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Hi, guys! I'm Jacqueline. Hi! 大家好 我是軒慧
When it comes to Zuojhen, people often think of 說到左鎮大概會想到二寮的日出
the sunrise at Er-liao and the famous fossil museum. 還有非常受歡迎的化石館
Why is there a fossil museum in Zuojhen? 左鎮為什麼有化石館呢?
Let's go check it out! 跟我去了解一下!
We're now here at Zuojhen Fossil Museum. 這裡是左鎮化石館
The museum reopened this year after renovation was completed. 今年才修復完工
Wow! It looks really beautiful! 哇!看起來真的非常漂亮
Guang Rong Elementary School is just next to the museum. 旁邊還有光榮國小
Why is the school located next to the museum? 為什麼化石館會跟學校合在一起呢
It's really special. Let me check it out. 好特別 我先去問問看
I'm the Principal of Guang Rong Elementary School. 我是光榮國小現任的校長
I'm Tsai Quen-liang. 我叫蔡坤良
First of all, I would like to thank 首先我還是要感謝
Mr. Lai Ching-te, the former mayor and former premier. 我們的前市長 前行政院長賴清德
He made an important decision to 他在文化園區裡面做了一個很重大的決定
keep the school in the cultural park. 就是把光榮國小繼續留在這個文化園區
Similar to the Confucius Temple and Jhongyi Elementary School, 像孔廟跟忠義國小一樣
this is also a cultural park. 一個複合式的文化園區
The history of Zuojhen Fossil Museum can be tracked back to 左鎮化石館成立的由來是
the time when teachers and students from the school went digging for 早期光榮國小的老師帶著學生到菜寮溪挖掘化石
fossils at around Cailiao River. The fossils were displayed in the classroom. 當時大家將挖掘到的化石放在教室展示
With the efforts of the principals, directors, and parents of the school, 後來歷任的校長 主任 老師和家長一起打造化石館
in 2019, the museum was reopened as Zuojhen Fossil Park. 2019年左鎮化石園區以嶄新的面貌問世
The park is located on the campus of Gung Rong Elementary School, 園區建造在光榮國小的校地
turning the original fossil museum, the natural history museum, and the school 並且整合原來的化石館 自然史教育館及光榮國小
into an integrated museum with school. 為校館合一的博物館
The design of the museum is impressive. 這個博物館的設計非常厲害
The architecture, the visiting flow, space arrangement, or the exhibition here 不管是建築 動線 空間的利用或者是展示的內容
are all really amazing. 都非常令人驚艷
The museum has an attractive appearance, 外觀就非常吸引人
and it's said that it takes half an hour to just walk around the entire park. 聽說整個園區走完一圈至少要半個小時
There are five exhibition halls here. 園區總共分成五個展館
Come on! Let's go check it out! 走!跟我去逛一逛吧!
There are five exhibition halls in Zuojhen Fossil Park, 左鎮化石園區 總共有五大館
with a total area of one hectare. 佔地約一公頃
There are halls of Natural History Education, History, Evolution,Exploration, etc. 分成自然史教育館 故事館 生命演化館 探索館等等
The first hall you see in the park is the Natural History Education Hall. 進到園區的第一個空間是自然史教育館
It's such a magnificent view to see deer flying over the sky. 成群的鹿飛在半空中好壯觀啊
The animals here are all fluffy. 這裡的動物看起來都毛絨絨的
They are so cute! 超級可愛
As you go downstairs, 下樓後可以發現
you can see the profile of Cailiao River from the stairs. 樓梯的設計可以看到菜寮溪的地層剖面
You can learn how to dig for fossils here 這裡可以學習化石挖掘
and how fossils are formed! 及化石形成的知識喔!
There are hands-on activities here. 這裡還有體驗活動
You can know what it's like to dig for fossils. 你可以模擬挖掘化石
Look what I just found. It's super cool! 看看我挖到什麼 超酷的!
