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  • Many gamers prefer to use 10 keyless keyboards because

  • Lopping off the numpad gives you a few more inches of desk real estate for your mouse hand along with improved ergonomics

  • The only problem is that well, sometimes you've really do miss those buttons

  • Fortunately the good people at Chassepot have come up with a sensible solution

  • Why not take all those keys over there and move them over there?

  • How did nobody think of this before?

  • So here it is the Chassepot C1000

  • A beautiful 114 key keyboard with an innovative design that I love

  • and hate

  • Let's talk about why after this message from our sponsor Madrinas,

  • Madrinas coffee blends specialty cold brew coffees

  • in to 15 ounces, grab-and-go cans for your convenience

  • Check them out and use offer code, Linus, to save 40% today

  • Closed Caption is provided by: FireStarz, and other community contributors

  • Chassepot, a company apparently named by someone who's really into 19th-century French rifles

  • says the C1000 design was guided by three principles.

  • respecting users input habits,

  • reducing finger travel and twisting,

  • and increasing efficiency with shortcut keys.

  • At least that's what I think this sentence is trying to say

  • but there are some problems here, like that the first two principles happen

  • To be in direct conflict with one another.

  • for example

  • One of the most dramatic breaks from convention on this layout

  • aside from having the numpad,

  • function keys and

  • most of the navigation keys up top here

  • is the decision to move the arrow keys to the left side of the board.

  • Now they claimed that they did this for gamers

  • But in reality, I think they just had nowhere else to put them,

  • not only do these buttons offer

  • no clear advantage over WASD

  • Which happened to also be surrounded by useful keys for your pinky and your thumb to strike

  • but their placement here really screws up regular old typing.

  • That's the exact thing they said they weren't going to do.

  • because the up key is between the Z and Shift keys, which are normally neighbors

  • It is super easy to accidentally move your cursor mid-sentence

  • Especially if you're coming from an ortho linear layout like the ergo docks,

  • which you can check it over here

  • and if you're really unlucky

  • You'll also hit shift at the same time as up highlighting and then overwriting everything you just typed

  • But wait

  • There's more, now that there's three arrow keys on the bottom row some other buttons had to move

  • Like the Windows key get the f**k out of here

  • You're going to the left of the tab now

  • Now that one actually doesn't bother me too much because at least it's still accessible with the pinkie key

  • which I already use to strike it

  • but it is going to mess with any muscle memory that you've built up for windows hotkeys

  • As will the slightly increased distance between left ctrl and the alphabet keys like

  • Sacrebleu Chassepot

  • Pourquoi m'envoies tu ça, si tu sais que le rarssourie ne fonctionnons pas

  • There's also some changes for the right hand,

  • They actually shortened the spacebar and added a second backspace key next to it for some reason

  • and then they went put delete over here too - instead of function, which is

  • Super-sized and way the crap, ah, yes up here because of that. They had to move the tilde key putting it

  • Where the question mark should be and again moving shift further away.

  • Honestly Chassepot,

  • I'm starting to feel like this was designed by someone who's only ever read about keyboards in a book

  • now in fairness, at least you can remap almost all of the keys

  • in the fairly robust Chassepot Power Console software

  • almost

  • so these extra switches look like

  • Remappable macro buttons that just happen to be set by default to

  • show desktop

  • file explorer

  • and task manager

  • Unfortunately, they along with the lock screen button

  • And this nifty double zero key are the only buttons that you may not remap

  • basically the exact buttons that you'd be most likely to want to remap are the ones that you

  • Cannot remap. Now to be clear over time

  • I could probably get used to all these little quirks and changes but they raise an important question. Why should I bother?

  • Okay, so here's why. The C1000 is a pretty sweet keyboard

  • The UV coated key caps are made of ABS plastic with a laser etched legend that looks techy without being over-the-top. The round corners

  • thin bezels and the integrated carry handle

  • give it a sleek geek chic look and the steel top plate precludes any kind of dec flex and

  • and gives the C1000 a comfortable weight of

  • 1022 grams also comfortable by the way this hoody

  • head to and get it on your skin ASAP. Now the board is available in two versions

  • the C1000 go has a white LED backlight and blue Outemu switches while the pro is full RGB with your choice of blue red

  • Or brown switches the instruction manual mentions that Cherry MX switches are available

  • But apparently that's only if you email support wait 20 business days

  • And pay an extra $50 and that's a pretty challenging thing because for 50 bucks

  • This G.skill KM 360 10 keyless with Cherry MX switches is available. We actually have one in the mail right now

  • So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that review

  • Another advantage of the C1000 though is that it can be paired wirelessly over Bluetooth to up to 3 devices

  • thanks to its 1860 milliamp hour lithium-ion battery which Chassepot claims will last for 90 hours with the backlight off or

  • fifteen hours with RGB blasting full pony power the keyboard charges in three-and-a-half hours via USB type-c

  • But if you're not into that, you can also just operate it in Wired mode to take advantage of its USB pass-through

  • So should you buy this keyboard then?

  • Honestly

  • I'm pretty disappointed by Chassepot's decision to place some buttons in a way that prevents this product from being

  • Completely plug and play with a minimal learning curve. They said that was one of their goals, but to me what it looks like

  • Is they prioritized having a sleek-looking

  • symmetrical keyboard layout so they like put all the keys on in a cool attractive way and then

  • decided which keys did what I mean, why else would they do something like

  • Separating the home and end keys and making one of them twice as big. Next there's the price

  • $200 actually, isn't that steep for a wireless?

  • Mechanical full RGB keyboard, especially from a young company that's producing small runs, but it does sting a little that

  • We're not getting cherry switches at that price. I think even a drop of just

  • Twenty dollars would make it a little less top-heavy

  • And then at that point if you can get past its shortcomings it is a well made keyboard in a form factor

  • That makes sense on the desk and it will definitely turn heads at your next LAN party


  • Speaking of shameless. You could call the C Sonic prime ultra titanium the creme de la creme of power supplies

  • It's got ultra high efficiency with an 80 plus titanium rating

  • It's fully modular and it includes a PSU tester in the box

  • Which is really useful if you're trying to custom liquid cool. The prime ultra titanium also has fluid dynamic fan

  • bearings hybrid fan control to control the overall fan noise and a 50,000 hour life

  • Expectancy with a 12 year warranty so buy it today at the links in the video description.

  • So thanks for watching guys. See ya

Many gamers prefer to use 10 keyless keyboards because

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誰會想要這樣的鍵盤?- Chassepot C1000 評測 (Who would WANT a Keyboard like this? – Chassepot C1000 Review)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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