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  • Located along the Sea of Japan, Toyama Prefecture is a scenic destination that offers its visitors

    富山縣位在日本海沿岸 景致絢麗迷人

  • majestic coastal views with beautiful mountains as a backdrop.


  • One of the best ways to experience the prefecture's abundant nature is to go on self-guided cycling

    想盡情徜徉在富山縣優美的大自然中 最好的方式就是騎自行車自助旅行

  • tours that bring one closer to nature as well as explore small towns off the typical tourist


  • route.


  • In this video, we will introduce five cycling routes, two of them in the interior of the

    我們將在影片中為觀眾介紹 共5條自行車路線

  • prefecture and three along the coast.

    包括2條富山縣內陸路線及 3條環海沿岸路線

  • Each of these routes can be done at a relaxed pace in a day, and are easily accessed from

    每條路線的出發點 距離富山車站都不遠

  • Toyama Station.


  • These cycling routes are aimed at the average cyclist, carried out with rental bicycles


  • and include stops at dedicated cycle stations that are easily identified.

    旅客騎著租借的自行車 沿路停靠有獨特標誌的自行車休息站

  • The cycling routes are clearly defined on maps you can get at each bicycle rental shop,

    每間自行車租借店都會提供 自行車路線地圖

  • and clever blue markings on the road will point you in the right direction through most


  • of the trips.


  • So follow along as we go on 5 cycling tours around Toyama Prefecture.

    現在就跟著我們一起沿著這5條路線 騎乘自行車暢遊富山縣

  • Route One: Hidden traditional culture in the mountains

    路線1 深入山林探索日本傳統文化

  • Spanning about 20 kilometers, this route can be comfortably done in a day trip from Kamiichi Station.

    路線全長20公里 從上市站出發可輕鬆在1天內騎完

  • This itinerary allows visitors to see some of Toyama's most stunning natural and cultural sights.

    旅客可以騎車欣賞沿途風光 還能造訪富山縣文化景點

  • The starting point of the course, Kamiichi Station, is about 25 minutes from Toyama Station

    我們現在要先到自行車起點上市站 從富山站搭富山地方鐵道本線

  • via the Toyama Chiho Railway Main Line.


  • The bicycle rental station is conveniently located in the station building, and after


  • filling in the forms, just grab a helmet and you're ready to go!.

    旅客只要填好表格 就能帶上安全帽馬上出發!

  • The initial section of the cycle goes through the town and soon shifts to scenic rice fields.

    旅客騎著自行車穿過小鎮後 就是一整片遼闊壯麗的稻田

  • The first stop along the way is the Joyama spring water, which comes from snow melt from


  • the surrounding mountains.


  • This spring water is popular amongst the locals who even use it in their everyday cooking!

    城山之湧深受當地居民喜愛 大家都用這裡的泉水烹飪做菜

  • A small donation is appreciated if you fill your water bottles here.

    如果取用這裡的泉水 可以隨意奉獻點上一炷線香

  • The next stop on the itinerary, only 3 kilometers away from the spring water, is Nissekiji Temple

    下一站距離城山之湧只有3公里 名叫日石寺

  • which was established in 725.


  • The main deity here is an impressive stone carving of Fudo Myoo, one of the most important


  • deities of Japanese Buddhism.


  • The lush temple grounds also feature a pagoda, as well as waterfalls, which make for a nice


  • relaxing stroll.

    在寺廟周邊悠閒散步 也是很不錯的旅遊行程

  • The highlight of a visit to Nissekiji is Sengankei Valley which is not far from the main hall.

    日石寺內最著名的景點是千巖溪 這座山谷距離寺廟主殿不遠

  • A tree-lined path leads to an otherworldly moss covered opening filled with large rocks,

    沿著綠蔭下的山林小徑前進 就會看到長滿苔蘚的巨石奇景

  • and from where a waterfall can be seen.


  • .

    我來到糰子屋吃午餐 這間當地小餐館位在日石寺旁

  • For lunch, we recommend Dango-ya, a local restaurant beside Nissekiji Temple.

    午間套餐是一碗麵線和 當地特產美食

  • This place serves up a delicious bowl of Somen noodles, the local speciality, together with


  • other delectable side dishes.

    午間套餐的麵線是冷麵 剛好為騎完自行車的我

  • These thin wheat noodles are served cold and make for the perfect refreshing meal for a


  • day of cycling.

