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  • hello there friends thank you so much for stopping by I couldn't be more

  • excited about this video specifically because we are going to speak about the

  • book that has made more millionaires than any other book in history this is

  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill but here's the irony though why is it that

  • on one hand this book has created more millionaires than any other book and

  • then on the other hand so many people who read it fail maybe you yourself you

  • have read this book some years ago maybe right now you're listening to the

  • audiobook and you read it, you try to apply the principles but you don't really get

  • results why is that is it because the book is not working or maybe is it

  • because you get so caught up in the actual narrative that you don't apply

  • the specific steps so many people tell me Peter you have to create this video

  • on Think and Grow Rich. I want to know more about sexual transmutation and how

  • to do it I want to know more about how to get burning desire how to build this

  • burning desire I want to know more about how to create my specific plans based on

  • Napoleon Hill's work people have so many questions reading this book so that

  • is why this video right here I'm sure we're going to be having astonishing

  • feedback you have to watch it it's a must watch video and the way I look

  • about this video is that it's a it's actually a complementary to the book so

  • if you have read the book maybe right now you're listening to the book you

  • have to watch this video because you're going to pretty much nail down the exact

  • principles in your head you're going to know exactly how to apply them so you

  • can finally achieve your financial goals I personally have made hundreds of

  • thousands of dollars applying these principles, so many of our students have

  • had enormous results applying this stuff as well this is stuff from the book kind

  • of like a summary but improved summary with the specific steps and why most

  • people who actually think that they are applying the steps they really don't

  • apply them from the book so it's a must watch and it's going to be a lot of fun

  • in fact this video is part of a sequence of videos that we're doing on different

  • books so if you like this idea that we're doing speaking about different

  • books why people who read them and exactly what to do about it the

  • specific step so that they can finally get what they want from the book you can

  • subscribe to this channel welcome our community is growing can really happy

  • I'm very grateful for every single one of you thank you so much for being here

  • if you're a subscriber and we're going to keep doing these videos and a lot of

  • other things alrighty so okay let's get started

  • now keep in mind though that if you haven't read the book that is perfectly

  • fine you can still take the maximum advantage of the video and get the most

  • out of it learning the exact steps to apply in your life maybe business or

  • future business now the reason why people fail and you're going to learn a

  • lot of the reasons when we're actually going through the specific steps that

  • way it's even more valuable to you to learn what to do but very quickly just

  • to mention the reason why most people fail who read this book is because they

  • get really caught up in the narrative now I did a similar video about another

  • great book called The Science of Getting Rich and just as the science of getting

  • rich this book is based on a very compelling narrative now at the very

  • beginning of the book Napoleon Hill speaks about the secret and how everyone

  • has to find the secret inside the book the good thing about this is that that

  • way people get really excited about the book the book sells a lot of copies

  • because the book is itself a mystery now everyone likes to read a mystery

  • some of the most sold books some of the best sellers in the world are actual

  • mysteries because people like mysteries they want to figure out things and when

  • Napoleon Hill says at the very beginning listen this book you have to find the

  • secret for yourself I'm not going to tell you what the secret is people like

  • it the book sells a lot of copies people get drawn into the actual narrative and

  • that's good for sales right this is Napoleon Hill's most sold out book ever

  • one of the most sold books in history certainly the biggest bestseller and

  • self development however what's the problem though now the problem with this

  • is that people get so caught up in the secret that they forget that success in

  • achieving your financial goal it's not one secret is the sequence of steps and

  • even if you do one of these steps wrong you're not going to achieve your

  • specific financial goal and that's a big issue because people think that they

  • have to find the secret and they find one single secret for example you have

  • to think specifically what you want and you're going to achieve this thing that

  • you think about most of the time kind of like the law of attraction

  • people think that is a secret however in real life you already know there are a

  • lot of steps that you need to apply to achieve our financial goals

  • thankfully Napoleon Hill gives us all the steps that we need to apply to achieve

  • our financial goals however they get lost inside this whole narrative

  • so let's pretty much start and speak about the specific steps exactly how to

  • apply them in the modern day and age because the principles they're timeless

  • they're still working today in 2018 2019 and beyond however the way we apply them

  • is a little different and a lot of the things for example the mastermind

  • principle something totally different than most people do nowadays they just

  • don't get it so we're going to be speaking about all

  • this are they excited awesome I couldn't be more excited myself I think it has

  • power to change your life completely alrighty now first things first what is

  • the financial goal that you want to achieve let's start with this what is

  • the financial goal that you want to achieve

  • now is it a monthly financial goal usually people when they start their own business

  • like we teach people about online business if you're a coach consultant

  • you're first starting with Affiliate marketing whatever the case is but think

  • about yourself what is the financial goal that you want to achieve is it ten

  • thousand dollars a month or maybe is it twenty five thousand dollars a month

  • maybe you want to become a millionaire and actually hit two hundred thousand

  • dollars a month because it doesn't matter how you look at it if you make

  • hundred thousand dollars a month you're pretty much a millionaire right no

  • matter how you estimate it there are different ways to estimate your net

  • worth but if you make hundred thousand dollars a month you're set but what is

  • your financial goal is it 10k a month or is it so pretty much most people have

  • a goal from five thousand five K a month to you know 25k a month or a hundred

  • thousand a month or maybe your goal is to accumulate or a specific amount of

  • money maybe you say listen I want to accumulate three million dollars so that

  • I have this money in the bank and I can retire comfortably when the time comes

  • sixty-five or seventy or whatever the case is so you know right now when

  • you're choosing your financial goal just choose how much what you want to make

  • per month all righty or choose an amount of money

  • that you want to accumulate then usually what we do you know this is common stuff

  • everyone knows this and we have to go to this now you want to get to the

  • nitty-gritty and I'm going to be speaking about this but since this is a

  • full system I want you to have everything to actually finally achieve

  • your financial goals and know exactly how to do this right usually what we do

  • is you know you say exactly but when you want to achieve it so you set some type

