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  • (funky music) - Hello, this is Jack

  • from,

  • and welcome to this English lesson

  • where you are going to get six tips

  • to help you learn English more efficiently

  • on YouTube, or another way to say

  • is to learn English faster by using YouTube.

  • So, there are so many English learning channels out there

  • including this one, To Fluency.

  • If you are new, subscribe.

  • And I'm sure you're taking lessons

  • on things like phrasal verbs, new vocabulary,

  • grammar lessons, watching conversations,

  • and just generally getting English lessons

  • from teachers from all over the world.

  • So today, I'm going to talk about

  • how you can get more out of those lessons,

  • and also give you some other tips as well,

  • so that you can improve your other areas of English.

  • Be sure to stick around until the end

  • because I have a question

  • that I would love for you to answer.

  • So, let's get started with tip one.

  • Tip number one is to watch videos

  • and to subscribe to channels

  • that aren't made specifically for you,

  • that aren't made specifically for the English learner.

  • Now, how much of this you do depends on your level

  • because there is something called the input hypothesis

  • where it's a good idea

  • and it's more beneficial to listen to things in English

  • that are just above your level.

  • So, if you have an A1 level of English,

  • then you won't be able to watch

  • some of the more complex videos,

  • some of the more advanced videos,

  • but if your level is anywhere between B1 and C1 or C2,

  • then I definitely recommend to do more of this.

  • This will help you gain exposure to natural English.

  • It will help you listen to more conversations as well

  • and I highly recommend thinking about the type of videos

  • that you're interested in,

  • and a good way to do this is just think about

  • what videos do I watch in my native language,

  • and then find videos or similar videos done in English.

  • For example, if you watch football videos or soccer videos,

  • then find them in English.

  • If you're interested in politics, then do the same.

  • Find videos in English about politics.

  • Take your time to find some good channels,

  • channels that you like, subscribe to them,

  • and then watch them when they come up in your feed.

  • Again, this is a way for you to get more exposure,

  • to get more input, and to learn more

  • about why input is important, then check out the description

  • because there is a video there for you.

  • Tip number two is to turn on captions

  • if you think that this is going to help you.

  • Now, this video has captions professionally done,

  • so it's probably around 99.7% correct.

  • The problem is is if you turn on captions

  • that have been automatically generated by YouTube.

  • Now, this is actually getting a lot better,

  • and if you speak clearly or if the video is clear,

  • then these automatic captions are becoming quite good now,

  • but in a lot of cases, it just doesn't work.

  • So, if the video has automatic captions,

  • just be a little bit careful about this

  • because you don't want to be reading something

  • that doesn't match to the audio.

  • I made a video recently where I talked about

  • if it's best to turn on captions or not,

  • and the conclusion of that was it does help

  • if you have captions in English

  • when it comes to the understanding of the language.

  • So, watch that video and think about

  • if you want to turn captions on or not,

  • and if you do, make sure that they are correct,

  • that someone has done this professionally.

  • Tip three is to get involved.

  • So, this mainly means commenting on videos.

  • Commenting on videos is a good way for you

  • to practice what you have just learned.

  • So, I'm going to ask you a question,

  • again, at the end of the video

  • and this is a chance for you

  • to get involved in this community.

  • So, it's not just about practicing your English,

  • but it's also about connecting with a teacher.

  • I recognize users who always comment on my videos,

  • and I've built up a relationship and a connection

  • with these people because they are constantly

  • on my channel and they are involved in my lessons,

  • but it also does give you the opportunity

  • to practice your writing,

  • and I recommend that you take your time with your comments.

  • So, maybe use something like Grammarly

  • to ensure that you're writing correctly,

  • and then just think about the best way

  • to explain what you want to say.

  • That is one of the benefits of writing practice

  • because you can take your time.

  • There is no rush to say something

  • like you are having a conversation.

  • So, take your time, leave comments,

  • and practice your English in the comment section below.

  • Tip number four is to repeat what you have learned.

  • So, there are two main ways you can do this.

  • You can save the video and then watch it again later,

  • so you can create your own playlists of videos

  • and you can split them up into different categories.

  • You can also do things like save a video to watch later,

  • so then you can go back to it and repeat it.

  • This allows you to ensure

  • that you fully understand a lesson

  • that someone has given,

  • but another way to repeat what you have learned

  • is to go to the description on videos

  • where the teachers leave the phrases,

  • and I do that in most of my videos that have phrases,

  • and then use some type of software

  • to get long-term repetition.

  • So, what we're talking about here

  • is using spaced repetition software

  • to get repetition of those phrases

  • in order to internalize them,

  • in order to commit them to your long-term memory.

