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  • this video I'm gonna be sharing with you how to have emotional mastery I'm gonna

  • share ways that you can feel any emotion that you want right now so that you can

  • start to create what you want in a very powerful way welcome back to another

  • video my name is Erin and I hope people expand their consciousness now in this

  • video I'm gonna be sharing with you powerful ways to embody the emotions

  • that you want right now in the present moment so why is this so important it

  • will understand first off that when it comes to vibrational resonance which I

  • noticed some people is kind of a weird word but vibrational resonance really

  • has to do with understanding that what physics shows us is that everything is

  • vibration everything is just vibrating at different frequencies so in our life

  • we experience a reflection of who we are being and we experience a direct

  • reflection of our resonant vibration now part of our vibration has to do with the

  • emotions that we are feeling and one of the purposes of life is to go through

  • and have an emotional type experience like we're meant to embody our emotions

  • or meant to learn as much as we can about emotions and that's part of the

  • purposes of life so let's first off start with emotion and vibration are

  • very interlinked and when we start to see emotion more as vibration it gets

  • much easier for us to see what kind of emotions

  • we must feel in order to vibrate at the reality that we want now what do I mean

  • by at the reality that we want well what we must do is a maddened imagine the

  • best version of us and how we would be acting in the ideal reality so me for

  • example I have a certain body language in my ideal reality and I have a certain

  • way I present myself I am traveling the world in my visualization I am speaking

  • in front of large groups of people I am doing and traveling and meeting with

  • different types of people networking I'm going to great restaurants I'm doing all

  • of these things and with that success that I see within

  • myself I carry myself in a certain way and there is also certain emotions that

  • I am feeling emotions like feeling just grateful for where I am I feel like I'm

  • on my purpose so I feel very passionate about what I'm talking about what I'm

  • speaking about I can see it in my gestures I can see it in the way that I

  • interact with other people I feel very connected I feel very excited those are

  • different emotions that add up to the vibration of that version of me so what

  • we can begin to do is first off see what emotions we are consistently feeling and

  • then what commotions we are feeling in the ideal reality that we have we may

  • see that there's a little bit of a variance we may see in right now I'm

  • feeling emotions such as jealousy or I'm feeling emotions such as just like I'm

  • not good enough or I'm not already there so I'm feeling this emotion of lack or

  • this emotion like I really desire it because I don't already have it and then

  • we look at the reality that we prefer to be in the one of the best version of

  • ourselves and we're like well no that version of us doesn't lack anything that

  • version of us is just already happened doesn't get jealous because that version

  • of us is already doing very well so you see this is where we start to develop

  • emotional mastery over being able to see where we are to where we want to be so

  • that's the first part of the process is becoming aware of that gap of where you

  • are to where you want to be and paying attention to then how we can start to

  • wire in new emotions new vibrations and then let go of older vibrations or

  • vibrations that no longer serve the identity of the person that we prefer to

  • be now an important foundation of this process is first off understanding our

  • emotions in general now here's the cool thing our beliefs create our reality and

  • we do not have an emotion without first giving a meaning to different things

  • that happen into our life so let me give you an example of this this is the most

  • common one easy one to understand if there is a rainy day the idea of a rainy

  • day is absolutely neutral there's no built-in meaning there's no one that

  • says has to mean this it has to mean that the

  • day's gonna be great or it has to mean that the days not going to be great

  • it's absolutely neutral but the meaning that we give it is what determines the

  • effect we get out of it now first off we may just have a neutral meaning I don't

  • care if it is if it is rainy or not that makes no difference to me then it's

  • still a neutral meaning sometimes people might be like oh it's raining that is

  • awesome because I live in Vegas and I love it when it rains it doesn't rain

  • very often so then we give it positive meaning we feel good because we can kind

  • of in a way put up our blinds look outside and feel good with it and if we

  • give it a negative meaning we're like oh there's going to be traffic there's

  • going to be this all those negative connotations then we feel negative

  • emotion well that little analogy right there is actually with almost everything

  • in our life so sometimes we may be in a certain situation let's say you're in a

  • relationship and you break up with someone or someone breaks up with you

  • and you feel negative emotion now from a certain point am i saying that that is a

  • neutral idea and that we're in a my lying to myself or my emotions or I'm

  • like kidding myself it has no built-in meaning well yes that is actually what

  • is happening it's just about becoming aware of it so for example from a

  • certain perspective say you lost a job you lost a job you got fired okay that's

  • a negative situation - about 80 to 90 percent of the people in the world

  • however from a certain perspective you could be happy because you could say you

  • know what this is one job out of thousands of jobs I could have I'm gonna

  • start finding out what I'm more passionate about you know what I've been

  • wanting to do my own passion this is going to give me the pressure the fire

  • for me to start doing that full-time you see we could start to see things in new

  • points of view maybe you're like oh in that relationship this is a negative

  • thing I feel that I feel sad well sad is coming from the focus of the perspective

  • and maybe that person that you were in a relationship with represented to you

  • some type of positive emotion you attributed your happiness with them but

  • at the fundamental level you have the ability to feel the emotions that you

  • want in the present moment right now it's

  • simply a matter of your choice as to what focuses and perspectives you have

  • that determine the kind of emotion that you feel in the vibrational resonance

  • that you have so I know this sounds like a pretty new idea the idea that we can

  • really choose our emotions and choose the meanings that we give things in life

  • but that's when we start to take our power back because we see that nothing

  • has a built-in meaning so we could start to ask ourself a new question if we were

  • maybe just can out of a breakup and we're saying to ourselves okay I feel

  • very sad well what would I have to believe is true to be having this kind

  • of experience well maybe it's like okay from a certain

  • level I could feel grateful that I had a relationship with somebody maybe it

  • didn't work out but here's a good thing there's 7 billion other people in the

  • world and if I can have that level of resonance with one person that it didn't

  • work out with imagine the level of residents I'd have with somebody that

  • really actually resonates at a deeper level you see it kind of switches the

  • perspective but we can see then maybe if we're still feeling negative emotion

  • about the situation of the break-up we can see that we're still giving it some

  • type of meaning we're identifying with that person we're giving unhappiness to

  • them and saying you were my happiness that's a dependent relationship and what

  • we can do is start to be grateful for it because then we can start to take our

  • power back we could say I am whole and complete we can start to see things from

  • a new point of view we can expand our awareness in so many different ways so

  • that's something that I think is just so powerful when we start to tap into it is

  • realizing first off that any emotion that we feel is specifically because we

  • have a belief or a meaning that we're giving something in our life and then

  • therefore that is the effect that we get out of it so it's very powerful and we

  • start to reframe the different kind of things in our life in a powerful way

  • because we will literally start to feel better emotions I remember there were

  • times I used to have a sales commission job there were times I was helping

  • customers that were walking it's called walking when they don't they don't buy

  • anything and they're kind of wasting your time but what I would do is I

  • realize that anytime that would happen it would cause negative momentum because

  • the next customers I would help I would that negative energy into that out that

  • like situation and it would continue to create more and more resistance and get

  • worse and worse normally so what I did is I switched it around I was like you

  • know what these person this two people came in they didn't buy anything they

  • kind of wasted my time but I was able to get myself into the state of like

  • helping people I see it more from a neutral point of view I realized that's

  • a neutral idea and I chose to give it a positive meaning because I'm like okay

  • the next people that I help it's gonna be even better and then guess what

  • happened every person would get better and better I start to sell more and more

  • that was something that I found very powerful because I started to change the

  • meaning therefore my state of being increased I started to feel better and

  • then I started to actually help people that wanted to buy because I was

  • resonating with people that wanted to buy rather than resonating with people

  • that just wanted to walk me or they just wanted to just try on some nice that you

  • know a thousand dollar pair of shoes because I used to work at a sales

  • commission job selling like talking at our pair of Louboutins so it's a

  • different perspective but give it new meaning and you will start to feel an

  • elevated emotion and in that elevated emotion you'll start to attract more

  • amazing things you get out of a relationship you break up with someone

  • someone breaks up with you you give it a positive meaning because you know you're

  • gonna find someone even better you start to increase your state of being

  • then you resonate with someone that could actually resonate with you at a

  • deeper level you start to become more attractive because you start to

  • literally feel better and as you feel better as you smiling more as you're

  • having more fun you are more attractive they've shown that they've shown that

  • with scientific studies that when you smile there are more people you're

  • actually releasing more serotonin first of all so you're feeling better but

  • people actually perceive you as more attractive at the same time so those are

  • all some things that will help with this process now a couple other things I want

  • to share with you with this is understand that whatever you focus on

  • you feel focus equals feeling when you become aware of what you're focusing on

  • that's when you can start to take your power back in a very powerful way you

  • could take your power back in a very powerful way okay yeah and that's what

  • you can start to do is start to take your power back by realizing this is a

  • game changer you can feel any emotion you want in the present moment right now

  • you do not need something else to symbolize something to you for you to

  • feel those emotions normally we external eyes are power we say when I get into

  • that perfect relationship I will feel whole and complete when I am making X

  • amount of money per month or per year I will feel abundant and great about

  • myself but the thing is is we are externalized in our power and we are not

  • giving ourselves permission to just feel that positivity feel that level of

  • satisfaction right now in the present moment when if we were to go straight to

  • the source and simply decide to feel the emotions right now at the present moment

  • we would actually start to see more and more resonance in our life of that

  • reflection of who we are being so normally we are here achieving our goals

  • is here with the satisfaction and we take a lot of action and we do all of

  • these things and then we give ourselves permission to feel that emotion but

  • there's a lot of resistance that comes along the way instead we are here these

  • emotions all right over here we can feel right now in the present moment it's

  • about that awareness of you knowing that you can feel any emotion that you want

  • right now if I were to tell myself you know when I make five hundred thousand

  • dollars a year I can be happy then what I do is I kind of work myself really

  • really hard I create a lot of resistance and when I finally get there I give

  • myself permission to feel that satisfaction but what does that money

  • mean to me what does that money bring me it brings me a meaning that I am giving

  • it I am giving the money the meaning of saying the money equals freedom money

  • equals the ability for me to travel and do what I love money equals the

  • resources to help more people to build even a bigger business so you see as I

  • start to change the way I view the process as I start to change those

  • things I start to relate to it in a completely new way and then I'm able to

  • embody more of the emotions I want so it comes with that awareness so what I want

  • to encourage you to do here's the practical side of this video the

  • exercise that you can begin to do is begin to visualize and imagine the best

  • version of you and how you are acting in that ideal reality so maybe it's you

  • owning your own art gallery maybe it's you traveling the world and speaking

  • that's mine maybe it's you owning your own business owning a

  • restaurant maybe it's you making videos on health and nutrition or growing on

  • social media whatever it is imagine that version of you that is

  • already where you want to be imagine the emotions that you would be feeling break

  • it down into emotions not the things you would have but the actual emotions you'd

  • be feeling and you could say okay I'm gonna be feeling connected to other

  • people I'm gonna feel passionate I'm gonna feel like I'm on top of the world

  • I'm gonna feel like everything in life is just synchronistically happening so

  • I'm gonna feel very grateful all of those emotions that I feel in that ideal

  • reality I choose to feel now in the present moment through focus whatever

  • you focus on you feel focus on where those things in your life are already in

  • your life so for example if you're like I'm gonna focus on the freedom I'm gonna

  • have from all that money and the abundance that I want you say well where

  • do I already have abundance and freedom well I already have freedom because I

  • can drive wherever I want to go I already have freedom cuz I can go in the

  • kitchen right now and make my food and eat what I want I already have the

  • freedom right now because I call up friends and hang out I can do what I

  • want so that's the level of freedom that I'm talking about so that's something

  • that you can feel through your focus whatever you focus on you feel and when

  • you start to become aware of what you have to believe is true so ask yourself

  • that question what I have to believe is true to be having this kind of

  • experience and as you see what that emotion is as you see what that belief

  • is you can then choose to let go of the old belief because the moment you come

  • become aware of it is the moment you bring the subconscious into the

  • conscience and you can decide to then let it go and as you let it go you start

  • to take your power back and from there you can start to then give things

  • positive meaning in life think of positive is an integrative not positive

  • as good and negative as bad positive is integrated negative as separating or

  • segregative is start to connect to the events in your life start to give things

  • part of the positive meaning integrated and you'll start to transform it in a

  • much more powerful way so another part of this whole process is understanding

  • vibration and your vibrational frequency when you raise your vibration whatever

  • you focus on will happen much faster that's why I've created a free guided

  • that will show you exactly how to raise your vibrational set point with when

  • you're in at maybe a three or four out of ten you can start to feel at a 7 or 8

  • an 8 out of 10 it'll raise you up the vibrational scale so that's something

  • I've created for absolutely free I can think it can totally change your life if

  • you listen to it for at least 21 days straight it's gonna be in the top of the

  • description box below you can download it for free and other than that I'm also

  • going to be on Instagram or be doing more live Q&A s I'm gonna be like to

  • interact with you I want to be able to if you have questions you can ask me

  • questions and we can have more of a dialogue there so if you want to follow

  • me there I'll go ahead and put it right over here for you to follow me on

  • Instagram as well and other than that as always I hope you guys enjoy this video

  • feel free to like this video like to subscribe if you haven't already hit

  • that little notification here so that you can see the daily bits that I do so

  • a YouTube does things now is you actually have to hit that button to see

  • the daily bits now the neck as always please much love

this video I'm gonna be sharing with you how to have emotional mastery I'm gonna

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如何即時感受你想要的任何情緒,以實現你想要的東西(情緒掌握)。 (How to Feel ANY Emotion you Want INSTANTLY to Manifest What you Want (Emotional Mastery))

  • 29 0
    juuuddddy posted on 2021/01/14
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