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Good morning, everyone! 各位上午好!
My name is Yi Yangqianxi, a member of TFBOYS, an idol group in China. 我是TFBOYS偶像组合成员易烊千玺
I am very grateful to Mr. Peter Rahbæk Juel, mayor of Odense 非常感谢Odense市市长Peter Rahbæk Juel先生
and Mr. Jan Olsen, CEO of VisitDenmark 以及VisitDenmark的CEO,Jan Olsen先生
for granting me the title of Danish tourism spokesman. 授予我丹麦旅游形象代言人的头衔
In my early childhood, 在我的孩童时期
I love the book Andersen's Fairy Tales so much 我就非常喜爱《安徒生童话》这本书
that the dream of seeing the fairy tale kingdom has planted in my heart. 所以希望能一睹这个童话王国风采的期盼一直根植于心
This year is China-Denmark tourism year 今年是中丹旅游年
and it is my great pleasure to have this opportunity to realize my dream 我很荣幸能有这个机会来实现这个梦想
by visiting Denmark to see this amazing dreamland. 访问丹麦,来到这片梦幻的土地
It is also my great honor to be chosen by VisitDenmark 我也十分荣幸能够被VisitDenmark推举为
as Danish tourism spokesman. 丹麦旅游形象代言人
The food, the view and customs here 这里的美食、美景以及风土人情
have always been attractive to me. 一直都很吸引我
As Danish tourism spokesman, 作为丹麦旅游形象代言人
I will do my best to get the beauty of Denmark across China 我将尽己之力向中国的朋友们传递丹麦的美丽
and bring back more Chinese tourists to Denmark to enjoy 吸引更多的中国游客来欣赏和享受
the charm of fairy tale's kingdom. 这个童话王国的魅力。
It's both the privilege and pleasure to speak and share with you. 我会非常荣幸和高兴和大家分享这一切
Thank you for listening. 谢谢大家。