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  • One of the paradoxes of the dating game is that we know that by coming across as enthusiastic at an early stage...

    約會遊戲的悖論之一, 在初期表現得太熱情......

  • If we ring them the next day, if we're open about how attractive we find them, if we suggest meeting them again very soon, we are putting ourselves at a high risk of disgusting the very person we would so like to build a relationship with.


  • It is, in order to counter this risk, that early on in our dating lives, we are taught by well-meaning friends to adopt a facade of cool and indifference.

    為了避免這種風險, 出於善意的朋友教導我們:交往初期要裝出一副冷淡、不在乎的樣子。

  • We become experts at deliberately not phoning or sending messages, at treating our dates in a carefully offhand manner, and in subtly pretending we don't much care if we never cross their paths again.


  • We are told that the only way to get them to care about us is to pretend not to care for them, and in the process, we waste a lot of time.


  • We may lose them altogether, and we have to suffer the indignity of denying that we feel a desire that should never have been associated with shame in the first place.


  • But we can find a way out of the conundrum by drilling deeper into the philosophy that underpins the well-flagged danger of being overly eager.


  • Why is detachment so often recommended?


  • Why are we not meant to call too soon?


  • High levels of enthusiasm are generally not recommended for one central reason: because they have been equated with what is a true psychological problemmanic dependence.


  • In other words, calling too soon has become a symbol of weakness, desperation, and the inability to deal adequately with life's challenges without the constant support of a lover, whose real identity the manically keen party doesn't much care about.

    換句話說,太快打電話象徵軟弱、飢渴, 以及沒有愛人的持續支持, 就無法充分應對生活中的挑戰,但愛人的真實身分, 狂熱方其實不太在意。

  • Because their underlying priority is to ensure that they're never alone without someone rather than with any one being in particular.


  • But we should note that what is ultimately the problem is manic dependence, not high enthusiasm.

    但我們得知道,追根究底,問題是過度依賴症, 而不是過度的熱情。

  • The difficulty is that our cultural narratives have unfairly glued these two elements together with an unnecessarily strong and unbudging kind of adhesive.

    困難之處在於,我們的文化敘事無謂地用強而頑固的膠粘劑, 不公平地綑綁這兩個要素。

  • Yet, there should logically be an option to disentangle the two strands, that is to be able to reveal high enthusiasm and, at the same time, not thereby to imply manic dependence.

    然而,就邏輯上而言, 應該有解開這兩條線的方法,使其既能展現熱情, 又不顯得過度依賴。

  • There should be an option to appear at once very keen and very sane.


  • The ability to do so depends on a little-known emotional art, to which we seldom have recourse or introduction.


  • We call it strong vulnerability.


  • The strongly vulnerable person is a diplomat of the emotions, who manages carefully to unite on the one hand, self-confidence and independence, and on the other, a capacity for closeness, self revelation, and honesty.


  • It is a balancing act. The strongly vulnerable know how to confess with authority to a sense of feeling small.


  • They can sound in control even while revealing that they have an impression of being lost.


  • They can talk as adults about their childlike dimensions.


  • They can be unfrightening at the same time as admitting to their own fears.


  • And they can tell us of their immense desire for us while simultaneously leaving us under the impression that they could fully survive a frank rejection.


  • They would love to build a life with us, they imply, but they could very quickly and adroitly find something else to do if that didn't sound much like fun from our side.


  • In the way that the strongly vulnerable speak of their desire for us, we sense a beguiling mixture of candor and independence.


  • They don't need to play it cool because they carry off high enthusiasm in a way which sidesteps the dangers that playing cool has traditionally and nefariously been associated with.

    他們不用玩欲擒故縱的把戲,因為他們表現熱忱的方式, 讓他們避開了裝酷帶來的典型且邪惡的風險。

  • What is off-putting is never in fact that someone likes us.


  • What is frightening is that they seem in danger of having no options other than us, of not being able to survive without us.


  • Manic dependence, not enthusiasm, is only ever the problem.

    從頭到尾, 只有過度依賴症是問題,而不是熱情。

  • With this distinction in mind, we should learn to tell those we like that we're really extremely keen to see them again, perhaps as early as tomorrow night, and find them exceptionally marvelous.

    一旦分清楚這兩者的差異,我們就該學會告訴心儀的人, 我們很期待再次見面,甚至隔天晚上再約也行,以及我們覺得他們有多棒。

  • While simultaneously, leaving them in no doubt that we couldif the answer were nowithout trouble, and at high speed, find some equally enchanting people to play with and be bewitched by.


  • If you enjoyed our film, please subscribe to our channel and click the bell icon to turn on notifications.


  • To learn more about love, try our book on how to find love, which explains why we have the types we do, and how our early experiences shape how and whom we love.

    想了解更多關於愛情的內容,歡迎參考我們的書「如何找到愛情 (how to find love) 」,它解釋了為甚麼我們喜歡某類型的人,以及童年經驗如何影響我們現在的戀愛關係。

One of the paradoxes of the dating game is that we know that by coming across as enthusiastic at an early stage...

約會遊戲的悖論之一, 在初期表現得太熱情......

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