  • of deadline alrighty so you have your goal you have the deadline and now here

  • comes the really interesting stuff that people pretty much get from now if I ask

  • you alrighty so now you have this goal financial goal how do we achieve it most

  • of the people would say okay well basically I have to do two things I need

  • to have a plan and here in this circle right here I'm going to write down plan

  • and the other thing they need to do is I have to take massive action following

  • this plan I have to take massive action following this plan now so far so good

  • on theory however the real problem comes when I ask you well do you take action

  • you take enough action to achieve your actual goals and most people tell me

  • Peter I don't take enough action, I procrastinate listen I want to do videos

  • online or I want to build my online business or maybe you know I want to

  • create a website blog I want to promote this you know I started this I'm doing

  • some kind of stuff but I'm not really taking enough action I don't know what

  • people would think of me if I start doing videos I don't feel comfortable

  • doing stuff you know I don't have the motivation I procrastinate or maybe you

  • take a lot of action but Peter I just don't have the results I don't get it

  • maybe I speak personally with people in network marketing a lot of people who

  • are in network marketing companies and they say listen I speak with people

  • personally but I don't get why you know no one wants to work with me or maybe

  • I'm a coach consultant no one even wants the free session so I have a plan I take

  • some action but I don't have results or I don't take any action at all that's

  • two problems people would either have the wrong plan or people don't take any

  • action at all so how do we solve this and how Napoleon Hill suggests that we

  • solve these two problems and what is the secret pretty much at the very beginning

  • that you have to start doing all right now here's the thing the reason why

  • you're not taking action is because you're not obsessed about achieving this

  • goal you're not obsessed about achieving this financial goal and see here's the

  • interesting thing if you listen to a lot of successful people most of them will

  • tell you you have to be obsessed you have to be obsessed you have to be

  • obsessed you've heard many people say this however the problem is is almost no

  • one tells you well how do you actually become obsessed because a lot of people

  • think listen I'm just not ambitious I just you know I don't have the drive to

  • be obsessed about achieving this financial goal I'm not ruthless

  • going out there and making stuff happen I'm not like this Peter how am I going

  • to make it happen and it has nothing to do with your age it has nothing to do

  • with your gender you can be a woman you can be fearless right it has nothing to

  • do with this it all comes down to you yourself building desire all right most

  • people don't know how to do this though but desire this is the key and in fact

  • this is the reason why the first chapter of think & Grow Rich is desire

  • you know after thoughts are things and stuff like that but desire now this is

  • the secret ingredient because if you have burning desire this is the

  • foundation that you need to achieve your financial goals in fact any financial

  • goal now Napoleon Hill says this in the book however there's something that I added

  • for clarity to make sure that you understand how important this is and to

  • be able to evaluate your current level of desires see we all have desire we all

  • have desire now everyone wants to make money if I stop some random person on

  • the street and I would ask the guy or the lady like listen do you want to make a

  • million bucks do you want to become a millionaire, do you want to make even $10,000 a month so

  • you don't have to work your 9 to 5 they'll say hell yeah I want to do this

  • how do I do it now the problem though is that they think they want to make the

  • amount of money that they say but what they have is a mere wish and here I'm

  • going to write down a mere wish and see look at this line here the Green Line do

  • you see this I hope you see it just fine now this is the desired spectrum I came

  • up with this is the desired spectrum now your job is to look at the desired

  • spectrum now take a piece of paper draw this line and I want you to ask yourself

  • now from you have a financial goal how obsessed you are to achieve this

  • financial goal do you have a mere wish or are you obsessed alright so I'm going

  • to put here at the right obsessed so you see the more you go to the right of the

  • spectrum that means the more obsessed you are about achieving your financial

  • goal and you know what is funny though we've worked with so many people across the

  • globe with our companies and right now really excited to be building Global

  • Expert Space helping even more people specifically but see the most

  • interesting thing is I can speak with you for five minutes if I meet you

  • live or if you come to Vegas to our office for five minutes and just by the

  • level of obsession that you have I can tell you predictably if you have a

  • chance of achieving your financial goal how long is it going to take you to

  • achieve your financial goal and all this time I can know exactly just but looking

  • at your level of obsession if you just have a mere wish or if you kind of want

  • it you know you kind of think about it that's great but if you are obsessed I

  • know what you're going to achieve it and all that you're going to achieve it fast

  • and now what you're thinking right now probably is Peter that sounds great but

  • you know how do I know if I'm obsessed or if I have a mere wish see a lot of

  • people though, they'll say Peter I'm obsessed but they're not obsessed the way to tell

  • exactly if you're obsessed is let me ask you how often do you think about

  • achieving this goal how often do you think about achieving this goal and are

  • you when you think about it how you fired up when you think about it you

  • want to take action now like do you think about I'm gonna start

  • taking action now the more you think about if you think about this ten times

  • a day and if you want to take action every single time when you think about

  • it you're just compelled to take action that means that you're obsessed if you

  • think about this you know just a few times a day and you say hey wouldn't it

  • be great and you just kind of stand in you're not tempted you don't feel the fire

  • inside of your for taking massive action now that means that you're not obsessed

  • now the great thing about it though is that once you become obsessed this solves all

  • your procrastination problems that you had in the past now I myself am a great

  • procrastinator by Nature and the reason for this is because there are two types

  • of people on one side you have the people that take a lot of action

  • naturally but they don't like to read books they don't like to study they

  • don't like to analyze but on the other hand you have the people they're really

  • good analyzing information they're great they really have this desire to read a

