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Hi, guys! I'm Jacqueline. Hi! 大家好 我是軒慧
In southern Taiwan, there is a very special dish, 在南部有一道料理非常特別
cordia dichotoma, or pobuzi. 就是破布子
Many people there make dishes with pobuzi. 許多南部的朋友會把破布子入菜
A bowl of rice with pickled pobuzi is also a good choice. 醃製的破布子配飯也非常受歡迎
How is pobuzi prepared? 破布子怎麼做呢
Let's go check it out! 跟我去看看吧
The season of pobuzi is roughly the same as that of mangoes. 破布子的產季和芒果差不多
Pobuzi grow on trees. 破布子長在樹上
There are lots of pobuzi in a single bunch. 一整串裡有一顆一顆小小的果實
When these pobuzi turn from green to yellow, they ready for harvest. 顏色從綠色變成黃色就表示成熟了
When we harvest pobuzi, 採收的時候會連同
we cut off the fruits together with the twigs. 樹枝末端及果實一起剪下來
This helps shorten the time spent on harvest. 才能搶快採收
Afterwards, the twigs will be cut off and the fruits will be washed. 之後把樹枝的部分剪除清洗
Before preparing pobuzi, we need to wash them first. 破布子要製作之前需要清洗
First of all, split the bunch of pobuzi 先一顆一顆撥開來
and wash them together. 再一起洗
After splitting pobuzi, 破布子處理後
we need to wash them. 接下來要清洗
Then, we put them in a pot and cook them 清洗完接下來要放入鍋內煮
for about 2 hours. 大概煮2小時左右
After the pobuzi are cooked, add seasonings and spices to pickle them. 煮熟後入調味料醃製
Wait until the pobuzi cool off. 接下來就等冷卻
A lot of women here know how to make dishes with pobuzi, 許多媽媽都會製作破布子
but each of them has a special recipe. 每個人的口味會不太ㄧ樣
Some of them use garlic to enhance the aroma of the dish, 有些會加入蒜頭拌香
and vegetarians cook pobuzi with sliced ginger. 吃素的朋友會加入薑片
While the recipes may be different, they are all tasty. 雖然口味不同 但都非常好吃
There are two major recipes of pobuzi. 大部分破布子會做成兩種方式
One is to make patties with bowls. 一種是用碗壓出塊狀
These patties can be eaten directly or used as ingredients. 可以直接吃或入菜
The other one is to can the pobuzi and use them as ingredients. 另一種是罐裝 入菜用
The two recipes have different ingredient proportions. 兩種的配方和比例不一樣喔
After making dishes with pobuzi, it's time to try some! 做完破布子當然要來品嚐美味的破布子啦
You can eat pobuzi during the mango season in Tainan. 在臺南吃芒果的季節都會吃到破布子
It is said that pobuzi help remove toxins we consume from mangoes. 傳說吃破布子可以解芒果的毒
While the validity of this saying remains unknown, 不管是不是真的
you'll see women in Tainan serve dishes with pobuzi 在臺南吃完芒果
after you eat mangoes. 媽媽一定會端出破布子料理
Every woman here has her own recipe. 每個媽媽都有自己獨到的料理方式
You can find differences in even the simplest pobuzi omelets! 就連破布子煎蛋都不一樣喔
Before trying the pobuzi omelet, 在吃美食之前
let's learn how to make it first. 先教大家簡單的破布子煎蛋
How do we make a pobuzi omelet with canned pobuzi? 用罐裝的破布子怎麼做呢?
Add a spoon of pobuzi 倒入一湯匙的破布子
and mix them with four eggs. 和4顆蛋一起攪拌
Add some basil, 加入九層塔
and fry the eggs and pobuzi. 倒入鍋內煎熟即可
It's simple, isn't it? 是不是很簡單呢
You don't need to add any other seasoning. 不用再加其他的調味料喔
Now, we can finally try the pobuzi dishes 終於可以吃破布子料理啦
It takes a long time for pobuzi to get on your dining table. 從產地到完成其實花費很多的時間
I can't wait to try 我迫不及待想吃吃看
how pobuzi taste like. 破布子的味道
Most of the time, pobuzi are used to make dishes. 大部分的破布子都是入菜
Let me try out the pickled pobuzi first. 我先來吃吃看它醃製過後的味道
I like the seasoning. 這個調味我還蠻喜歡的
It goes well with rice. 很適合配飯吃
There is a special texture of pobuzi. 有破布子獨特的口感
In fact, many people in Tainan love 其實很多臺南的朋友都喜歡
to eat rice with pickled pobuzi. 吃飯配醃製的破布子
Let me try the pobuzi omelet. 先來吃吃破布子煎蛋
Wow! The texture of the eggs is smooth and silky. 哇!蛋變得好滑嫩喔
How did they do this? 怎麼會這樣
It tastes quite different from normal Taiwanese omelets. 跟平常吃到的煎蛋不一樣
Pobuzi is a great match for the omelet. 破布子煎蛋口味很搭
But eating pobuzi is a busy task. 但是吃破布子嘴巴會很忙碌
Remember to spit the seeds when you eat pobuzi. 它的果實裡有籽記得要吐出來
Oh! It's so tasty! 喔!真的太好吃了!
Steamed fish with pobuzi is also a common dish. 破布子蒸魚也是很常見的一道料理
Pobuzi have their own tastes, 我發現破布子它有自己的味道
but the taste is not too strong. 但是它不會搶戲
They are a great match for other dishes. 是非常好的配角
They're really tasty. 非常好吃
If you don't have time to make your own pobuzi dishes, 如果你沒有時間做破布子
you can take home some pobuzi when you visit Zuojhen. 來左鎮別忘了帶一些破布子回家
They're tasty and are a great ingredient! 真的非常美味又好入菜喔!
You can keep them for yourself or give them as a gift! 送人自用兩相宜