    午餐後 繼續騎車向前邁進 我沿著蜿蜒的山路

  • After lunch, it's time for a thrilling cycle along the Adventure Line, a winding road featuring

    來到一座人工洞穴 從這裡俯瞰下方城鎮全景

  • man-made caves and panoramic views of the town below..

    最後1站是眼目山立山寺 這座寺廟創立於1370年

  • The last stop on the route is Ganmokuzan Ryusenji Temple, founded in 1370.


  • Apart from its scenic grounds, one of the highlights of a visit to the temple is its

    最著名的觀光景點就是 這條300公尺長的綠色參拜道

  • 300 meter long tree lined approach.


  • Some of these toga trees are said to be more than 400 years old!

    路線2 前往純樸古鎮欣賞傳統工藝品

  • Route Two: Traditional crafts in a quaint old town

    騎著車繞行八尾町的半天遊 可悠閒享受古鎮風情

  • This half day cycling trip is a relaxed tour in the small town of Yatsuo, and an exploration


  • of the town's traditional culture and craftwork.

    從富山站搭乘JR高山線列車25分鐘 到越中八尾站的自行車租借店

  • To get to the bicycle rental station, take a 25-minute train ride on the JR Takayama


  • Line to Etchu-Yatsuo Station from Toyama, then take the loop bus and get off at Hikiyama


  • Tenjikan-mae.

    自行車租借店位在越中八尾觀光會館 這裡也是專門展示曳山祭的博物館

  • The rental station is in the Etchu Yatsuo Kanko Kaikan, which is also a museum that

    館內有許多曳山祭 所使用的大型木造花車

  • showcases the massive wooden floats used in the local festival known as the Hikiyama Festival,


  • held annually on May 3rd.

    從觀光會館出發騎車5分鐘後 就抵達日本和紙工廠

  • From the Kanko Kaikan it takes less than 5 minutes to get to the Japanese paper mill,


  • Keijusha Washibunko.


  • A visit to the washi mill will allow you to view the full process of making washi, from


  • start to finish.


  • A permanent exhibition held on the second floor of the mill showcases the various types


  • of paper used in various parts of the world through time.

    此外 旅客也可以參加和紙製作體驗

  • Finally, washi making activities are also available here if you want to try your hand


  • at making Japanese paper.

    參觀和紙工廠後 我騎車到八尾町老街

  • After visiting the washi mill, you can head to Oyatsu, an accommodation, cafe and kimono

    前往提供住宿、咖啡及和服租借的 Oyatsu商店

  • rental facility located in Yatsuo's old shopping street.

    親切的服務人員會幫旅客挑選和服 再幫忙正式著裝穿好

  • The friendly staff will help you pick a kimono and provide assistance putting it on.

    穿好日本傳統和服後 就可以悠閒喝點飲料

  • Once fully dressed in the traditional Japanese attire, you can enjoy a nice drink or have

    或在這棟重新裝潢後的古宅裡 盡情拍攝美照

  • a photo session in the beautifully restored residence.


  • The owners of Oyatsuo also have a shop next door where you can buy hand-made upcycled


  • clothes made from kimono fabric.

    繞行老街完成半天的行程後 我回到富山站

  • Once the half day of cycling is done and upon return to Toyama station, we recommend checking


  • out Iroha in the CIC building across the station.


  • There, you can try a delicious version of the Toyama Black Ramen, a local specialty


  • made with dark soy sauce.

    店內也有味道鮮美的白蝦拉麵 拉麵上是晶瑩剔透的日本玻璃蝦

  • The shop also serves a succulent shiro-ebi ramen, made with Japanese glass shrimp fished


  • in great quantities in Toyama Bay.

    路線3 遊覽歷史悠久的港都

  • Route Three: Exploring a historic port town

    這趟半天的自行車之旅 我預計從岩瀨濱站出發後

  • This half day cycling trip is a leisurely ride from Iwasehama Station that explores

    悠閒瀏覽岩瀨地區的老街 探索該地區的商船貨運發展史

  • the old town of Iwase and its history in the commercial shipping industry.

    我從富山站搭乘路面電車 25分鐘後抵達岩瀨濱站

  • The trip starts with a 25-minute ride on the Portram to Iwasehama from Toyama Station,

    然後短程步行前往岩瀨運河會館的 自行車租借店

  • followed by a short walk to the Iwase Canal Hall where the bicycle rental station is located.

    我打算沿著海濱前進 沿途欣賞岩瀨老街上保存良好的古建築

  • The route follows part of the bay and down the old preserved street of Iwase.