  • lot of books now I'm on the second category I like reading books I like to

  • strategize I like to plan I'm really good at strategizing you're really good

  • at making plans the second category but I don't want to

  • take a lot of action so for me unless I am obsessed I'm going to be

  • procrastinating all day long but because I know how to build obsession into

  • myself I know how to not even forcing myself to take action because once you

  • become obsessed you don't force yourself to take action you just have this

  • natural fire to take action you see and this is what people who read the book

  • don't do and you see why this is not a misleading title I really want to help

  • here you have to build obsession and now you ask ok Peter now I'm

  • sold I got it I have to become obsessed I want to become obsessed how

  • do I become obsessed help me become obsessed because I'm procrastinating I

  • don't know how to do this or maybe you're saying Peter action is not my

  • problem right my problem is with making the plan saying we're going to once we

  • fix the action problem and we're going to see is fix the plan problem so don't

  • worry about this all right so the way you develop obsession is not just a mere

  • wish all right is by the Autosuggestion statements now the Autosuggestion

  • statements you're going to love this. What I did is I created with our team a specific

  • file that is basically the whole statement you can read it yourself you

  • can download this file now I'm going to show you on my computer what the

  • autosuggestion statement is and how this statement is going to help it's hundred

  • percent free so you don't have to worry about it in fact it is from the book but

  • it's improved I'm going to tell you first and foremost you seen the

  • Autosuggestion statements in my computer and let me tell you first what it is now

  • The Autosuggestion statement is something that you read every single day

  • and you read it a lot and let's say for example you're read it you read this

  • document from 3 to 10 times a day from 3 to 10 times a day

  • ok the more you read it the more obsessed you're going to become that

  • does a whole point because the whole point is for you to become obsessed because

  • when you become obsessed you want to take action and not only you want to

  • take action but the other thing about obsession is that you know you're right

  • think and grow rich you start attracting what you want to attract you know just

  • like the law of attraction and this is science this is not just a mumbo-jumbo

  • you attract because what you think about you know your your mind focuses on it

  • when you think about listen I am obsessed about making this much money

  • and this is what I'm going to give you return which is the next point I'm going

  • to teach you now you'll become obsessed in your brain starts to think about

  • alright so how do we do this how do we do this how do we do it how do we make

  • this happen how do we make this happen you want your brain on the right

  • frequency all day long and you becoming obsessed and the only way to become

  • obsessed is by reading this document from 3 to 10 times a day and now what

  • I'm going to do is I'm going to go over the whole document with you and I'm

  • going to help you fill the documents yourself playing so you'll be able to

  • actually know how to fill the document and you have it for yourself isn't that

  • exciting first and foremost this document I'm

  • going to tell you how to download it for free but this document is different from

  • the ones in the book because it's the same but what is different is that it

  • basically combines two of the documents in two different chapters the one chapter about

  • the auto suggestion and then there's another chapter so basically

  • what I did and our team we combined two documents together from the book

  • and I put it into one so that you have the whole document into one place and

  • this is the thing though a lot of people read the book they listen to the book

  • but they never actually get to print the actual document they never printed you

  • know so how are you going to have success from the book if you're not

  • printing the document that even Napoleon Hill tells you have to print and you have

  • to study and you have to read every single day all right so here's the thing

  • we combined it the two chapters it's the best even if you get it from the book I

  • think this is better and I'm going to show you why now let's go to the whole

  • document and I'm going to tell how to fill it but first and foremost please

  • download it if you want so that you'll be able to actually see the document on

  • your computer as I'm going through it if you want to download it you can find the

  • link I'm going to put it in the description in the video right here on

  • YouTube and you can download it from there also

  • on the top right of the video I think right here maybe there's a card you know

  • you can click on the card and also download the document from there but the

  • easiest way is just click on the description and then it's going to ask

  • you what email do you want me to send the document to and it's automatically

  • going to send to your email and you can get it from your email but yeah so go

  • ahead download the document so you can have it we can go over it together and

  • it is going to be a lot of fun now I hope you appreciate this and I hope this

  • is valiable for you okay so here's a document now let's start reading it

  • together now it is by these date I will have in my possession this amount of

  • money which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the

  • interim alright so this is pretty much self-explanatory

  • now the second paragraph really important you have to pay attention In

  • return for this money I will give the most efficient service of which I am

  • capable rendering the fullest possible quantity and the best possible quality

  • of service in the form of now a few things I have to speak about here you

  • want to get some amount of money okay for example you want to get twenty five

  • thousand dollars a month all right now the way money works

  • is that you get the money but to get the money you have to give something of

  • equal value to the people who give you the money do you wanna do you know what

  • I mean kind of like you have a job think about it so you go to work every

  • single day maybe work in McDonald's and so you go to McDonald's and you're

  • turning on the machines it's pretty easy job right so you don't really give a lot

  • to the business McDonald's it's pretty simple work so this is what you get and

  • you get $10 an hour or whatever it is so here's the deal you have to give

  • something in return for this money and so making the money is really simple you

  • guys and ladies it's not complicated just once you understand it now the

  • question is okay what do you give in return what do you give in return and

  • it's very simple you have to give the biggest possible quantity so you'd have

  • to give as much as possible you have to give as much as possible so quantity I'm

  • going to write down here and I hope you see this quantity all right and you have

  • to live quality all right so the more quantity you give and the more quality

  • you give to people the more money you're going to make so you have to constantly

  • think about okay so how do I give quantity to people like a lot of stuff I

  • mean how I give to people a lot of vulnerable stuff so the moment you know

  • exactly how much what do you make the only thing you have to determine what

  • you give in return for this money so you want to make 25k a month you say all

  • right so what do I have to give in return so I have to give for example

  • this amount of quantity of stuff like a lot of stuff and this stuff has to be

  • valuable and to give you a more specific example for example we teach people how

  • to build an online business maybe you're consultant coach network marketing

  • affiliate marketing maybe you have a physical based business business is

  • pretty much the easiest way to make money and so the way to think about it

  • okay you want to make twenty five thousand dollars a month

  • what do you have to give in return for this money and the mistake that a lot of

