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Hours of lust, hours of tears
Passing by before my eyes
Today, tomorrow, yesterday
One life
Days of joy, days of sadness
Come and go to pass me by
A month, a year, one hundred years
They fly
One day I will be gone to lead another life
And this world will stop to turn around with me
Marches on and on and on
Never stops, yes, time
Marches on and on and on
Flies eternally
Times of peace, times of fights
Constant movement is our life
Can't stop no more, not until we die
We long for more, eternity
And maybe there's another life
This one is short, no matter how you try
But never give up all the hope to lead a good life
No, don't waste your given time to make things worse
Marches on without us all
Never stops, yes time
Marches on and on and on
Flies eternally
Please, please help me see
The best way to be
Make a change and we
Live eternally
No more wasted years
No more wasted tears
Life's too short to cry
Long enough to try
Marches on without us all
Never stops, yes time
Marches on and on and on
Flies eternally
Hey Rock fans, what's up?
Well, first let me apologize to Helloween fans
But for me “March of Time” has to be Kiske on vocals
And I didn't find any good video of him singing it on Helloween
About the lyrics of song, I think it's not complicated, right?
In my opinion
This is a motivational song that alerts us time passes so fast that we don't even see
And if you don't fight for the right to have a good life now
You simply will not live
So stop crying over spilled milk
Otherwise there is no time to go get more
The lyrics also cover a bit of religion
It talks about people who cling to the idea of an eternal life after death
Perhaps they don't conform with the short time we have here on Earth
But nobody died and came back to say what happens
So it's better to enjoy your life here to the fullest
Because who knows...
And that's it guys
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Until the next song and...