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  • At OnTargetEnglish, we have talked about the importance of not giving up and finding ways

    在 OnTargetEnglish,我們談到了不放棄和尋找方法的重要性。

  • to increase your motivation to learn English.


  • Today, I want to introduce you to an article that Holly wrote about how you can increase


  • your motivation. The article is called "5 Ways to Increase Your Motivation To Learn

    你的動力。這篇文章名為 "提高學習動力的 5 種方法

  • English."


  • Holly emphasizes the importance of finding fun and interesting ways to learn English.

    Holly 強調了尋找有趣的英語學習方法的重要性。

  • Maybe you will follow a blog, subscribe to email newsletters, form a daily habit of practicing


  • English, practice English with a friend, read news articles in English, and reward yourself


  • for meeting goals.


  • These are just some of the ideas that Holly shares in her article, "5 Ways to Increase

    這些只是 Holly 在她的文章 "增加收入的 5 種方法 "中分享的一些想法。

  • Your Motivation to Learn English."


  • Take a few minutes right now to read the article, which is below this video.


  • And make sure that you add a comment at the bottom of this page that answers this question:


  • "What motivates you to keep working on your English skills?" Your ideas might help other


  • English learners to reach their goals.


At OnTargetEnglish, we have talked about the importance of not giving up and finding ways

在 OnTargetEnglish,我們談到了不放棄和尋找方法的重要性。

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