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And we're here
Okay so the goal here is I'm going to pick up a few supplies that I do need and then I want to take a look
at some of the scaping supplies potentially as well as the fish they actually have in stock
so you guys can make a better educated decision on what we should put in the tank based on what's actually available.
And of course for those not familiar with what I'm talking about, basically, I stripped down a 120 gallon aquarium out of my gallery and
one that I simply wasn't happy with and I wanted you guys to decide the stocking as well as
the scaping and we go from there
So in this video I go to my local fish store and we take a look around see what we can find
If we simply can't decide I'll look into ordering some fish, but that'll simply prolong everything
Right, and I guess as a full disclaimer
I should probably state that while I went in there with a mission
When I go into a local fish store or my local fish store
at least I get completely sidetracked with what I'm there for and I simply just start looking around and
It just becomes a trip to the fish store and that's kind of sort of what this ended up being but
Let you guys watch
Do you have the salt that I use?
Woman: Uh do you use the... Joey: Buckets
Woman: Oh the buckets, yep
Joey: where they at?
Woman: Um look in the closet
Joey: In the closet? that's the Coral Pro
That's all coral pro I use the Red Sea just a regular sea salt
Well, here's one
This will make 200 gallons. Yeah, I'll get a bag of that Bruce can get a water change. I named, uh, I named the, uh
the lion fish.
Woman: oh did you what's his name?
Joey: Bruce
Woman: aw cute
Joey: after Batman
Woman: of course
He definitely looks like a Batman
Joey: I need frozen foods too
You know what I like? I really like feeding?
It's for saltwater fish, but I feed it to all my freshwater fish all of this reef frenzy stuff
My fish love that stuff. Oh
Uh oh
I think I know what you guys might want me to get
All right
So we got the salt and some frozen foods, even though I sometimes make my own frozen foods
it's sometimes nice just to have it available and ready to rock and roll so I can move on to other things but
oh got the tanks here
40 breeders
One two three four
One of the things I was thinking of doing is
I want to build some really simple sumps and run this the racks with them
because we've been kind of we've we've used the
We've used the custom aquarium sumps for quite a while and I kind of want to start mixing things up for you guys
Just because it's just gonna get very monotonous for you guys to see the same things over and over again
And I would love to be able to
Show you some ultimate things that you can do see which ones work better, etc. Let me know what you think of that
Every time I see empty tanks, I'm like I need it. I need it. I don't know why I need it. I need it
Hey, let's take a look at some cool fish. What do you got for a cool fish?
Woman: Oh I got tons
Joey: Got tons? there's some saltwater stuff I better stay away from this for now
Yeah, let me see what you got for tank needs for Bruce
The proofs ease up raw, but that's not bad, huh?
Is this a Marine Goby a Marine betta is that what those are called typically? Yeah
Woman: A marine betta, it's in the family of groupers I believe
Joey: Cool that's a predator, isn't it? Woman: It is yes Joey: I really like that Woman: Although very shy
Joey: How big do they get?
Woman: Uh... I think they get something around eight inches but don't quote me on that
Joey: Hmm
We're not here for that we're not here for that
Is this a trigger
Yes, very nice
Another predator. Yeah? they get along with the lionfish?
Woman: I think they get along?
Very nippy sounds familiar
Could eat these guys... yellow tangs
I'm not well-versed with all saltwater fish, but I'm pretty familiar with them. It's easier to say is that a...? than assuming what it is
Alright many of you guys many many many many many of you want me to get Oscars for 120 so
There's a pretty big one in here classic tiger
Let me be clear there's actually a couple of these guys here
Let's see who likes me more. Do you like me there? Mr. Mopey pants. I like your colors
Wanna come home sometime
Aw I wonder if he's like a rescue or something
Touch him, he don't like me not coming home the fish have to connect with me on a spiritual level in order to come home with me
Oh frontosa
I should probably also mention a few of the options. You guys have given me now there was over
15,000 comments when I asked for suggestions, and there's no real possible way for me to go through all of them
It's I didn't expect that and I was when it started happening and all the comma started flowing
I was like, how am I going to categorize all this and kind of narrow it down?
But I kept seeing a lot of comments on why don't you go out and catch
Local fish and keep them to put that simple in my province of Nova Scotia
That's illegal. I can't do that. So that's completely off the table. Don't even consider it. There's another one
Kinda like this guy too - maybe it's just under better lighting. What'd you guys think wonder if he's friendly, huh?
You want to be my friend don't you want to be friends
I don't know you're doing better than the other guy
A little bit damage to his to his anal fin there
Look at these barbs. These are filament barbs. These are actually really cool
Some big silver dollars, these are actually pretty good size
Some ornate bichirs
Like Stein some red Hook's
Silver dollars there is a discus tank here. There's some smaller discus. We already have discus
Marble red there's some Cobalts pigeon bloods nice
These frontosa are really nice
Hmm I already have a couple African tanks Oh
Giant Gourami I kind of want you because you're the normal color
Another one
These guys get massive
See what else here then we've got community fish so essentially very much a little bit of everything
Some gouramis
See what's in here, what's in Tetras
Embers ember tetras yeah
- what else obviously we're not gonna be able to show every tank, but you kind of get the idea. I don't know guys
Zebra Danios. Zebra danios was one of my first fish. I'm kind of leaning towards those Oscars to be honest with you
I don't know, I think somebody would buy them before I get them, especially when this video comes out
Tin foil barbs. Ooh
These guys get pretty big actually a really good community fish for monsters. Not that aggressive in terms of like what they'd be in with
They're the ones without the stripes
Ones with the stripes are sharks, roselines
Super-expensive when they first kinda hit the hobby
Tinfoils get really big though. Look at all the clown loaches, big ones too... I got a tank of them already
Scissor tails
Guppies, plecos
What else we got here
Think that's a hill stream loach in the back
See that?
That's cool, isn't it? It's like it's dorsal and anal fins
No, I think its pectoral fins and anal fins were have adapted to be able to suck on to rocks and surfaces because they come
Hill streams, they don't want to get blown away
All right
Oh what's this?
Spiny eel. Man, I get asked to keep eels constantly
Yay or nay?
Oh axolotls these have the glowing gene, they've been genetically modified
Turn on a blacklight which is off right now wonder if I can turn it on?
Can I turn it on? I don't know how to turn it on
But they'll glow
Axolotls something else you guys ask me to keep constantly. You've got the basics really the normal colors and the glowing genes
Quite a few of them. Oh fish
butterfly koi
Pond season's kind of over here oh more saltwater fish gotta stay away from these guys because we're not doing saltwater
That entire rack is like 120 or 75 so all saltwater
What are these kenyis those are some more Africans. Oh, you know what I see up here?
Some redhead tapajo
Tropheus... these black angels are pretty cool they'd contrast with my, my Platinums... parrot fish
Oh! Another oscar
So he looks like he had an injury on his tail fin
a long time ago and it healed but
it kind of healed incorrectly
but isn't he pretty
I think I like the Tigers too... black tang oh
Very nice.What do we got here... some acaras.
I used to keep these guys, severums, these are the gold severums red spots
peacocks blennies
These guys are gonna get pretty awesome looking they're gonna end up being black massive fish will be jet black with white dots
I think we've got more Africans and stuff. We've kind of seen that
I'll be honest. I'm kind of leaning towards the Oscar an Oscar tank
One of the first fish I've ever kept
So there's two tanks here really liking these ones poking out
Potted plants really nice
Some of the scaping supplies here
lots of
a little bit of wood selection. I probably have oh I do have a lot more than that, but it's pretty cool. Lots of rocks.
I use this in the saltwater tank and I set up that planted tank with this Dragonstone
Nice stuff
Nice little selection
They have this stuff. This is impossible to find sometimes
It's like caribsea branches
life rock
More substrate
Alright guys, I'm gonna get my salt my food
I'm gonna get out of here, but based on what we've seen. What do you think?
What do you guys think we should do I'm gonna be honest. I'm kind of leaning towards the Oscars, but it's up to you
Well one Oscar not two
Let me know in the comment section below
Yeah another
Suggestion you guys were giving me is do a big puffer fish and I was thinking maybe I could do a fahaka puffer
Many many many of you want me to do Oscars? I think a lot of you are are
Revolving around a big pet fish like Frank or Bruce for example, and I'm okay with that
But again, let me know what you think
I'm gonna continue to keep an eye on the comments and I think it's looking like we might have to order
Some fish in which isn't a big deal
Anyways again, this is your tank. So
Let it evolve as such and I think when we do set it up, maybe we'll do it live. I don't know
Let me know some suggestions. You know what I really need from you guys. How are we going to actually figure out
what we're going to stock with so many
How how are we gonna set it up? How would you do it? Let me know in the comment section below