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- [Dad] Hey! You guys get back here!
- Run, run.
- [Dad] Hey, no escaping!
- Hurry, hurry, hurry!
- Run, run, run!
- [Dad] Hey! Adley!
- He's gonna get us.
- [Dad] Hey! You guys get back here!
- He's still coming. Hurry. Run. Run.
- [Dad] Hey!
- He's gonna catch us. Hurry, hurry.
- Ah, you robbers!
- Oh no!
- AH!
I got you guys!
- Oh no.
- No more escaping!
I'm Dad and I'm a policeman and I say no escaping.
- Ah, man.
- That's it. You guys are going back to lava jail
and this time no escaping cause I'm turning on the hot lava.
- Oh, no...
- I'll handcuff you guys together so you can't escape.
- Oh, no...
- We need this one?
- And then this one I'm going to handcuff you to the jail.
(whistle blows)
I caught 'em. No more escapin'.
- Oh, no...
- No...
- Come on.
Come on. You're going back to jail.
- How'd we get caught?
- No more escaping...
- Oh, no...
- Cause guess what?
You guys have been eating too much chocolate.
- What?!
- I do like chocolate
- And if you eat too much chocolate, you go to jail.
- I like chocolate.
- No! No more eating chocolate!
Mhmm... All the way up here, far away so you can't escape.
This will be a really tricky spot
- How are we going to escape?
- And across the bridge...
- Oh, no...
- Boop, boop, boop,
- (murmurs)
- And you're in the jail.
All right, sit in the jail
- Oh....
and then you'll never escape
cause I'm locking you to the jail.
- What?!
- Now you can't eat any more chocolate.
No more chocolate! - Oh he's gonna get us...
(whistle blows)
- You're in jail for a long time. No escaping.
Just in case you think you're gonna escape,
I'm gonna turn on the lava.
Ha, ha. Now we're gonna trick 'em and turn on the lava,
so they can't escape.
Got my police badge (beep)
(pretend buzzing noise)
(hazard buzzer sounding)
Yes! Now they can never escape!
- Oh, no. How do we get out?
- I think I have some fast things.
- You do?
- I have...
- Okay, he's not watching.
Guess what? I have a bobby pin in my hair.
Ready? Okay.
Ha, I got it.
Okay, I got it.
Okay, now I gotta do you.
Okay, I got it.
Wait, hold on.
Shh... he's asleep, good. Shh...
- Huh? What the...? Hey! No escaping! How'd they get the...?
(whistle blows twice) Hey!
- Oh, no... - Get back here!
- AH! (whistle blows repeatedly)
- Keep going! (whistle blows)
- Hey! Where are you guys going?
- We're gonna escape. - [Dad] Stop it! Hey!
(whistle blows) Get back here!
- We're free Adley! We're free!
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
- Keep going!
- Hey! Get back in these handcuffs!
- Go! Go!
- Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
- We're doing it! We're doing it!
- [Dad] Whoa! You guys get over here!
- Now we're gonna get free!
- [Dad] Almost got 'em.
- Yes! He can't get us.
- I almost got her leg.
- Oh no...
- Uh, Hey! Can't get her legs...
- Yeah! Mommy! Mommy!
- I'm coming. I'm coming.
- Hey! Grab my hand.
Okay, where do we go now? This way?
- [Adley] Let's just go!
- Hey! Uh... You get back here! Whoa!
- Whoa! - [Adley] Go! Go! Go!
- Whoa! - [Adley] Go!
- Now where do we go? This way? Come on. I'm right here.
- [Dad] Where are they?
- He'll never see us.
- [Dad] Hey! (whistle blows)
- I don't think he knows - [Dad] Where are they?
- Where we're at - Yeah...
- Where are they? Adley? (whistle blows)
- [Adley] Hide! Hide!
- I'm gonna catch ya!
I smell chocolate.
Hey! You guys get over here!
- No!
- I caught you again!
- No...
- No more trying to escape. Deal?
You're going to jail.
I'm connecting your hands together now, so you can't escape.
All right.
- Me too?
- Yup, both of you. You're both eating too much chocolate.
Come on. I'm taking you to a secret place this time
where you'll never escape.
Come here.
- Oh...
- Oh no...
- All right, you're going to my pirate ship jail now.
This is my best jail where nobody can escape
behind these bars.
Sit down. You're stuck.
Sit down. You're stuck.
And the rules are no escaping because
remember there's hot lava.
I'm going to work, but don't escape, okay?
- [Adley] Okay (whistle blows)
And that's a rule. Hey! Are you gonna escape?
- No...
- Are you gonna escape?
- No...
- Are you gonna escape?
- No...
- Okay, look at this police badge.
That means you can't escape.
(whistle blows)
Drive, drive, drive (yawns)
Maybe I'll take a little nap.
- The ground turned to hot lava.
- Okay, we gotta turn it off.
I see the button down there.
- Huh? Mhmm... Uh... Oh, sorry I'm driving. Okay, I'm good.
Prisoners, are you all there...? Are you over there?
- Yup, we're here.
- [Dad] You guys being good?
- Yup. - Mhmm...
- Okay, good, we're still driving.
(yawns) So tired though... (starts snoring)
- Okay... Here's your whistle. I got my bobby-pin.
He's asleep, okay. We can do this again.
Okay, let me get yours.
- (whispers)
- [Mom] Shh... Shh...
- Uh... What's... what's going on? Are you guys being good?
- Yup
- [Dad] Are you still trapped?
- Yup - Yes
- [Dad] Okay, so tired though... (starts snoring)
- Okay, I'm gonna my whistle.
- [Mom] Don't blow it.
- I'm not.
Shh... shh... Here you go.
Shh... Careful. Careful.
- [Dad] Um... um... um...
- [Mom] Put it on that one.
- [Dad] Um... I want some cake... and ice cream....
- Shh...
Come on.
- Oh, here's the button.
- Here's the button. Ready? Let's push it together.
Three, two, one... (hazard alarm sounds)
- [Dad] WHAT? Hey! Turn that...
- Blow the whistle.
(whistle blows) - [Dad]!
(whistle blows twice)
- Hey! I'm trapped. WHAT?! Hey! Get over here!
- [Mom] Run....
- [Dad] Hey! Let me out of here!
Catch them!
- We're free! We're free!
- [Dad] You get back here!
- [Dad] Hey! Stop them! - We're free! We're free!
(whistle blows)
- Hey! Get to the tree!
- Let's take off our stuff...
We're free! No one's gonna know we're robbers now. Come on.
Let's for watching! Bye!
(whistle blows)
(rocking jazz music)