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Narrator: Hello! Alice is having some
very curious adventures at
the bottom of a rabbit hole.
She drank a drink that made her
very small indeed. But she wants
to grow bigger so that she can reach
the key that will unlock the tiny door
to a beautiful garden.
After eating
some cake she found in a little glass
box, Alice started to feel something ...
Alice: Curiouser and curiouser!
I'm growing! My feet are so far away.
Goodbye feet! How will I put my shoes
and socks on, I wonder?
Narrator: Alice grew so big that her head
hit the ceiling! Ouch!
It was easy to reach the
table now. She picked up the tiny key and
rushed to the door. But in her excitement,
she forgot something again...
Alice: Ohhhh... this is hopeless! I'm much
too big for this door now! I'll never get
into the garden! I can only look through
the door with one eye! Oh...
Narrator: Alice was over nine feet tall, and
when a girl that big cries, the tears are
big too. Alice cried and cried until half
the hall was filled with
a salty pool of tears.
After a time, Alice heard a little pattering
of feet in the distance. She dried her eyes
to see what was coming.
White Rabbit: Oh! I'm late! I'm so very late!
I was told to be early and I'm going to be
late. The Duchess will be waiting. Oh my!
Oh my! She will be so very angry with me!
Oh my!
Narrator: The sight of The White Rabbit,
splendidly dressed in his best clothes,
and carrying a large fan
and a pair of white leather gloves
was enough to stop Alice's tears.
Alice: If you please, sir...
White Rabbit: Oh!! Oh my!
Alice: Don't go! I won't hurt - Oh dear!
You've dropped your gloves...
But look: what a pretty fan.
And crying is such hot work. Oh, that's
better. Oh dear... how strange everything
is today. Yesterday things were normal.
But today I'm not sure if I am
the same girl who woke up this morning.
But, if I'm not the girl who woke up this
morning, the question is, "Who am I?"
Narrator: Alice fanned herself
while she talked. She felt much cooler.
But after a minute or two,
something started happening.
Alice: Oh: Here's that feeling again.
Narrator: Then something kept
happening. Alice kept fanning herself.
Alice: I don't believe it. I must be...
I am! I'm growing smaller again.
Smaller than the table.
Hello feet! It's good to see you again.
Narrator: Soon Alice was smaller
than ever. She was still shrinking and
shrinking and she didn't know why.
Alice: Oh dear - I'm getting very small. Oh
- I'm getting much too small! Oh dear - I
shall fade away altogether! Ohh...!
The fan? The fan!
Narrator: Just in time. Alice threw the fan
on the floor, so she wouldn't
get any smaller.
Alice: That was a lucky escape!
But now I'm small enough
to get into the garden!
Narrator: Poor Alice! There she stood
at the little door - but it was locked again
And there was the little key, back
in its place, out of reach, on the table.
Alice: Oh not again! This is hopeless. I'll
never get that key now. I so badly wanted
to see the garden. And things are worse
than ever - I've never been so small as this
in my life. Never!
Narrator: Things were as bad as ever.
And they were about to get worse...
Alice: Ohhh!
Narrator: And poor little Alice fell into
a pool of her own tears. Luckily, she knew
how to swim. But she wasn't the only one
who had fallen into the pool.
Next time, Alice meets a dodo,
tries to make friends with a mouse, and
joins in a very, very curious race.