    行程第1站是富山港展望台 旅客可以從這座25公尺高的建物上

  • The first stop is the Toyama Port Observation Deck, a 25 meter building that offers great

    飽覽富山灣一望無際的美景 天氣好的時候

  • views of Toyama Bay and the Tateyama mountain range in the Northern Japan Alps when the


  • weather is clear.

    接著 我從展望台騎著自行車到 古蹟保存完善的岩瀨老街

  • From there, it is a short cycle to the preserved old street of Iwase where the former shipping


  • agencies were located.

    老街上的森家住宅 開放民眾入內參觀

  • One of the buildings, the Mori Residence, can be entered and visited.


  • The large residence shows the affluence of one of the bigger shipping agents in the region

    這裡過去是當地最大的貨運代理商住宅 不但管理多艘海帶貿易船隻

  • who managed the boats that traded seaweed and seafood from Hokkaido with medicine and

    也掌控了北海道海鮮及南方藥草等 大宗貿易

  • herbs from the south.

    建物在材質及設計上充分顯露出 森家往日的繁榮時光

  • Building material and design of the property further emphasize the Mori family's wealth,

    我在這邊盡情享受歷史與建築的 文化洗禮

  • making for an interesting historical and architectural visit.

    結束參觀後 前往甜點店大塚屋 買個美味的銅鑼燒

  • After your visit, how about grabbing a Dorayaki at Otsukaya, a Japanese sweets shop, for a


  • quick snack?

    一般的銅鑼燒是圓形 但大塚屋銅鑼燒則是特殊的三角形

  • Dorayaki are typically round, but at Otsukaya, they're cut into triangles instead.

    周邊自行車兜風大概需2小時 另外也可以搭配路面電車

  • This short cycling tour of the area takes about 2 hours and can be combined with a Portram

    或搭乘觀光船前往環水公園 寬闊的環水公園位在富山站附近

  • ride or a canal cruise to Kansui Park, the large park not far from Toyama Station.

    路線4 欣賞沿岸風光享受大自然之美

  • Route Four: Coastal spots and natural beauty

    這條路線全長約30公里 沿路可欣賞優美的海岸線風光

  • This approximately 30 kilometer cycling route combines both beautiful views of the coast


  • as well as an exploration of natural spots inland.


  • At Toyama Station, take a 40-minute train ride on the Ainokaze Toyama Railway and get


  • off at Nyuzen Station.


  • Bicycle rentals are available from the Tourist Association Counter which is a short walk


  • from the station.


  • The town of Nyuzen has more than 110 years of history growing watermelons, and it's

    所以這裡的吉祥物就是 可愛的西瓜大人!

  • no wonder that their cute little mascot is shaped like one!

    騎著自行車10公里後 抵達本路線第1站翡翠沙灘

  • From the Tourist Association Counter, it is a 10km ride to the first stop on the itinerary,

    夠幸運的話還能在沙灘上 撿到美麗的寶石

  • the pretty Hisui Beach, where lucky beachcombers can find jade stones.

    將收集到的石頭拿到附近的翡翠露台 那裡有專門鑑定寶石的櫃台

  • Rocks collected from the beach can be checked at the rockcounter at the nearby Hisui Terrace.

    看看自己是否真的撿到寶 還是只是漂亮的海灘石頭

  • Is it just a pretty rock, or did you find a jade stone?

    沿著海岸騎車不久後 會看到一些類似這樣的小餐館

  • Along the main road a few minutes cycle away, you can find many restaurants like this one


  • that serve tara-jiru.

    鱈魚湯是當地著名的特色美食 是當地冬天時喝的湯

  • Tara-jiru is a cod fish soup usually eaten in the winter and is the area's local specialty.


  • Delicious!

    騎完自行車後 可以順道在小路茶屋休息一下

  • After all this cycling, give yourself a nice break at the teahouse Komichi.

    這座小咖啡館內有當地飲料及小點心 是途中小憩的絕佳地點!

  • The small cafe serves up local drinks and light refreshments, and it was the perfect place to rest for us.

    下一站是舟川沿岸的櫻花樹林蔭大道 從翡翠沙灘開始的森林綠色隧道

  • Our next spot was the cherry tree boulevard along the Funakawa river, which is about 7km


  • from Hisui Beach.


  • Cherry blossoms, rapeseed blossoms and tulips can be seen here in the spring, while rice


  • fields and leafy greens can be seen in the summer.

    接著 我來到最後一站杉澤森林保護區 沿岸的森林內有日本雪松樹

  • The last attraction on this route was the Sawa Sugi Preservation area, a forest of Japanese


  • cedar trees along the coast, and a designated natural monument.


