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  • Alana: For me this year I really wanted to get some good surfing pictures

  • to show people that I actually can surf.

  • Ryan: The morning I went out to meet Alana, I didn't know what to expect

  • I'd never seen her surf in person.

  • I wouldn't say I had anything in mind, I wanted to get action.

  • A majority of the stuff of Alana is more lifestyle.

  • I've seen her surf good, so I was looking forward to this particular time

  • to get a little bit of action.

  • Any water photpography, at least for me, can be hit or miss.

  • So today I shot with a long lens, because it looked like it was spread out.

  • For me the higher percentage shot is essentially a land shot, but from the water.

  • I think everyone in the industy wants to deny her credit from surfing...

  • From what I've seen, at least in terms of you read these nonsense remarks

  • everyone chimes in and says 'model this' and 'model this' and not

  • surfing talent. I thought, style wise, her hands were good

  • and considering how challenging it was, she surfed really good.

  • I'm sure if we get good waves she'll surf even better.

  • After the surf session with Alana, the weather was looking really nice

  • It looked like it was gonna be a pretty sunset...

  • and we had a little time to do some lifestyle stuff.

  • To be honest, I was a bit anxious. It's not my bread and butter.

  • I'm more focused on action, and when I do shoot lifestyle

  • It's not with someone who does this as often as Alana.

  • You know modeling is not that easy...

  • And she does it really well, makes it really easy for me and I'm sure other photographers

  • And the easy-going attituted while we were shooting,

  • And overall fun vibe of the shoot. I gave her a lot of credit for that.

  • She does this day-in and-day out and it can be tiring, but she's very professional about it

  • Which is not as easy as it seems, being in front of the camera all day.

  • ALANA: I think that my surfing definitly gets thrown under the bus or something

  • But, you know, I can't think of it that way because if I didn't have my surfing

  • I wouldn't have modeling, and if I didn't have modeling I wouldn't have this big surfing thing

  • So it comes hand-in-hand, and I'm stoke on both. I just have to find a balance between it.

Alana: For me this year I really wanted to get some good surfing pictures

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阿蘭娜-布蘭查德歐胡島衝浪和比基尼照片拍攝,衝浪女孩EP204。 (Alana Blanchard Oahu Surfing & Bikini Photo Shoots, Surfer Girl Ep. 204)

  • 1308 68
    阿多賓 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary