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  • German supermarkets are better for the planet than American supermarkets?

  • Here's what I'm thinking, let me know down in the comments what you're thinking.

  • Hey everyone, Dana here!

  • When I went into my research for this section of the video I wanted to find out how much

  • food grocery stores throw away in the USA and Germany.

  • That's what I was searching for online in German and English.

  • How much food isthrown away,” “weggeworfenin German.

  • However, I wasn't able to find that.

  • The studies that I did find, all described how much food is quote-unquote

  • lostby grocery stores in the USA and Germany. In German the Verlustraten. Which I think is interesting.

  • From reading further on the topic it really sounds to me like what is meant with these

  • numbers is, in fact, how much food is thrown away.

  • You know, it's mentioned that supermarketslose” a lot of food because customers

  • expect the food to look too perfect, or theylose” a lot of food due to the food going

  • past the sell-by dates, and so on.

  • And, yeah, to me that sounds like the grocery stores are throwing away that food.

  • But it's apparently calledlosingthat food.

  • Which, I mean, to me, “losingsounds like you don't know where something is.

  • Like I lost my keys, I don't know where they are.

  • Versus I threw away my keys.

  • I know where they are, I threw them away.

  • Two different things in my mind.

  • So I think it's weird for both Germany and the USA to phrase it that way.

  • But okay, anyway so, wholosesmore food?

  • Grocery stores in the USA or grocery stores in Germany.

  • Grocery stores in the USA by a lot.

  • I'll link to my sources down in the description below, but what I could find, the grocery

  • stores in the U.S. “loseapproximately 10 percent of their food every year, while

  • the study I found on Germany says that grocery markets.

  • That's grocery stores and supermarkets.

  • While the study I found on Germany says that German supermarketsloseabout 1.1 percent

  • of food each year.

  • Pretty big difference there.

  • While doing my research I also found that the Center for Biological Diversity and the

  • UglyFruit and Veg Campaign looked into how 10 supermarkets in the U.S. handle food

  • and waste and then gave each store a grade.

  • And I gotta say, these grades weren't very inspiring either.

  • The grade given was not based just on how much food is thrown away, but rather food

  • waste accountability, prevention, and recovery and recycling.

  • And I will link to that info down below as well.

  • But yeah, spoiler alert: no store got an A. But perhaps relevant for this video in particular,

  • the supermarket chain in the U.S. that got an F grade is a supermarket with its headquarters

  • in Germany.

  • Soooo…. Yeah.

  • When I talk to Germans about what shocked them the most the first time that they went

  • to the U.S. one thing that I hear coming up over and over and over again is how many different

  • kinds of one food you can find at American supermarkets.

  • So as an example -- I see Stefan behind the camera, by the way, shaking his head yes

  • as I was saying that. He was like yeah, exactly.

  • So, as an example, cream cheese.

  • In the U.S. in most stores you've got lots and lots of different kinds of cream cheese.

  • In Germany, you can find some different cream cheeses, or like, for example, chips.

  • In America you've often got lots and lots of different kinds of chips.

  • And in Germany, again, there is a pretty good variety when it comes to chip options.

  • But not as big of a variety as in the U.S.

  • So what is better for the planet?

  • Well, sticking with the cream cheese example here for a moment, off the top of my head

  • I can imagine that you would probably need a separate production line for each different

  • variety of cream cheese, right?

  • I mean, I don't make cream cheeses, but it just seems that way.

  • And, you know, you've got different packaging.

  • But how much extra energy does that actually use?

  • I don't know. What is your take on on it?

  • Do you think that it makes a difference to produce just a couple cream cheese varieties

  • versus producing lots of different kinds of cream cheeses?

  • I mean, perhaps if there are lots of cream cheese options that could lead to people buying

  • more cream cheese overall because they're like, oh oh, there's all these different kinds

  • of cream cheese, I want to try all the different flavors.

  • Yeah, let me know what you think down in the comments.

  • One instance, though, where I think variety could come in handy is size.

  • The U.S. often gets called out for having huge sizes for stuff, and that is true.

  • In grocery stores in the U.S. you can buy huge bags of chips and huge sodas and huge

  • other things. But I also recall seeing more smaller options too.

  • So just basically more size options in the U.S. ranging from small to big.

  • Whereas in Germany, for example, I don't think I've ever seen, like, single portion

  • potato chip bags in the store in Germany.

  • Whereas in the U.S. that's pretty common.

  • You can buy, like, just single portion potato chip bags.

  • But again, I'm not sure how much of a difference this makes?

  • If I can buy a smaller bag of potato chips, and then because I only want a few potato

  • chips, so I buy that smaller bag.

  • I don't know, let me know your thoughts down in the comments.

  • In the U.S. there are a lot more grocery stores that are open 24/7 and most grocery stores

  • are open 7 days a week.

  • Whereas in Germany, now that I think about it, I don't know if there are any grocery

  • stores in Germany that are open all night and all day.

  • And I'm not talking about Spätis here.

  • I'm talking about, like, "real" full supermarkets.

  • Please let me know down in the comments, are there any German supermarkets that are open 24/7?

  • And stores in Germany are closed on Sunday.

  • So this means less time with the lights on, less time with the heating or cooling on full blast.

  • It definitely seems to me like it would be more efficient energy-wise to run a grocery

  • store less hours over all.

  • Maybe not as convenient for the shoppers, you know. You can't go grocery shopping at 2 in the morning.

  • But I would say definitely seems more efficient energy-wise.

  • But yeah, again, let me know your thoughts down in the comments.

  • I have talked about it before in I think several videos at this point.

  • Oh, how I struggle with the bagging speed in German supermarkets.

  • But it is not the speed that we're talking about here in this video, but rather the bags.

  • In the U.S. in many places paper and plastic bags are offered for free.

  • In some places and states in the U.S., they have started charging for bags and/or getting

  • rid of plastic bags all together.

  • Let me know down in the comments if you live somewhere in the U.S. that is doing that.

  • But in most of the U.S. I would say bags are still free, whereas in Germany bags are not

  • free and they are not just offered up by the cashiers.

  • It's your job as the shopper to grab a bag if you need one, and it's very common for

  • lots of people to bring bags with them to the grocery store.

  • Which I would say is obviously better for the environment, right?

  • I mean, bringing the same bag with you every time you go shopping, rather than getting

  • a brand new bag every time you go to the grocery store.

  • In Germany most plastic and glass bottles have a deposit fee called Pfand.

  • So you pay a little extra when you buy the drink and then that is the incentive for you

  • to bring the bottle back and recycle it once you're done with it to get the deposit back.

  • In the U.S. some states do have a deposit like this, but as far as I know most places

  • in the U.S. don't.

  • What are your thoughts on Pfand?

  • If you live in a place with a deposit like this, does it encourage you to recycle more?

  • If you live somewhere without it, do you think you would recycle more if it existed?

  • Let me know down in the comments.

  • So my question for you is: What do you think we can do to make grocery stores in the U.S.,

  • Germany, and around the world better for our planet?

  • What have you seen grocery stores doing that you like?

  • Please let me know in the comments below.

  • Thanks so much for watching, commenting, liking, subscribing, there's a bell, sharing my videos.

  • Thank you so much, basically, for your support of my channel.

  • And a really, really, really big thank you so much to our patrons who support us on Patreon.

  • Thank you so much for your support.

  • Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

German supermarkets are better for the planet than American supermarkets?

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沒有人告訴你德國與美國的超級市場廢物問題 (What Nobody Tells You About SUPERMARKET WASTE in Germany vs. USA)

  • 117 2
    fengzhongmaisui posted on 2021/01/14
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