  • people make is you know when it comes to the money they think about the actual

  • products that they're going to sell you see what I mean but this is very wrong

  • and this not going to work in fact Napoleon Hill

  • kind of says this too so this is an example with the services that you're

  • going to sell in return for this money but I don't think this this works

  • anymore now this might have worked hundred years ago but today people want

  • stuff for free before they start working with you now see things

  • are very different nowadays so it works the principle works however we have to

  • modify it a little bit in the way we modify it is ok let's say for example

  • you sell anything on the internet you mind your coach network marketing some

  • kind of beauty products but it doesn't really matter affiliate marketing your

  • own services now the way to think about it is ok so how can you give quality

  • maybe you can create YouTube videos teaching people about certain topics for

  • example and they give this example because right now you're on YouTube and

  • you can look you look at my video specifically and out videos at Global Expert

  • Space so think about it now if you teach people for example what am i

  • doing right now I am helping you how to achieve your financial goals I'm

  • teaching you and I try to provide really great value with this video I want

  • to make sure that this video is high-quality ok so I want to make sure

  • this video is high-quality as high as possible I can make now if I create more

  • videos like this that are very vulnerable and they're like high

  • quantity so I don't just create one video ok that is very vulnerable but I

  • create a lot of video so business about how to sell your stuff from Internet I

  • teach you how to make 20k a month I teach you how to make 100k a month now I give

  • you so much stuff for free right I help you so much for free that at the end you

  • say oh my god now Peter is helping me so much for free he's given me so much

  • quantity like so much value and he's giving me such a high quality that now I

  • want to buy their paid courses you give so much follow that then you

  • basically unlock the money by giving the value you unlock the money you give

  • what you give for free and you get the money in return like money it's very

  • simple you guys it's not complicated anyone can get rich once you understand

  • this and that's the whole point now you have to in the document now let's go

  • back to the document in return for this money I will give the

  • most efficient service of which I am capable rendering the fullest possible

  • quantity and the best possible quality of service in the form of and what is

  • the form in the form of and you can say in the form of high-quality YouTube

  • videos that solve problems ok you can type number one high quality

  • YouTube videos to solve my potential customers problems now number two high

  • quality Facebook ads that solve customers problems ok

  • now number three high quality Facebook group that I engage with my community on

  • the Internet and I help them solve their problems

  • inside the Facebook groups you see what I mean so this is what you put on this

  • document and I'm so proud of this in fact coming up with this because Napoleon

  • Hill doesn't speak about it this is an upgrade so no one can come

  • on the comment and say Peter this is just a summary of the book this is even

  • I personally feel when you tell me in the comments I think this is better

  • because we spoke with so many people to see exactly what their problems are and

  • how they can fix it once and for all how they can fix it once and for achieve

  • financial success once and for all this is simple stuff making money nowadays with

  • the internet it's no rocket science anyone can do this alright and it

  • doesn't have to be video it can be blog posts and so and so forth alright so

  • here's the deal though you see what I mean so you want to make a specific amount of

  • money and you make a list what do I have to give a return to make this money and

  • so here's how money work so I give you a lot of stuff for free then you say ok

  • Peter gave me so much stuff now I'm going to pay him for something else so

  • let's say then you buy like an online course we have for thousand dollars or whatever the

  • case it's try to all types of different prices so let's say you pay something to

  • you someone pays you thousand dollars for a product or service that you have

  • ok they pay you a thousand dollars now when they pay you a thousand dollars

  • okay basically what happens is that you know for example twenty-five people pay

  • thousand dollars and you make twenty five thousand dollars for the month

  • alright but here's the thing though when people pay you $1,000 then

  • what happens is that you give them for these thousand dollars that they paid

  • you now the product and the service that you're going to give them you're going

  • to give them way more value than thousand dollars for the money that they

  • pay you this thousand dollars you're going to give them five thousand dollars

  • worth of value okay you're going to give them five thousand dollars worth of

  • value and when you give them five thousand dollars worth of value then

  • they say okay so Peter gave me $5,000 worth of value and now what happens is

  • that remember they paid you thousand but you gave them five thousand so in

  • their minds oh my god so I still owe Peter

  • four thousand dollars so I might as well buy something else from them you know or

  • from him or from you whatever the cases and you know they're they're buying

  • something else and you give them more value so that is the secret that is the

  • secret so you see what I mean now before you can take the money in your bank

  • account you have to first give the equivalent of even more value for that

  • money that's how you make money and that is why a lot of people don't make money

  • pretty much is they start some kind of a business and they try to make a sale but

  • you can't make a sale unless you've given the value that you hope to take

  • back a specific dollar amount all right and then here's the thing here's how you

  • start conditioning your mind for obsession I believe I will have this

  • money in my possession my faith is so strong that I can now see this money

  • before my eyes I can touch it with my hands it is now awaiting transfer to me

  • at the time and the proportion to deliver the service and then to render

  • in return for it I'm awaiting for a plan that other okay so what is happening

  • here you basically repeat that the moment you give the value that you're

  • supposed to give you're going to make the money right and you can you read

  • this you conditioned yourself for it you read this five ten times a day and then

  • you get pumped you get excited you don't procrastinate anymore and the reason

  • you're not procrastinating anymore because you know that it's simple making

  • money as long as you give the value you don't even have to ask for a lot all right

  • you're going to make I mean you ask for a lot in life you have to ask for a lot

  • in life but you see what I mean like the moment you give the value you're going

  • to unlock the money but you can't unlock the money unless

  • give the value first you people trying to sell stuff for nothing like

  • that's crazy it's impossible to do this I don't know how some people are trying to

  • make money giving nothing it's impossible you have to be strategic it's not just

  • about giving anything now you have to be very strategic and then you read this I

  • know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite goal on this

  • statement therefore I demand of myself persistent continuous action towards

  • statements and so forth so you see by reading this now you get you get pumped

  • now you get fiery now now you want to start taking action it's normal that's

  • the whole point of the Autosuggestion statement I realize that the dominating

  • thoughts of my mind to eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical

  • action and you pretty much read the rest of the statement so here's the thing

  • about this statement so you download it once again you can download it by

  • clicking the link right below in the description and once you download that

  • you just fill it out the first time around you decide exactly how much money

  • do you want to make and you decide what you're going to give in return how

  • you're going to give people value and you understand like from my point of

  • view easiest way this is what we teach our students is to give it your social

  • media social media is the easiest way to give our people value you can give the

  • people value on Youtube you can write you can have a website blog giving people

  • value there you can have a Facebook group giving people value in fact I'm

  • going to put a link in the description we just created a brand new Facebook

  • group where we can give value to you answer your questions and all this kind

  • of stuff that's what we're all about giving value this is our mission and

  • we're thinking about what steps you see succeeding so also you can click you

  • know in the description if you want to join our online business group it's a

  • group about online business but that's the easiest way to give value you decide

  • exactly how you're going to give value write it down and that's pretty much it

  • and the rest of the statement you read it so that's it you download the

  • statement you fill it out only once and then you update it if it's necessary but

  • then you read it all the time you read it 3-10 times a day and I guarantee

  • you're going to get obsessed I mean look at me I'm obsessed people ask me why are

  • you're so enthused Peter well because I think about my goal maybe all right all

  • the time sometimes I forget I'm not perfect

  • sometimes I forget but the moment I see something is wrong the

  • moment I feel that I lack motivation the moment I feel that I start to slack

  • I'm like listen I have to start reading my statements again I have to get

  • excited I have to get pumped this is important right my life is on the line I

  • don't want to regret anything to take it the rest of my life I wanna I want to do

  • the most out of my life so that is why I read statements like

  • this and not just about money about you know impacting billions and billions of

  • people in the world and so forth but at the beginning most people want to make a

  • lot of money wish I understand alright so that's it now that's in the document

  • all right so let's continue now do you like this so far now please I'm asking

  • you please for a second if you can stop this video just pause it for a second

  • let me know in the comments what you think because I want to keep help you

  • the most out of anyone else on the internet about achieving your financial

  • goals building a business and I want you to tell me if you like this and I want

  • you to tell me what you like about it and if you have some suggestion about

  • how to improve it or maybe do you like videos like this in the future. Tell me

  • anything that you think and the reason why I want this is because I want to

  • have your feedback see feedback is very important if you have an online business

  • you need people's feedback you have to ask them all the time because that's how

  • you're better for them you see so many people online are just speaking

  • and doing stuff they don't ask for for other people's opinions but how do you

  • know you're on the right path I don't know if I'm on the right path

  • I think this is the best thing since sliced bread, how do I know, you have to tell me so

  • please let me know in the comments I would appreciate this from the bottom of

  • my heart and listen I read these comments and maybe you suggest an idea

  • and I do it the other day like the day after tomorrow and you can benefit even

  • more so let me know please and as pretty much after you just stop the video come

  • back after you write the comment and we continue awesome you're done you're

  • ready also let's continue thanks so much really appreciate your comments oh you

  • have no idea how grateful I am for this all right so now the next thing you

  • already read this Autosuggestion you don't know you don't just have a mere

  • wish you start building a burning obsession right you want to take action

  • now you're excited you're pumped you say man like I never knew I can do this I never knew

  • I have so much confidence in myself

  • so now your vision about your dream lifestyle becomes very

  • vivid become extremely vivid all right so I'm going to write here dream

  • lifestyle and I hope you see sometimes I have the tendency of standing in front of the

  • board people don't see all right so dream lifestyle

  • so now you're excited about this dream lifestyle and you're close to having it

  • and telling you close to having it like trust me if you read this

  • Autosuggestion statement you're gonna have the money you're gonna have the dream lifestyle

  • but you have to keep in mind that you have to improve your plan as well all

  • right most people don't have a plan in fact you might be thinking Peter

  • you speak about online business and make money like this but I know nothing about

  • business that's okay you know you still start doing this and you know let me know in

  • the comments, Peter I don't have a business so I know that's your problem

  • we're gonna start shooting more videos about business how to start a business

  • how to choose a product to promote all this stuff but I can't know what your

  • problem is unless you tell me in the comments all right so we're going to fix

  • everything for you but now the other thing action we already solved because you

  • know exactly what action to take which is giving the value so you can unlock

  • the money all right and the other thing is improving the plan now when it comes

  • to improving the plan there are pretty much I believe seven steps and I have them

  • right here all right seven steps that you have to keep in mind and you have to

  • follow from the book but I'm going to explain them in a little bit of a

  • different way so that you get why they're important and why most of the

  • people do them wrong all right so now the first thing is specialized knowledge

  • specialized knowledge and I'm going to write it here specialized knowledge

  • now specialized knowledge is something that unfortunately so many people lack

  • so many people lack because here's the thing though now I want you think about a

  • doctor I want you think about a pilot you know the person that flies the

  • airplane think about a doctor think about the pilots think about a lawyer

  • now let me ask you this question can you become a very successful and wealthy

  • lawyer can you become a very successful and wealthy doctor or surgeon or can you

  • become very successful wealthy pilot by watching

  • Youtube videos you can't you know and the reason why you can't is because Youtube

  • maybe some pilot is going to show up and he's going to tell listen this is what

  • I like about being a pilot but he's not going to teach you how to fly the plane

  • no doctor on YouTube or on blog posts are going to teach you exactly how you

  • can do a surgery now this is a specialized knowledge and to make money

  • in life you need to have specialized knowledge a lot of people don't this is

  • the problem with a lot of people and it hurts my heart now read books like

  • this Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad all these books that we cover and

  • they think that they're going to make money out of this now these books

  • they're great and that's why we speak about them like but they're giving you

  • the general knowledge general knowledge is good for motivation general knowledge

  • is good for personal development general knowledge is good for pretty much a lot

  • of things but something that is not good for is the tactics that you need to make

  • money the specific steps the specific little things for example you wanna

  • build your own website like how do you do this like no one is going to tell

  • your specialized knowledge in the inside secrets in the specific steps in books

  • like you can do this in books and that is what I usually specialized knowledge

  • is found in universities is the old way you know nowadays no university is going

