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  • If you're watching this video, you probably spend a lot of time around digital screens, like right now, for example.


  • And unless you're watching this far in the future after we've had some sort of apocalypse, there are screens all around us.


  • So of course, a lot of people are worried that exposure to all this unnatural light is harmful.


  • But can digital screens really hurt you?


  • Well, at the very least, they can can cause temporary annoyances like headaches.


  • But the research is still out on permanent damage.


  • If you stared at a screen for too long, you may find yourself feeling what's known as digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome.


  • The most common symptoms are blurred vision, headache, and pain in the neck and shoulders.


  • Unfortunately, even though we know it's connected to spending a bunch of time looking at a screen, there are a bunch of potential causes


  • from screen viewing making you blink less often and squint more, to it affecting your pupil response time, to it exposing you to more blue light.


  • Or people could be suffering from digital eye strain because they don't have the right lens prescription, or one that doesn't take into account astigmatism.


  • Basically, there's no one cause.


  • Luckily, the symptoms of digital eye strain go away when you give your eyes a proper rest, and studies haven't shown any long-term effects even if you suffer from it regularly.


  • And if you want to avoid that pain in the first place, doctors recommend you take a 20 second break from your screen every 20 minutes, staring off at an object 20 feet away.

    如果你一開始想避免這種痛苦,醫生建議你每看 20 分鐘的螢幕就要休息 20 秒,而且要離螢幕 20 英尺遠。

  • Still, there might be another way screens could harm you, and that's through exposure to blue light that can kill cells in your eyes.


  • The color of blue light comes from its short wavelength, which also means it has high energyenough that blue light can damage and eventually kill the cells in your eye's retina.


  • The light reacts with certain molecules, knocking off bits of them and creating reactive oxygen species, or ROSes, which will bond with almost anything.

    光會與某些分子發生反應,並將其中一些分子除去,創造出活性氧分子或叫 ROSes,它們幾乎會與所有物質結合。

  • They can cause so much damage that cells eventually destroy themselves in a process called apoptosis.


  • We know this happens because researchers have done a lot of experiments


  • not directly on human eyes, of course, but on animal models like rats or human retinal cells grown in petri dishes.


  • The thing is, most of those studies focus on high-intensity light from LED lamps, and sometimes expose the subjects to that light for day-long lengths of time.

    問題是,這些研究大多集中在 LED 燈發出的高強度光上,有時會將物體暴露在該光下一整天。

  • So even though we know that high intensity blue light definitely causes retinal cell death, it doesn't tell us much about the real-life dangers of screens.


  • There was one 2017 study that looked at the effects of low intensity blue light at three different wavelengths emitted from common types of screens.

    2017 年的一份研究,研究三種不同波長的低強度藍光的影響,是從一般螢幕所發出的藍光。

  • Specifically, they found that blue light at 449 nanometers caused the largest increase in those harmful ROSes.

    具體來說,他們發現 449 奈米的藍光,是有害的 ROS 造成最大傷害的時候。

  • But light with a slightly longer wavelength of 470 nanometers didn't do much damage.

    但是波長稍長的 470 奈米的光卻沒有太大傷害。

  • That 21-nanometer change in wavelength might not seem like a lot, but the difference means the two colors of light have different amounts of energy.

    21 奈米的波長變化似乎不多,但其中的差別是兩種顏色的光有不同能量。

  • The 470 nanometer light, which was a sort of turquoise, just didn't have enough energy to effectively break apart molecules.

    470 奈米的光有點像藍綠色,它沒有足夠的能量來有效分解分子。

  • This suggests we'd do well to decrease the amount of shorter wavelength blue light from our screens if we want to save our eyeballs.


  • Don't shut your eyes just yet, because it ignores one major comparison: daylight.


  • Look anywhere on a clear day and you'll see a lot of blue.


  • And that blue light is way more intense than what you get from staring at a computer screen.


  • A paper published in 2016 looked at the amount of lightboth in general and in the blue part of the spectrumfrom a range of electronic screens and compared it against the amount of blue light you'd be exposed to from simple daylight.

    2016 年有一份論文,針對一系列電腦螢幕的光進行研究,包括一般螢幕和光譜的藍色部分,並與一般日光下 可能會遇到的藍光數量進行比較。

  • Its conclusion?


  • The blue light from devices like laptops and smartphones, quote, "does not represent a biohazard, even for long-term viewing."


  • So you go ahead and watch as many more SciShow videos as you want.

    所以盡量看你想看的 SciShow 影片。

  • We're officially non-hazardous!


  • And in the meantime, thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, and thanks especially to our community on Patreon for making this show possible.

    同時,感謝觀看這集的 SciShow,特別感謝Patreon 的社群幫忙促成 SciShow。

  • We have a whole team of people working to bring you amazing facts and answer fascinating questions every day of the week.


  • And we wouldn't be able to do any of this without your support.


  • And if you're not yet a patron and interested in becoming one, just check out to learn more.

    最後,如果你不是贊助人但有興趣的話,就到 了解更多資訊。

If you're watching this video, you probably spend a lot of time around digital screens, like right now, for example.


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