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  • rev up your engines

  • you can buy a cars out of vending machines on the street now in London

  • England company called Auto Trader now has cars sitting inside these glass

  • containers locked in that you can buy with your phone you can get an app put

  • it in and you can buy the car right on the spot a car seller that's already

  • agreed what price they want to go it's just like all the other guys that car

  • max you can't haggle the price and if you see that car and you want to buy it

  • you can use your phone if you have the money and the app on your phone buy the

  • car right there on the street London and then just drive it out I mean come on

  • now everybody knows that you buy coffee from a vending machine it tastes like

  • crap well I'd be kind of leery about buying a car out of a vending machine

  • right kind of morning taking a chance without even road-test

  • the link you can now buy a car in London out of a vending machine rock pile or

  • antarsya Scotty loved the show got a 93 Nissan

  • Pathfinder six-cylinder 190,000 miles runs good is it worth your snoring

  • thanks if you like the vehicle yes that's a 93 Nissan Pathfinder

  • they were strong built vehicles that was long before Renault took over and it can

  • last a really long time a parts are available if you like that truck glad we

  • start I think customers that those things get over 300,000 miles on them

  • with the original engines and trannies and they're still running okay that

  • those were well made you can still get parts one there's nothing wrong with a

  • 93 Pathfinder you could probably drive that thing forever if you restored it

  • and took care of it because the Nissan really knew how to make standard

  • transmissions the Datsun being originally they made some of the best

  • low race cars out there with standard transmissions I would definitely keep it

  • with the standard transmission and restored Santos chicas would you

  • recommend a Honda Odyssey or Theriot to Sienna for family van Toyota Sienna by

  • far now when it first came out kinda honesty's you're pretty good vans but

  • doesn't had automatic transmission problems

  • cam problems is the engines they just slaughter with problems why buy

  • something that has problems when you get Toyota Sienna they're pretty bulletproof

  • and it doesn't really matter what year if you can find one with low enough

  • mileage that you want to buy at a good enough price go ahead and buy it or and

  • if you don't care buy brand-new driver for 20-30 years like my son's

  • doing Davis says I have a saturn ion the car fan just stays on very

  • commonly on those that is a bad fan temperature sensor it's just a little

  • sensor fine where that does go like autozone they can show you where it is

  • on picture even print you out a picture saw you want to put it because if that's

  • bad it'll do exactly pray it's that cuz if it's not then either the wirings gone

  • bad or the computers gone bad often on those I see the computers go bad and I

  • mean if it runs okay otherwise and when you shut the car off the fan goes off

  • I'd live with it on that cuz the car's not worth that much money the computer

  • cost a fortune and if it runs too much who cares so if the fan burns out easy

  • you can get an aftermarket fan for many discount an auto parts store for a less

  • than 100 bucks and just replace it and not even worry about if it works okay

  • otherwise there are G reviews how much does it cost replace the radiator I

  • minivan dealer wants over $1,000 to do the job we'll never go to the dealer

  • they always charge too much anyways it depends on the vignette I've had Toyota

  • minivans I could change the radiator of 45 minutes was a no big deal I can get

  • aftermarket ones that work fine less than 120 dollars sometimes so you always

  • have to decide where you gonna buy the parts see where they're coming from and

  • the aftermarket radiators are perfectly fine I've been using them for decades

  • and they still work fine how hard of a job it is to do your particular minivan

  • cuz some of the ones like some of the Fords you got to drop the whole front of

  • a vehicle off and drop it down get that up high in the air cuz the radiator

  • drops down and stood up it can be a real pain in the butt but research yours how

  • long it takes cuz like I say some of them like Toyota's I can change them out

  • in 45 minutes it's no big deal stops I said any idea it's not a road

  • you see in the wiring yeah you know the weird thing is rodents eat wiring and

  • cars because it gives them a thrill I guess it's like I'm smoking a joint the

  • little bit of electricity going through doesn't hurt them but it kind of gives

  • them a thrill from what scientists have told me you can do like I've got that

  • video you can buy those rodent ultrasonic devices you got to get the

  • ones that are two-toned cuz they get used to but they don't get used to me we

  • wait and people sell them you can get 12 volt versions hook them up they actually

  • do work I have them actually in the walls in my house an old house the rats

  • getting in there making noise so I drilled holes stuck the things and then

  • plugged him into the walls they make under 20 volt versions and they went

  • away and they didn't come back the stuff actually does work but you gotta get the

  • one that's two tone used to one tone but the other tone and the isolation drives

  • them nuts John says should I get an engine guard or differential

  • guard when buying a car do they do any good

  • if they're low yes they do work you get solid steel ones that either well

  • they're bolt on and they're garden stuff now some vehicles you don't need them

  • like you take a classic older Toyota Camry the frame of the vehicle was

  • actually well below the engine so you're gonna hit the frame before he hit the

  • engine which is good thing because I got my saw a 93 Camry for his first car yeah

  • he scraped all on the bottom there driving like a lunatic over bumps and

  • stuff but it never heard the engine cuz all the sub frame there just got a bunch

  • of scratches on it but it was solid metal never did any damage now if you

  • look at your car and you see the differential and the engine oil pan is

  • lower than the frame of the car definitely put a guard on it it's a

  • worthwhile thing to do if it's designed that way

  • so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to

  • ring that Bell

rev up your engines

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愚蠢的人是如何買車的 (Here's How Stupid People Buy Cars)

  • 65 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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