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  • Trying to solve poverty is a lot like trying to solve a really hard puzzle.

  • That's why Oxfam has a new six-sided strategy to tackle it, driven by

  • the power of people against poverty.

  • First,

  • we're helping people to claim rights for themselves

  • the right to be heard,

  • what we call "voices for choices".

  • Because women and girls are still massively underrepresented and often

  • oppressed

  • we'll strive for gender justice.

  • Natural resources are vital for prosperity

  • but we need to make sure

  • that poor people in developing countries are getting their fair share.

  • And when natural disasters strike

  • or in times of war

  • we'll be there to save lives.

  • We're working to safeguard global food supplies so that people always have

  • enough to eat.

  • And we're pushing for more money to go to human development, especially to health

  • and education.

  • With hands-on know-how,

  • new ideas, and being bold,

  • and with the power of people against poverty

  • we can solve this poverty puzzle.

  • I am Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International.

Trying to solve poverty is a lot like trying to solve a really hard puzzle.

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人民戰勝貧窮的力量 - 樂施會 (The Power of People Against Poverty - Oxfam)

  • 216 9
    LIAM posted on 2021/01/14
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