  • Now, if you don't want to use technology and software,

  • you can simply write them down in a notebook

  • and review them according to the method

  • that you want to use,

  • but repeating these sentences over the long term

  • is a way for you to fully commit them

  • to your long-term memory,

  • and so that you can use them naturally in conversation

  • when you need to.

  • Tip number five is to repeat what you hear

  • or write down what you hear.

  • So, there are three methods

  • that we're going to discuss in this tip.

  • The first one is shadowing,

  • and shadowing is when you listen to any type of audio.

  • In this case, a YouTube video,

  • and you just repeat what you hear.

  • You don't pause the video.

  • You repeat what you hear.

  • So, you're about half a second or a second behind the video,

  • and you're just repeating what that person is saying.

  • It's quite a difficult skill

  • because you have to listen and repeat at the same time,

  • but if you do it with videos that aren't too quick,

  • where the people don't speak too quickly,

  • then it is definitely attainable.

  • Now, I've talked about shadowing before,

  • and I will leave a link to that in the description.

  • The alternative way is the LRRC method,

  • listen, repeat, record, compare,

  • where you listen to a phrase,

  • you pause, you repeat the phrase, you record your version,

  • and then you compare your version to the original,

  • and this is a way for you to really focus

  • on the way that you say things.

  • So, it's not just about repeating the phrase,

  • it's about how you say it,

  • and if you record yourself doing this,

  • then you'll be able to notice the mistakes you make,

  • and then you can modify the way you say it,

  • and then improve your speaking.

  • So, try it for this video.

  • Pause the next sentence that I'm going to say

  • and record yourself saying it.

  • This is what you wanna do.

  • So, try that.

  • Try it with that sentence.

  • Another thing you can do as well

  • is write down what you hear.

  • So, when you're listening to a YouTube video,

  • especially one where you want to focus on the language,

  • you can pause the video, and write down what you hear.

  • This is a great exercise to improve your listening

  • and your writing too.

  • And the last tip is to record videos

  • of you speaking in English and upload them to YouTube.

  • This is great speaking practice

  • and it can also help you overcome your fear of speaking.

  • Now, here's a quick tip.

  • You can make that video unlisted,

  • which means that it's not going to be public

  • if people are searching for things,

  • or it's not going to be shown on your YouTube channel

  • when people come onto your channel,

  • and then you can share that link

  • with your teachers, your friends,

  • or anyone who you think should see this video.

  • This means that you are in control,

  • that you can share this with your teacher to begin with

  • and get feedback from them,

  • or with a friend, an English-speaking friend,

  • who can give you feedback,

  • and just seeing yourself on video speaking

  • helps you gain confidence.

  • At first, it's awful.

  • No one likes watching themself on video at first,

  • but you soon get used to it,

  • and this just helps you overcome your fear of speaking.

  • Now, if you want to make them public

  • and share them on Facebook groups with me

  • or with any type of teacher, then do that,

  • but I know a lot of you will think

  • I don't want to make them public to begin with,

  • I just want to make them unlisted,

  • so know that there is a way to do that.

  • And make videos where you describe your daily routine,

  • talk about what's happening in your country at the moment,

  • answer questions left at the end of videos,

  • talk about anything, but just get that practice

  • and upload it to YouTube as an unlisted video,

  • and then watch it back yourself

  • and share it with anyone who you want to share it with.

  • Okay, so those are the six tips I wanted to share today.

  • Now, I have two questions for you.

  • What tips have I missed here?

  • So, what else do you recommend people do

  • if they want to learn English on YouTube?

  • And then secondly, I want you to leave recommendations

  • of channels which aren't teachers,

  • so don't include English teachers here,

  • but just other channels that you think people should watch

  • to improve their English,

  • and then just describe the channel.

  • So for example, if you are a big football fan,

  • maybe you watch the F2Freestylers.

  • Leave that comment below

  • and tell them why this channel is good

  • for English learners who like football.

  • I'm really intrigued to see the type of channels

  • that you recommend here

  • and the type of videos that you watch in English,

  • which aren't English teacher related.

  • So, you can answer both questions or just one question,

  • but again, get involved, leave a comment below,

  • and then like and share this video.

  • If you have found this video useful,

  • then please share it with your friends.

  • Thank you so much for watching

  • and I'll speak to you soon.

  • Bye-bye.

  • (funky music)

(funky music) - Hello, this is Jack

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6個強大的技巧,幫助你在YouTube上有效地學習英語。 (6 Powerful Tips to Help You Learn English on YouTube Effectively)

  • 147 7
    洪子雯 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary