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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Quotes 133. Today, we have another one by Gandhi. Okay, and here is the quote. "Be the change you want to see in
the world. " Okay. Let's take a look at the note. Some question, meaning some people question. Some
question whether gone they said this quote and think it may be or may have
been paraphrase from this other quote by Gandhi which can be confirmed that he definitely said this one. And here's
the other quote. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world
would also change. As a man changes his own nature, So does the attitude of the
world change toward him. We need not wait to see what others do.
Okay. So again if we say a tendency. That's a part of your character that you show
by behaving in a particular way. All right. So let's look at it again. If we change
ourselves. Of course , you know change your behavior. Of course improve your behavior.
If we change ourselves. The tendencies in the world would also change. Well if
everybody did this on a large scale would definitely, but you know you got to
start slow. One at a time, one person do it. If you could start somehow to
influence others, little by little. Maybe, maybe it could spread. As a man
changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change toward him.
When you change your behavior people see your behavior, even if you used to be
worse. Or you used to have bad behavior if you, as long as you continue and you say
steady with the better behavior, people will start to look at you in a new way.
And behave towards you in the new way. Or they'll respect you , if you behave in
this better way. We need not wait to see what others do. So again he's saying take
the lead. You be the example. Okay. Let's continue with the note down here. The
first way to look at this quote is that it means
if you want to change the world you must lead by example. Yeah, definitely. Hopefully, if people see
how you behave and they admire it. They may copy it. Not everyone but you know
even if some do that's good. If you look at the actual quote, he also brings out
the idea that as you change yourself, the people and the world respond to that
change. It makes me think of a you know the old classic story. Les Miserables, , you
know. That story where he was a thief and then he was in prison and he ended up
escaping and then you know he went into a church he was going to steal like the
silver and the gold. And the, the priest met him and actually told him to keep
it and end up changing his whole life. And then he ended up becoming a mayor of
a town and he ended up becoming a good guy. Of course you know his, uh his history came back to haunt him later in
the story. But still he made that change because he made that change he started
to become a respectable man. He actually became the mayor of a town. So you can
change yourself and then people will respond to that change. That's the idea.
Okay if you wait for others to change. It may never happen. So you have to be the
one to change yourself. You can't wait and see what others do first. Okay well
anyway. It's a good quote. I hope you got it. I hope you appreciated it . Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.