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  • [MUSIC] Villager News.

  • Breaking news.

  • An update has swept the realm,

  • changing villager life forever.

  • But one villager refuses to embrace our new way of life.

  • Here's Villager Number Nine with more info.

  • Thank you, Villager Number Five.

  • Fellow citizen, why don't you want the update?

  • Everybody loves the update, why don't you want to update?

  • But I do want the update.

  • Are you against the update?

  • Have you even tried the update?

  • But I am getting the update.

  • What about the new features?

  • Do you think you're better than us?

  • What? I didn't say any of that.

  • We thought you might say that.

  • So we made this video for you.

  • What?

  • Welcome to the most Villager-friendly update ever!

  • There's campfires, berry bushes.

  • Panda.

  • There's Taiga Villages, Desert Villages.

  • Panda.

  • Tundra Villages.

  • Savannah Villages.


  • Villagers all over the realm are loving life!

  • Thanks to the update,

  • I got a job as an armorer.

  • Look at all this stuff.

  • The update gave me a whole bunch of new trade.

  • And look - we have levels now!

  • Gotta find a bed! Gotta find a bed! Agghhh!

  • Yes, we all have new jobs now. I'm a farmer.

  • Hey, get off my crop!

  • Shoo! Get away! Ugh, nitwits!

  • Any bad thing?

  • No, no, the update is

  • the greatest thing to happen to villager kind!

  • See how much better your life could be!

  • Get the Village & Pillage update today!

  • Uh, the Village and what?

  • Doesn't it look great?

  • Uh, did that say "Pillage"?

  • Sir, will you be updating now?

  • Uhhhh....

  • Well, there you have it. Another citizen

  • satisfied with the update.

  • Thank you, Villager Number Nine.

  • The Village & Pillage Update is out now.

  • Have you updated yet?

  • Yes.

  • Not you, them!

  • [MUSIC]

  • Villager News.

[MUSIC] Villager News.

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