The special exhibition room stages different themes regularly. 這裡的特展室會有不同的主題喔
These animals look just like real. 這裡的動物看起來像真的
If you take a close look, they're all cute fluffy dolls. 近看都是絨毛布偶超可愛
This is the History Hall. 這裡是故事館
You can learn about the history and life of early Siraya people. 來到這裡你可以看到早期西拉雅的生活文化
Also, you can learn about Uncle Fossil's story. 也可以認識化石爺爺的故事
There are animations here! 這裡還有動畫喔
They're so cute. 非常可愛
Through the animations and exhibitions, 透過動畫與文物的展示
we can know more about Cailiao. 讓大家能更清楚了解菜寮的故事
This is the Evolution Hall. 這裡是生命演化館
You can see the origin of creatures here. 你可以看到生命的起源
Wow! There are creatures living in the ocean and on the land. 哇!這裡海洋的陸地的都有
You can even see fossils form the Ice Age here. 你還可以看到冰河時期的化石
And what's special about them is that they're all found in Zuojhen. 更特別的是這些化石都是在左鎮這裡挖掘的
Wow! It's so cool! 哇!太酷了!
In the Hall of Evolution, 生命演化館顧名思義就是
we provide a complete introduction 我們利用這個館介紹地球46億年
to the Earth's 4.6 billion-year of history. 整個完整的歷史
From the appearance of oxygen 從氧氣的誕生
and bacteria, 到細菌
to the Cambrian Explosion, 到寒武紀大爆發
the emergence of species, 開始有物種的產生
from the Paleozoic era, the Mesozoic era, the rise of dinosaurs, 到古生代 中生代 到恐龍的產生
to the Cenozoic era, 到新生代
the Ice Age, 冰河時期
and the emergence of human beings. 到人類
Does it feel like traveling back in time 逛生命演化館
as you walk in the Evolution Hall? 是否有搭時光機的感覺呢
After the 4.6 billion-year long trip, 逛完46億年的旅程
let's go check out the Fossil Hall! 接下來要帶大家去逛化石館囉
Here we have a list of animals. 這裡有動物大點名
You can see animals living in Cailiao 400 thousand years ago. 你可以看到四十萬年前菜寮的動物
Wow! This is amazing! 哇!這實在是太酷了!
I never knew there were these animals in Zuojhen! 沒想到臺南左鎮竟然有這些動物
The labels in the fossil hall are all well-designed. 我覺得化石館的解說設計非常優秀
In the past, if you visited a museum to see fossils, 以前看化石
what you would see were probably a tooth 大概就是看到某個牙齒
or a bone 或者某一塊骨頭
with an object label below it, 然後頂多是一張說明卡
saying: “Tooth of a whale.” 例如:寫著這是鯨魚的牙齒
It's hard to imagine the appearance and body structure 動物的外貌及部位到底在哪裡
of an animal 你很難想像
unless you're an expert in the body structures of animals. 除非你對動物的骨架非常有研究
Here you can find an illustration. 這裡會有圖示
It tells us where a fossil is in a virtual skeleton. 甚至是把化石放在虛擬骨架的位置
This way you know clearly which part of the body the fossil belongs to. 讓你可以清楚了解它是什麼部位的化石
I really recommend you come here with your kids. 真的非常適合帶小朋友來看
The illustrations are really cute. 而且都設計得非常可愛
Tada! This is the most valuable collection in the museum, Rhinoceros sinensis hayasakai. 噹啷!這是鎮館之寶「早坂犀牛」
You can take a picture with it. 你還可以跟牠拍照喔
Wow! This is so cool! 哇!超酷的!
What you see here is the skeleton of the rhino, 我們現在現場看到的是只有骨架的犀牛
but through the interactive technology, 透過科技互動裝置
it seems like the rhinos were alive again and came to take a picture with you! 好像跟復活的犀牛一起合照喔!
Wow! This is amazing! 哇!這真是太神奇了!
This place has so much fun! 這裡真的太好玩了!
The design of the space 不管是這裡的空間設計
as well as the exhibition are all fantastic. 或者展示的內容都非常精彩
It's a place to visit for both educational and leisure purposes. 這是一個具有教育意義又兼具休閒的好去處
You can come here with your family! 很適合帶全家一起來玩喔!
When you get tired, there are places for you to take a rest. 當然逛累了還有可以休息的地方
When you visit Zuojhen, don't miss out the fossil park! 來左鎮一定要來化石園區喔!
If you want to know a place more, 想要更了解地方特色
you definitely have to walk into local communities. 一定要到社區走走
Here you will know fun places to visit 來到這裡你可以很清楚知道要去哪裡玩
and special products to buy. 還有左鎮的特產是什麼
Follow me and let's check it out! 跟我去看一看吧!
