know, very common examples. Most people know cappuccino.

  • You know coffee is very, very popular these days. So most people

  • already know that that is pronounced cappuccino. Fettuccine you know that one

  • another type of Italian noodles. So these words are borrowed directly from Italian.

  • All right. So going back to zucchini. There's another rule in Italian too. iI you, if you

  • have if you have a CH before an "I" or an "E" that's pronounced like a K. So that's why

  • this is zucchini. It's not so much the hard K rule. It's actually also from

  • Italian. Again the first C is kind of silent but the CH before an: I" and "E" in

  • Italian has a "K" sound. So these type of noodles are zucchini. Oh no. This

  • vegetable is zucchini. Yeah. Sorry about that. But we do get that word from

  • Italian. Okay. So let's continue. The, the next one that's, that's really

  • really common is to do with you know, between photograph, photographer and

  • photography. And I think what confuses students is ... most students have no

  • problem with photograph. But because of photograph I think it confuses them

  • about the other ones because the way the syllables are broken up in photograph is

  • three syllables. pho-to-graph and they kind of follow that same sort of way of

  • pronouncing it when they see photographer. So they

  • usually say photographer and that's wrong. It's not photographer , it's a

  • photographer. See it's pho-tog-ra-pher. but again the second syllable now when it becomes four

  • syllables, the TOG sound goes together. So where before it was TO and the graph

  • was all one syllable. Now it's photo ,pho-tog-ra-pher. So, so

  • photographer. Photographer so photographer not a photographer. And the

  • same problem is with photography. Photography is correct but students will

  • often say pho-to- graphy. which is also wrong. So be careful about that one. All

  • right. Let's look at number three here. A lot of students have problems between

  • the word snake and snack. Okay. So probably one of the best ways to try to

  • do this is forget about the SN sound. Because that is exactly the same

  • in both and focus on the end of the word. Of course in snake you should be

  • just focusing on "ake" and snack you should just focus on "ack" So in this case

  • it makes it easier. It's easier to see the difference between "ake" and "ack" so you

  • can do this right. So again, we have one common example here. Like somebody might

  • say, I want a snack. Okay, but if the student pronounces it wrong. If they say I want a

  • snake , you know, it could sound pretty funny. Most people don't. Even though in

  • ages sometimes people do eat snake . Years ago I had eaten snake soup. I think you know

  • it's a common thing people say it tastes like chicken.

  • But in most cases people would say snake ? You want a snake ? You want to eat snake ?

  • Are you sure you want to eat snake ? Where most people really just simply say

  • they want a snack. A snack is very common. Okay. So let's look at the third.

  • No. The fourth one here. That's a big problem for a lot of ESL students. I

  • often noticed that when a lot of students see the word imagine. I-M-A-G-I-N-E.

  • spelled out, they often they often pronounce it as image. You know,

  • image is a real word. Image means a picture, but they both have something to

  • do with like you know photos or seeing pictures. But they're, they're completely

  • different words. The the noun of imagine is actually imagination. These are the

  • pictures you see in your mind. Image is more like a real photograph or some sort

  • of drawing is actually an image. So again we give an example here. Somebody might

  • say you know I cannot imagine it and students will you know, often incorrectly

  • say I cannot image it. And that would confuse a Westerner, You can image it ? What ..

  • what are you trying to say ? But imagine means you can't, you can't , you can't see

  • the pictures. You can't even think of it. You can't imagine it. You can't even get

  • those pictures in your head. All right. So be careful of that one. All right

  • and let's look at the last one. Which could also you know cause possibly an

  • embarrassing situation if you pronounce it wrong. The difference between version

  • and virgin. A lot of students have problems with this. Again, I would probably

  • focus more on the end because that the beginning sound the "ver" sound is the

  • same in both. That's what probably causes most confusion. So version meaning you

  • know another type or style of something similar, especially a movie you know,

  • maybe they could have a new version of that movie. And virgin you know has a very different

  • meaning. This means somebody who you know, has never had sexual relations. Yet

  • either a boy or a girl doesn't really matter which one. Either one can be a

  • virgin. So again here's the example sentence. You know. I like the other

  • version. All right Meaning you like , you know, maybe there was two versions of a

  • movie. And you like this one better than that one. But if the student accidently... you

  • know, you know, says I like the other virgin, it has a very different meaning. And

  • it might even get you in trouble. Or somebody might actually laugh at you.

  • They'll figure a virgin. How many virgins do you know, you want ?

  • You only want to have virgins ? I I like the other virgin. You, you , you're just

  • trying to have virgins ? So it could cause an embarrassing or possibly even a funny

  • situation. Hopefully the Westerner would figure out that you don't really mean

  • virgin. You might get some strange looks if you say this one wrong. So anyway just

  • be careful. Again focus on the end of the word. So the "sion" and "gin. " You know, if you

  • look at it that way, it sounds very different Version, virgin. So "sion", "gin"

  • That sounds pretty different. That hopefully will help. Okay. Anyway I hope

  • you got it . I hope this was very informative and useful for you. Thanks

  • for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 360. The title of today's lesson is the five

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輔導老師Nick P課程(360)學生學英語最常見的五個錯誤發音 (Tutor Nick P Lesson (360) Five of the Most Common Mispronunciations of Students Learning English)

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    anitawu12 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary