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  • Narrator: The "Transformers" movies

  • are known for explosions and giant Autobots

  • that crash into buildings.

  • To make all that feel real,

  • the sound has got to be just right.

  • "Bumblebee," the latest entry in the franchise,

  • was no exception.

  • To learn more about how the sounds you hear in the movie

  • are made, we talked to the film's Foley team.

  • Foley sounds are any sounds based

  • on a character's interactions and movements.

  • Usually that means human characters,

  • but it can also apply to the sounds of animals,

  • and, in this case, big metallic creatures.

  • Many of Bumblebee's movements aren't different

  • than what you'd expect from a human character,

  • but he's made of metal, so he's going to sound different.

  • This is Dawn Lunsford, Alicia Stevenson, and David Jobe,

  • the Foley team behind the movie.

  • Dawn: Bumblebee's a car, so it seemed logical

  • that we would use car parts, car doors, car hoods,

  • depending on what part of his body we might be doing.

  • Narrator: Surprisingly, the best way to understand

  • what it's like to create sound for an Autobot

  • is with a small comedic scene.

  • Bumblebee, an adorable alien from outer space,

  • befriends Charlie, played by Hailee Steinfeld.

  • There's a hilarious scene in the movie

  • where Bumblebee wrecks Charlie's house.

  • Alicia: We sort of thought, yes, Bumblebee's a car,

  • but he's also kinda like a puppy.

  • Dawn: He touches things very delicately.

  • Narrator: The team had a lot of interesting objects

  • at their disposal, like this very old lawnmower.

  • Riding this over the car door,

  • paired with a little hit of a seat cushion,

  • helped them create the sound of Bumblebee

  • sitting on the couch.

  • David: Bumblebee still needs to sound heavy,

  • but you can play with weight, and you can play with attack,

  • and sometimes those little things

  • can give a sense of aggression and clumsiness.

  • Narrator: They often use these "rain birds"

  • to get the sounds of Bumblebee's hands.

  • Here, Bumblebee tries to open a soda can.

  • What's more complicated are the multipart sounds.

  • The individual sounds usually get recorded separately

  • and then layered digitally.

  • For this part of the scene where Bumblebee

  • hits his head on a lamp, they needed to record two sounds:

  • first a helmet hitting a car door,

  • then a lampshade swaying back and forth.

  • Dawn: Sometimes something as simple as that lampshade

  • could be five tracks, easily.

  • Narrator: If these two sounds were recorded at once,

  • the sound mixer wouldn't have as much control

  • balancing the two sounds.

  • Surface makes a huge difference.

  • Alicia: I put the parts against the car door

  • so that it would sound connected,

  • like it's connected to a whole robot.

  • Otherwise, it might, if I put it on the cement,

  • then it might sound too thin.

  • Narrator: For instance, for the sound

  • of Bumblebee tapping his fingers...

  • Alicia: I don't know, it just sounds too thin to me.

  • Narrator: And for the movie's underwater scene,

  • they actually had to get a little wet.

  • Then, in the editing room, they manipulated

  • the sounds they recorded to reflect

  • how deep underwater Charlie and Bumblebee go.

  • Not every Autobot is the same.

  • Bumblebee and Optimus Prime are very different in size,

  • so they sound different.

  • - My name is Optimus Prime.

  • Narrator: Optimus is bigger and more bombastic.

  • Bumblebee is, as the sound team described him,

  • very gentle and almost E.T.-like.

  • You can see that especially in a moment

  • where Bumblebee plays with Charlie's hair.

  • But what about those fight scenes

  • the franchise is known for?

  • Anna Behlmer, one of the movie's rerecording mixers,

  • explained how sound works in a fight scene

  • between two Autobots.

  • The fights are always so challenging.

  • You know, they're two metal robots,

  • but they have to have their own characters.

  • You have to know which one is which.

  • So their punches sound a little different

  • from one to the other.

  • And when one is winning and one is not,

  • obviously whoever's winning's punches

  • we always make stronger than who's losing.

  • You just make them audibly louder

  • and more intense and heavier.

  • Narrator: Behlmer said they have to be really careful

  • with sound levels in these scenes.

  • Smacking metal sounds much louder than smacking flesh.

  • Too loud and they risk fatiguing the audience.

  • Besides the Autobot fights, another thing

  • this franchise is known for: explosions.

  • Those sounds aren't done with Foley but digitally.

  • Every explosion sound has to be unique.

  • Anna: The challenge is not to make it sound

  • like every other explosion.

  • So there's an integration that happens with other sounds

  • that you would never think would belong in an explosion.

  • Like maybe a high-end screech

  • that would make you feel uncomfortable

  • or maybe sometimes even a deep animal vocal

  • like a deep growl or something to that effect.

  • Dawn: Foley is a team effort.

  • It's like being in a band.

  • But hopefully you're working with people

  • that you get along with and that you have the same

  • creative sensibilities, like we do, so we're very lucky.

  • Don't try this at home, kids.

  • It's very dangerous.

  • High stakes.

Narrator: The "Transformers" movies

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變形金剛》中的聲音是如何被製作出來的? (How The Sounds In 'Transformers' Movies Are Made | Movies Insider)

  • 75 1
    邱于嘉 posted on 2021/01/14
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