This is Gong Guan Community. 這裡是公館社區
Let me ask people here 我來問問社區的朋友
to recommend places we can visit. 在地人推薦的景點
The most famous tourist attraction here is the sunrise at Er-liao. 我們這邊最知名的就是二寮日出
Sunrise at Er-liao is an important tourist attraction in Zuojhen. 二寮日出是左鎮重要的景點
The site is close to downtown Zuojhen. 離市區非常近
It's a place where you can see both sunrise and cloud sea at a low elevation. 也是低海拔就可以看到日出與雲海的地方
The landscape of Er-liao changes its colors from time to time, 二寮的顏色變化也非常豐富
and you can see different scenery in different seasons. 不同的季節可以看到不同的景色喔
The second place to visit is Ganglin Elementary School. 第二個點就是我們岡林國小這個地方
Ganglin Elementary School is also a popular site on social media platforms. 岡林國小也是熱門的打卡景點喔
Look at the pipe house behind me. Isn't it cute? 你看我身後的這水管屋是不是很可愛呢
It's a great place for photo shooting. 非常適合拍攝
In addition, this place is the community office of Gong Guan. 這個地方也是公館社區的據點
Here you can see handicrafts and products made by local women. 在這裡可以看到社區媽媽的創意和在地的特產喔
Here in Gong Guan, you'll see lots of products made from arrowroot. 在公館社區你會看到很多葛鬱金的相關商品
This is what arrowroot looks like. 原來葛鬱金長這樣
Usually, arrowroot grows in the field, 葛鬱金大部分是種在田裡
in this community, arrowroot is grown in flowerpots 社區為了讓來這裡體驗的朋友們可以看到葛鬱金
for visitors' convenience. 就種在盆栽裡
In the past, people here used to thicken soup with arrowroot 以前大家會把葛鬱金用來勾芡
or add it into brown sugar water to make drinks. 或者加在黑糖水裡當飲料喝
They're so delicious! 真的太好吃了!
In addition to local dishes, 品嚐在地特產外
you can also learn more about local culture. 也可以了解在地的文化
Ganglin Church and the Lee's Historic Mansion are also important attractions. 岡林教會和李家古厝也是非常重要的景點
You can see the Moon World landscape along District Highway No. S171. 沿著南171可以看到月世界的風景
There are sites such as Yaoyue Bridge and the Grand Canyon. 有要月橋 還有大峽谷
If you go upwards, you can visit Highland 308. 再往上走還有308高地
Highway No. S171 narrows down when it gets closer to Highland 308. 提醒大家南171靠近308的路比較小
You can take the alternative road. 可以走另一條路
The scenery in Zuojhen is really beautiful. 左鎮這裡的景觀真的非常漂亮
The beautiful views in Er-liao, 有二寮的美景
unique Moon World landscape in Caoshan, 也有草山月世界這種獨特的樣貌
the Siraya Culture, 可以認識西拉雅文化
and local dishes 也可以品嚐在地的特色美食
are all worth experiencing. 非常值得來這裡體驗
Jacana, people said that Highland 308 is very beautiful. 哈小雉 聽說308高地很美
Can you take us there? 可以帶我們去嗎?
Of course! Follow me! 當然好囉!跟我走!
This is Highland 308. 這裡就是308高地
It's near the boundaries of Zuojhen and Longci Districts, Tainan 位在左鎮區 龍崎區
and Neimen District, Kaohsiung. 和高雄內門區交界的地方
The elevation here is 308 meters, 這裡是海拔308公尺
which is why this place is called Highland 308. 因此有308高地之稱
The scenery here is really stunning. 這裡的風景真的非常美
Now that we're here, 來這裡
why not enjoy the food and the scenery at the same time! 當然要邊吃美食 邊欣賞風景囉!
If you ever visit Zuojhen, 如果來左鎮
don't forget to come to Highland 308. 一定要來308高地
The view here is excellent. 走一走 這裡的風景不錯
After enjoying the beautiful scenery, 欣賞完美麗的風景
let's go look for the local dishes! 跟我去吃美食吧!
The menu here is similar to those of a free-range chicken restaurant. 這裡的菜色就像是土雞城那樣
You can come here with friends 建議大家可以揪團一起來吃
so that you get to try several dishes at once. 可以吃到比較多不同的菜色
When you come to a mountainous area, you definitely have to try the local dishes here! 來到山區當然要吃山產囉!
The chicken soup is stewed with hare's-tail grass. 這是用九尾草燉煮的雞湯
The seasoning is stunning. 味道非常入味
The chicken is elastic 雞肉吃起來非常彈牙
and fresh. 非常鮮嫩
This soup must be very nutritious. 這鍋感覺很補
Vegetables grown in the mountains usually taste sweet. 山區的山菜通常都非常鮮甜
Let me try it. 我來吃吃看
Wow! It's really fresh and sweet. 哇!果然非常鮮甜
Vegetables that are fresh 我發現好吃的蔬菜
have their special tastes. 你會吃到蔬菜本身的味道
It's really delicious. 真的很好吃
It's different from ordinary vegetables. 跟平常吃的不太一樣喔
The agricultural exhibition center is across the fossil park. 在化石園區對面就有農會的展示中心
In addition to local agricultural products, 這裡除了可以看到在地的農特產品
you can find products from other areas here, too. 也可以看到各個地區的特產
Wow! The Peng Bing(hollow cookies) is so cute. 哇!這個椪餅好可愛喔
The mango ice here is served with traditional Peng Bing. 這裡的芒果冰加入傳統的椪餅
In addition to mangoes, mango ice cream, and pickled mangoes, 除了可以吃到芒果 芒果冰淇淋 芒果青之外
you can try out what Peng Bing tastes like. 還可以品嚐傳統椪餅的味道
Oh! Peng Bing is a great match for mango ice! 喔!椪餅加上芒果冰非常好吃
It has all the traditional tastes! 很有古早味喔!
Tainan International Mango Festival is a popular event. 臺南的國際芒果節非常受歡迎
Activities in each district are held at different times. 每個地區的活動時間都不太一樣喔
The International Mango Festival is held in Zuojhen on July 13 every year. (左鎮)每年的7月13日都會辦國際芒果節
This is an event commissioned by Tainan City Government and the Council of Agriculture. 這是臺南市政府和農委會協助我們辦理
During the International Mango Festival, 在國際芒果節期間
activities are held in many districts. 各個地區接力舉辦活動
In addition to the difference in the varieties of mangoes, 芒果除了品種不一樣
each district has their own special features. 各個地區都有自己的特色喔
The activities are really fun. 活動也非常好玩
Wow! The teacher also comes here 哇!在活動裡還看到老師
to teach people how to make products with shell ginger. 來這裡教大家做月桃DIY
In addition to hands-on activities in Zuojhen, 在左鎮除了社區有體驗活動外
the agricultural association has held farming experience activities. 農會也會配合活動舉辦農事體驗
Zuojhen is an important growing area for mangoes. 左鎮也是芒果的重要產地
In summer, you can come here and harvest mangoes in a mango field. 夏天可以到芒果園體驗採收芒果
Wow! This is a rare experience! 哇!這真的是難得的經驗啊!
You can buy fresh mangoes at the agricultural association. 在農會也可以買到新鮮的芒果喔
Besides fresh mangoes, 除了芒果以外
I like dried mangoes a lot. 我個人非常推薦芒果乾
Dried mangoes are really delicious. 芒果乾真的非常好吃
The whole fruit is condensed, 它把果肉濃縮
and it's very chewy. 也很有嚼勁
Pickled mangoes are also a must-try. 芒果青也是大推
It tastes a little sour and a little sweet at the same time. 酸酸甜甜的有戀愛的滋味
In addition, there are mango puddings 這裡還有芒果布丁
and mango smoothie here. 還有芒果冰砂
Wow! There are sour, sweet, icy, and tender mango products, and mango drinks. 哇!酸的 甜的 冰的 軟的 還有喝的
You can try mangoes of different tastes and flavors at once. 你同時可以吃到不同口感及不同口味的芒果
It's a dream come true! 真的是太幸福啦!
Zuojhen has so much fun. 左鎮真的是太好玩了
There are ancient fossils, 有古老的化石
the Siraya Culture, 可以認識西拉雅文化
local specialties, 了解在地的特色
and a variety of mango products. 還可以吃不同口感的芒果
You won't want to miss out Zuojhen! 我想你一定不會想錯過左鎮喔!