  • An observatory allows visitors to view the cedar forest and surrounding rice fields from


  • up high.

    森林保護區內禁止騎自行車 但森林漫步也非常舒適宜人

  • Although cycling is not allowed in the area, walking through the cedar forest makes for


  • a nice stroll and is a good break from all the cycling.

    路線5 沿著海岸騎車兜風

  • Route Five: Coastal ride along the bay

    這條自行車路線出發點在冰見 全長20公里 沿途比其他路線更平坦

  • This scenic 20 kilometer ride one way from Himi is relatively flat and the return journey

    來回約40公里路程 大概6到7小時就能騎完

  • covers about 40 kilometers and can be done in a leisurely 6-7 hours.

    從富山站搭乘愛之風富山鐵道列車 抵達高岡站

  • From Toyama Station, take the Ainokaze Toyama Railway Line all the way to Takaoka, and there


  • change for the JR Himi Line bound for Himi.

    從冰見站轉搭路線巴士到 冰見市漁業文化交流中心

  • At Himi station, take a local bus to the Himi Fishery Culture Center, where the bicycle


  • rental is located.


  • From there cycle the 20 kilometers all the way along the bay straight to the Seaside


  • Station Shinminato Sazan.

    這座優雅的餐廳內有白蝦披薩 還能欣賞美麗的碼頭海景

  • This quaint restaurant serves some delicious shiro-ebi pizza, and its location right next

    騎完一整個上午的車之後 最適合在景色這麼優美的餐廳用餐

  • to a picturesque marina make for the perfect lunch break after a morning of cycling.

    吃完午餐後我預計原路騎回 冰見市漁業文化交流中心

  • From here it's time to make a u-turn and stop at the attractions along the way back


  • to the Himi Fishery Culture Center.

    第1站我來到海王丸公園 海王丸是一艘建於1930年的訓練船

  • The first stop is Kaiwo Maru Park where the former training ship Kaiwo Maru, built in


  • 1930, is permanently docked.

    門票很便宜 旅客買票後可以上船參觀船內

  • For a small fee, visitors can board and explore the inside of the ship.

    占地廣大的海王丸公園 很適合悠閒散步

  • Kaiwomaru Park, with its wide open space, is a great place for a stroll and offers a

    這裡可以眺望遠方的新湊橋 以及往來頻繁的船隻景象

  • great view of the ship together with the Shinminato Bridge behind it.

    騎車不久後是當地著名的魚市場 Kitto Kito市場

  • Located only a short cycle away is the nearby Kitto Kito Ichiba, a fish market that offers

    市場內販售許多從富山灣現捕的海鮮 所以當然是午餐的最佳選擇

  • fresh seafood from Toyama Bay and makes for an excellent alternative place for lunch or

    為了不錯過任何美食 我決定來個第二輪海鮮午餐

  • a post-lunch seafood snack.

    沿著海濱繼續前進來到最後一站雨晴 旁邊的休息站就是”雨晴休息站”

  • Our next and final stop on this route is Amaharashi, and its road side station known as michi-no-eki Amaharashi.

    如果天氣不錯 旅客到頂樓的展望台

  • When the weather is clear, the observatory platform on top of the building is the perfect


  • spot to view the Tateyama mountain range across the bay.

    著名的Belles montagnes et mer觀光列車 順著雨晴沿岸行駛

  • Special sightseeing trains like the Belles Montagnes et mer, stops along the Amaharashi


  • Coast for visitors to enjoy the view of the mountains and the sea.

    以上5條自行車路線 每條路線都各有特色

  • And there you have it, five cycling routes spanning a wide range of charming sightseeing

    沿路涵蓋了山林、小鎮及海濱景點 希望能激發旅客想前往富山縣

  • spots, from mountains to cities to scenic coastal landscapes, that will hopefully inspire


  • you to discover Toyama Prefecture for yourself.

    想得知更多資訊或觀賞其他影片 請立即點擊螢幕上的連結

  • For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now or head

    或直接瀏覽japan-guide.com網站 我們提供您最全面的第一手日本資訊

  • to, your comprehensive up-to-date travel guide first hand from Japan.

    感謝您收看我們的影片 請不要忘記訂閱並順手點開通知小鈴鐺

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  • Happy travels.

Located along the Sea of Japan, Toyama Prefecture is a scenic destination that offers its visitors

富山縣位在日本海沿岸 景致絢麗迷人

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