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-Welcome back to the show. -Thanks, man.
-I know you're a very, very busy man.
You're off to the Emmys very soon.
Because you were nominated -- You have two shows nominated.
"Barry" and -- [ Cheers ]
Yeah. -Thank you.
-Absolutely. -Thanks.
-And "Documentary Now." -Yeah.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Between both of those shows, you have 21 Emmy nominations.
-Yeah, no, it's crazy.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Oh, my God. -It's kind of crazy, yeah.
-That's amazing. -It's cool.
I'm happy that, on "Barry," that Sarah Goldberg
and Anthony Carrigan, who plays NoHo Hank,
and Stephen Root, they all got nominated.
They've never been nominated before.
-That's so fun. -Yeah, that was awesome, yeah.
-That's fantastic, dude. -Yeah.
-You're just crushing it. -Thanks.
-A lot of people were talking about
the episode that you directed.
I believe it was "Ronny/lily"? -Yeah, "Ronny/lily,"
with the little girl, the little karate girl.
-I mean, this karate girl that was just --
-Yeah. [ Laughing ]
-Just beating you up.
-Yeah, the whole episode is this little girl.
Her name is Jessie, and she --
We wrote this script where she had to do, like,
all types of crazy things where she had to
jump on top of me and fly on walls
and crawl up houses and stuff.
And I was like, "I don't know how we're gonna do this."
And I remember my stunt coordinator, Wade Allen,
said, you know, "I have -- There's this little girl.
Her parents are stunt women and men."
And it's -- it's a family. [ Laughter ]
It's a whole other story.
But they said that she's amazing.
And he showed me this video of her running along
the top of a roof and jumping onto the hood of a moving car.
[ Laughing ] -You're like --
-And I go, "Why do you have this on your phone?"
[ Laughter ]
-Why didn't you call the police? -Yeah.
You should call the police.
She clearly did something wrong.
And so she came in, and she was, like, amazing.
And they gave her dad the script, and he read it,
and he goes, "Oh, she's doing this kind of [bleep]
with me and her brothers all the time."
[ Laughter ] -Oh, my God!
-Like, beating you up, and hitting --
-But then, talk to me about "IT Chapter Two."
-Yeah. -This is a big deal, big movie.
[ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah.
-Full-on scary movie but also a lot of action.
Do you do your own stunts in this?
-No. Well, okay.
So, like, James McAvoy does his own stunts.
He can, like, run up and jump off of things
and do a bunch of crazy things. -Yeah.
-And everybody is. I -- there's a part
where we had to run from the clown.
And I ran -- And I ran 4 feet
and pulled my groin muscle.
[ Laughter ]
I was like, "Aah!" Pfff!
-Did you really?
-And they had to get my stunt guy just to run.
Like, the stunt dudes are so stoked to like,
"What am I doing, brah?"
-Yeah, "Am I going through a wall, brah?"
-"Wanna go, brah? Get me here?
That's all you, dude. That's all you."
And they were like -- I was like, yeah.
And the guy was like, "I just gotta run?
Are you serious?" [ Laughter ]
-"Like, how far?" -"Hader's thing?
But like miles, right? And then I get hit by a car?"
-"From here to the camera there?"
-"Are you joking?!" [ Laughter ]
"Where'd you find this dude?" [ Laughter ]
And then I'm like -- And then I had to go
and get, like, an ultrasound with --
And I had to get very friendly with a Toronto doctor.
-Yeah. -Just like, "Oh, man.
Oh, God, man. How'd you get this?
What, are you getting chased by a clown, then?"
[ Laughter ]
-I know that you had to --
You give credit to Finn Wolfhard...
-Yeah. -...for getting this role,
from "Stranger Things," obviously, yeah.
-Whoo! -And the first "IT."
-Yeah. -I like that guy.
Why? Why do you -- -Okay. So, Finn --
So, when they asked them, "Who do you want to play you
in the sequel?" 'cause they all grow up,
he said he wanted me to, and then my --
I thought, "Oh, that's sweet."
And my agent sent me a little clip of him saying that.
And I was like, "Oh, that's nice."
And then like three months later, they were like,
"Hey, you got a meeting to meet with the director of 'IT.'"
And I was like, "This Finn kid's like super powerful."
[ Laughter ] -Oh, my gosh!
He's running Hollywood! -Yeah, he's like Joffrey.
[ Laughter ]
Like, "Bring him to me!
Bring me the man who played Stefon.
I want him to play me in the movie."
[ Laughter ] "Bring him here!"
[ Applause ]
His little scepter. -Yeah!
-"Get him in here now! Barry, whatever his name is."
[ Laughter ]
-Can you set up "IT Chapter Two"?
'Cause the first one was totally frightening
and continues to give me nightmares.
And it's a -- which is, I guess, what you want from these films.
-Yeah, I guess so. I would hope so.
-It's frightening. -It's terrifying.
And then, yeah, I went to the --
So, it's like -- Yeah, it's 27 years later.
We're all back.
And they're, you know, trying to kill the...
-Clown. -...frickin' clown.
Yeah, and then -- [ Laughter ]
-Every 27 years, it comes back. -It comes back.
And then, I was at the premiere.
And I normally don't sit in the premiere of things.
I kind of, like, walk the red carpet and go "Hi,"
and then I go home, but that one, I was like,
"I want to see it with an audience."
And I went, and it's really scary.
Like, I knew what was happening,
I was looking at my feet a lot of the time.
And then there's a guy across the aisle from me.
My character, at one point, is put in some real peril
where you don't know what's gonna happen.
And the guy across the aisle was like, "Uh-oh, dude."
[ Laughter ]
"Looks like someone's about to die."
[ Laughter ]
I was kind of like, "You seem kind of stoked about this."
"That's why I forked over all the cash, to see Hader die."
[ Laughter ]
"It's gonna be pretty sweet." -"Here we go."
-"Here we go." It was Dennis Miller.
[ Laughter ]
-I do want to show everyone a clip.
Here's Bill Hader in "IT Chapter Two."
Oh, before we go to the clip, I just want to say,
you've been getting great reviews for this film.
-Oh, thanks. Yeah. -Congrats on that dude.
-Thank you so much.
-I just love when good things happen to good people.
Here's Bill Hader in "IT Chapter Two."
Take a look. [ Cheers and applause ]
-Hey, Richie.
-How'd you, uh... How'd you know my name?
-The fun's just beginning.
-What you said --
Listen, you think this is funny, right?
You think this is some sort of game?
Huh? -Whoa, Rich, be careful.
-I'm not afraid of you!
-The fun's just beginning.
It's a line from your act, dude. I'm a fan.
-Are those your parents?
-You want a picture?
-You okay, Dean? -I think I'm good.
-Come on. -Okay, cool.
Cute kid.
-Jesus, Rich.
You don't remember a line from your own show?
-I don't write my own material.
-Bill Hader, everybody!