  • to teach you the newest business strategies because listen I mean things

  • change every single day almost in business online business so you have to

  • be on the cutting edge and specialized knowledge is found in online courses

  • specialized knowledge is found in other places but the bottom line is you have

  • to pay for you have to find specialized knowledge and you can't be cheap with

  • this I mean so many people I don't want to buy an online course or I don't want

  • to pay for a consultation well try ignorance then try ignorance

  • how do people are getting loans to buy furniture for their living room

  • alright so every single month they are paying of

  • furniture for the living room but they don't want to pay for an online course

  • or I personally spend so much money on specialized knowledge because that's

  • important you can make it like this remember this as pilots doctors

  • lawyers all these people study for years for specialized knowledge so how many

  • people think they're going to start a business and they're going to speak with

  • people personally or they're going to go and spam into Facebook groups online

  • or they're going to pray for a miracle and read books like this not it's not

  • enough you need the specialized knowledge how do you do how do you

  • promote on the internet how do you reach the potential customers that already

  • want to buy from you not friends and family right not random people that

  • reject you again again and again and again business doesn't have to be

  • painful doesn't really need to face rejection

  • once you have specialized knowledge that's the secret now that's the first

  • thing you think about this think about how much money you spent on specialized

  • knowledge I know personally the more you spend the more money you make

  • people who also always want the free stuff like they're not going to make a

  • lot of money in life because they don't have enough specialized knowledge bottom

  • line I just have to be honest with you you know because I love you all right

  • now the second thing is synthetic and creative imagination now Napoleon Hill

  • has explained this pretty well so I don't have to speak too much

  • about it however what I'm going to say though is the following

  • synthetic and creative imagination now what I'm going to say is this

  • hope you see the whole thing now what I'm going to say is this synthetic

  • imagination is you already know what it is it's pretty much taking ideas from

  • different places and putting them together alright so for example you say

  • okay but how do I build an online business now you can see a lot of other

  • people having successful businesses you can see what they do and you can combine

  • these things from different people and improve them for your customers and you

  • pretty much can find success as long as you test enough things however most

  • people don't do this because they don't track the competition now here's the

  • secret that you have to here's the habit that you have developed this habit has

  • changed my life many years ago when I first started in business especially

  • with online business now every Sunday you're going to write down a list of all

  • your competitors all right competitors basically all the people that make money

  • in the same way that you make money now you want to make money how do you want

  • to make money that's up to you there are a lot of ways

  • to make money as long as you give the value first but you're going to

  • write a list of all the people that make money the same way that you want to make

  • the money and every Sunday you're going to look what have they done this past

  • week and you're going to ever see in a week you're going to look at them and

  • you're going to see what they do what works what doesn't work what works what

  • doesn't work learning from competitors is not about checking them every once in

  • a while if you don't have a list of your competitors if you don't have a list of

  • their channels of their websites of their everything if you don't check this

  • list every single week if you don't write what they do what they stop doing

  • what they start doing if you don't do this you're going to achieve your

  • financial goals slower I want to I want you to achieve your financial goals how

  • fast in the way you do this every single week you look at your top competitors you

  • look at as many people as possible ten to twenty five every single week bam

  • bam bam if you do this every single week your brain is going to start putting all

  • these pieces of information together and your brain is going to give you plans

  • that you need to apply specifically because it is going to see the

  • similarities in the patterns between what works among all these people but

  • unless you check their stuff every single week now your brain can't give

  • you this information you see and when it comes to creative imagination this is

  • going to help you with the creative imagination now creative imagination is

  • when you're in the shower and when you ask well I've been looking for my keys

  • for the whole day I lost my keys done I have to go to the locksmith make some

  • new keys but let me take a shower before I get out you go to the shower and you

  • instantly get this idea once in the shower well Jack how about you check the

  • drawer maybe you drop them there at the bottom of the drawer and you get out of

  • the shower you look inside the drawer and what do you see the keys right there

  • laying for you looking at you and smiling right this is creative

  • imagination you just get a genius idea all of the sudden when you're doing

  • something else well when you do this Autosuggestion statement and when you

  • do it when you wake up first thing when you wake up you do the Autosuggestion

  • statement last thing you do before you go to sleep you do the Autosuggestion

  • statement and see these are times of the day when your subconscious

  • mind operates at its highest potential so if you want to impress your

  • subconscious mind if you want to really nail down something that you want and

  • you ask the universe for it you have to do it first thing in the morning last

  • thing at night right before you go to sleep right when you wake up that's some

  • key hopefully you write this stuff down my friend these things have the potential to

  • change your life it changed mine for sure and write these things down all right

  • now next thing we're almost done with this video really excited about it

  • now extra-mile you have to go the extra mile for free and we already explained

  • this concept you go the extra mile for free meaning that you have to give a lot

  • of free stuff to people you have to give them a lot of very valuable things okay

  • quality but it has to be a lot of valuable things you also need to give

  • them a lot of quantity to unlock this money it's not about saying I'm going to

  • make 25k a month and in return I'm going to sell this very beautiful beauty

  • product or in return for 100k a month I'm going to sell this very healthy

  • supplements you haven't given anything I mean you're going to make 25k from

  • giving the supplements in return good luck right you know it'd have to be a

  • really really really really good salesman people don't have trust Trust

  • is very easy to build you don't have to be a Salesman right the only thing to do

  • is give the value people trust you and they say hey listen this person gave me

  • so much for free why don't I buy right especially if you put the money back

  • guarantee to it and you say hey listen I even have a money-back guarantee done deal

  • they don't have to think twice about it they know you're the best and you're

  • giving them the best stuff right alright so extra mile free so I forgot

  • to put mile and I'm a little bit of a perfectionist of going to do the extra

  • mile for free you go the extra mile for free and then what you do is the next

  • step alrighty which is extra mile for paid

  • products and services so ok so first you go the extra mile for free but then

  • let's say someone decides to buy your stuff and people don't just decide to

  • buy your stuff used to have to put a good offer and this is also something that

  • we teach extra mile extra mile but then when they buy your products and services

  • products and services you then go the extra mile once again

  • remember what people pay you you give them at least five times the value of

  • hopefully ten times the value if you can do this so people buy you give

  • them five times the value at least maybe even ten times the value if you

  • can and that way you ensure that they're going to buy from you again

  • because if you if for example let's say I buy something from you for five

  • hundred dollars and they pay you five hundred dollars and then what you give

  • me return is five hundred dollars I don't have any motivation to buy from

  • you again you see what I mean because I give you five hundred dollars and you

  • give me five hundred dollars worth of product why would I buy something from

  • you if pretty much you're giving me what I'm paying. Any place would give me at least

  • what I'm paying so but if you give me more than what I'm paying I say hey

  • listen I owe you so let me buy something and maybe I get lucky and you still give

  • me more you see what I mean so that's what you do then extra mile for products

  • and services then the next thing that you do is you need to make prompt

  • decisions now Napoleon Hill speaks about it so I'm not going to

  • speak about this a lot because people usually understand it however what I'm

  • going to say is that people get it wrong a lot of times they start online

  • business different types of businesses and you know and people think about it

  • for example oh I don't want to create this video because I'm not good enough

  • yet for camera and I'm not or maybe I don't want to run this Facebook

  • advertisement or I'm scared about going to this person but the thing though is that if

  • you don't take the action you don't know how to do it you're not going to become

  • good if you're not take the action and you'll never going to learn if it's

  • going to work or not unfortunately we can plan all day long but you never

  • connect the dots by planning here's how it works now you might have an idea okay

  • and basically you have three dogs all right this is the first step now you

  • might start strategizing so strategy okay

  • so having a strategy connects the dots a little bit okay you see kind of starts

  • connecting the dots but only when you start taking action only when you start

  • taking action only then you can connect the dots only action connects

  • the dots remember this so you have to take action in the best think about it

  • don't overanalyze it because your motivation comes from the fact that as

  • long as you provide the value you're

  • going to make the money don't worry about is it good is it that is my video

  • going to be good this my website going to be pretty just do it and there's a

  • great quote from Andy Warhol the artist you probably have heard of him since

  • he's his art now he has a great quote and I might miss quote him a little bit

  • but here's the deal well he says is okay make art try to make it nice but then

  • just put it out there and while people are deciding whether it's good art or

  • it's bad art just make some more art all right now think about this video for

  • example you might say this video is the best ever someone might say these video s***

  • alright so I'm going to look at the comments I'm going to see what the

  • feedback is I'm just going to make more so while people are deciding whether this

  • video is good or not and they write comments I'm not going to just sit there

  • and worry about how do they think is good do you not think is good I'm just

  • going to start creating more videos and helping you you know that's what I care

  • about just going out there giving value because I know as long as I provide the

  • best value I can that's fine you know it doesn't have to be perfect I'm going

  • to look at the comments I'm going to make it better that's why you have to

  • give me a comment so I can keep giving you more value and I know I just keep

  • putting up more stuff I bring up the quantity right that's it you have to

  • understand you have to make a decision people plan and plan and plan and have

  • plenty ideas and they think the more they think about it the better it gets

  • no sometimes the more you think about it the worse it gets so you just have to

  • make a decision and you're going to learn on the go from the feedback

  • that's it that's it then the next thing is sex transmutation I don't have a lot

  • of time but ok so this is really important

  • sex transmutation here is the deal and I'm going to be very honest here but

  • first let me say that sexual transmutation is different whether

  • you're a man or a woman alright and of course I don't feel qualified to speak

  • about women because it is different after all but what I'm going to say is

  • that there's this author called Mantak Chia that speaks about this about the

  • female sexual energy and how to transmute it throughout the body and the same

  • with the male sexual energy so I'm going to put some links in the description

  • below and you can check out exactly you can read one of these books you can read

  • the reviews so this is going to change your life however I don't want to leave

  • you hanging so I'm going to give you a few tips now the thing with sexual

  • transmutation with man for example and what Napoleon Hill is trying to

  • say in the book but I guess he's just too embarrassed to actually say directly

  • is that you know you can't ejaculate every single day you know what I mean or

  • even that often what the whole thing is you know you know how after you

  • ejaculate you get really tired and you get depressed and you have any energy

  • because you know the actual sperm has so many minerals and vitamins in it that if

  • you lose it your body has to produce yet over again right and so like the more

  • you ejaculate the more you lose your energy and the more your body has to

  • produce more and it's very toxic on the system you don't have energy you're

  • you're pretty much you're not confident when you meet people you have zero

  • confidence you feel depressed your brain is not there you're not smart it's just

  • really bad so you have to come up with a plan of not ejaculating like and you

  • know there's if you read in the books there's like a system you can do it like

  • once a week or once a month you know depending of how old you are but like

  • the less better and then so you basically have this sexual energy inside

  • of you now the point is to transmute it throughout your whole body

  • not the energy to stay in the genitals but you know there's certain exercises

  • that when you do you transmute this energy throughout your body and now when

  • you transmute this energy from your genitals to your head for example and

  • what is happening is that you know you're it helps you know simple stuff

  • now this energy goes from one place it goes to your head where you know it

  • really helps you so that is the whole point like you transmute this energy

  • throughout your body but you know if you ejaculate you're done like

  • you're you don't have it you have nothing to transmute throughout your

  • body and then for women is different and then for men of course there are many

  • details so you have to think about this stuff and that's why Napoleon Hill

  • says it's really important because it is important your magnetism as a person

  • comes from your sexual of energy mostly so the more you have of it the more

  • magnetic you are to people not just to the other gender you're more magnetic to

  • everyone people want to work with you someone who is friendly someone who's

  • trustworthy someone who is enthusiastic you know stuff like this really important

  • stuff about success and then the last thing so hopefully you like this I try

  • to give as much more value as time permits me here in this video and then

  • the last thing is the mastermind now the mastermind this precipice is

  • gotten so out of context today in America and the rest of the world it's

  • just ridiculous right now it's all funny though people would call everything a

  • mastermind nowadays right the one that they charge twenty five thousand dollars

  • a year or maybe the one that they organized and they get to hang out with

  • other people and speak about each other's problems however the problem

  • with this now the good thing about this is that it sells very well right if you

  • tell come to my mastermind 25k it sounds good like people say oh okay great now

  • I'll pay 25k or maybe you go to someone's meet-up they call it a

  • mastermind and pretty much it sells really well people want to do it people

  • want to join the mastermind however the problem is is that this is not a real

  • mastermind by Napoleon Hill's definition and in fact if you want to be even more

  • accurate it is not a true mastermind by Andrew Carnegie's definition because

  • remember Andrew Carnegie the richest man of the world in the industrial

  • age along with John D Rockefeller and JP Morgan right the richest people

  • back then now Andrew Carnegie's the one that

  • actually came up with all the principles and he was the one that commissioned

  • Napoleon Hill to go and pretty much test these principles for himself and put

  • them out to the world so Carnegie's the one who came up with this

  • principle and in fact the way he used the mastermind principle is totally

  • different than anyone else is speaking about today and the way Napoleon Hill

  • speaks about today see together real masterminds you need to have people that

  • work on the same purpose that work on the same goal because the think about

  • the mastermind the reason why it's called a mastermind is because when you

  • put two or more people together that have the same purpose that have the same

  • goal a third mind is formed from infinite intelligence and this mind is

  • called the mastermind because it's that extra mind you you're not just putting

  • two people together but a third mind is formed and pretty much it's not like two

  • plus two equals four it's like 2+2 equals 10 because you have the

  • mastermind that comes from infinite intelligence however this doesn't happen

  • unless both people or five people have the same purpose have the same goal you

  • see but meaning the same like the exact same not or we both want to make a lot

  • of money that means that that you know we have the same goal no it means that

  • you both want to make money with the same company and the same vision and you

  • both work together as partners for example so that is why you and your wife

  • is a mastermind that's why you and your husband is a mastermind because you have

  • the same go as a family and oftentimes you work one thing your wife works a

  • different thing or the opposite you know people start getting into fights because

  • everyone is doing their own thing people divorce but if you do the same thing

  • as your spouse you have common goals like children together and stuff

  • like this you know you have the same goal so

  • you're more likely to stay together for the rest of your life you have a

  • mastermind well the same thing in business the same thing about achieving

  • your financial goals and you ask me Peter it's impossible to find partners

  • like this this makes it very complicated now you don't need to have it in the

  • beginning there's so many people online making millions of dollars by themselves

  • they don't have other people working for them they don't

  • have you know employees and stuff like this but in the future if you want in

  • the future start making more money and so forth you know building a little

  • bit of a company then the way you start building the mastermind is by hiring

  • people in your company right and these people become obsessed there's different

  • ways to get them obsessed in Silicon Valley they did a great job to know you

  • hire the smartest people you can find you give them stock options you give them an

  • equity inside the company right they get a piece of the company and you get

  • really excited about the same vision and they pretty much have masterminds in

  • Silicon Valley companies because everyone is along with the same vision

  • because everyone has equity in the company

  • even the investors right and so this is more like a mastermind than you putting

  • five people in the room and saying okay what do you work on and work on

  • this how about you okay here's an idea this is just a collaboration this is not

  • a mastermind because everyone has different goals already so now this is

  • how pretty much how you create the plan I hope you like this now are you excited

  • to listen I we're not done yet you have to tell me

  • what you think about this if you like this video first and foremost please

  • like it now that is the least you can do I'll be really happy if you like this video

  • signify that you enjoyed it then the second thing subscribe for this

  • channel if you like this and if you'd like to receive more videos like this we

  • speak about different books we're going to be doing more books like this I guess

  • part of the sequence and we're going to be speaking about business about making

  • money about financial security financial independence subscribe to the channel

  • then the next thing after that is let me know in the comments you can have to

  • tell me did you like this video did you not like it what did you like about it

  • do you have any suggestions for improvements do you have any suggestions

  • for future videos so that's it after you leave me a comment

  • don't worry like this documents is the whole point right the most important

  • thing you have to start doing from now on fill out the documents set up your

  • specific goal 100k a month, 5k, 25k whatever it is right but realistic for

  • your situation starts reading this from 3 to 10 times a day get obsessed to

  • download the document once again it's free we created it for you 100% free

  • the only thing you have to do is click on the link in the

  • description click on the link in the description you can download it you can

  • read it every single day it's there for you we made it for your so hope you

  • enjoy this hope you find find it vulnerable link in the description once

  • again we're going to send it to your email just enter the email automatically

  • sends out in 5 minutes you're going to receive it immediately under 5 minutes something

  • like that that's pretty much it so that's from this video thank you so much

  • for being here once again if you have an online business you want to join our

  • online group and the funny thing though our only group is too called online

  • business mastermind cuz the name is good right people wanna join online business

  • mastermind might even though it's not like that the real mastermind but it's still

  • great so if you want to join the online business mastermind also you have it in

  • the description inside this video and that's pretty much it thank you so much

  • my friends let me know in the comments what you think we're going to be

  • building this channel together I can't wait to see your comments coming up with

  • more videos you're going to see me on the internet if you join the group and

  • that's it I hope we'll be staying in touch and I really look forward to help

  • you achieve your financial goals and build a successful business and this

  • type of stuff so really pumped really excited and hope to see you later thank

  • you so much I'm looking forward to see your comments

hello there friends thank you so much for stopping by I couldn't be more

Subtitles and vocabulary

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思考與致富(史上最佳總結)--拿破崙-希爾。 (Think and Grow Rich (Best Summary Ever) - Napoleon Hill)

  • 150 3
    juuuddddy posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary