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  • In this video, we are going to do a deep dive into a DCS

    在本視頻中,我們將深入瞭解 DCS

  • and discuss some of the why's and how's associated with a DCS.

    並討論與 DCS 相關的一些原因和方法。

  • before we get started on today's video


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  • Let's first clarify, for the purpose of this lesson, what we mean by DCS.

    在本課中,我們首先要明確 DCS 的含義。

  • Over the years, the term DCS has evolved from the original description

    多年來,DCS 一詞已從最初的描述演變為

  • for the acronym as a Distributed Control System to the use of the term Decentralized Control System

    將 "分佈式控制系統 "的縮寫改為 "分散控制系統"。

  • and they seem to be somewhat interchangeable nowadays.


  • Regardless of which description is used,


  • we are discussing a structure that,at the high-level view,


  • is a system that coordinates and supervises an entire plant of many varying processes.


  • Briefly, as a point of the historical review, when PLC's were invented,

    簡而言之,作為歷史回顧,PLC 是何時發明的、

  • they were really good at handling single processes


  • and were primarily used for repetitive, discrete control.


  • The advent of the DCS was for controlling many autonomous controllers

    DCS 的出現是為了控制許多自主控制器

  • that handled many continuous operations, mainly using analog control.


  • Through time and innovation,the lines have blurred a bit between the two systems


  • but each, in the current day, has some principal differences.


  • PLCs, traditionally, were used for single batch or high-speed control,

    PLC 傳統上用於單批次或高速控制、

  • have a relatively simple, low-cost design, and are the core of the system.


  • Their design is flexible and generic but completely customizable.


  • Processing time for tasks are typically very fast,


  • operators usually interact and control the system using some sort of graphical display such as SCADA.

    操作員通常使用某種圖形顯示器(如 SCADA)對系統進行交互和控制。

  • A DCS is used for continuous, complex controls,

    DCS 用於連續、複雜的控制、

  • they have an integrated control center much like a SCADA,

    它們有一個類似 SCADA 的集成控制中心、

  • which is the core of the system versus the processors in a PLC system.

    與 PLC 系統中的處理器相比,它是系統的核心。

  • The DCS has a number of predefined functions that come ready to customize

    DCS 有許多預定義功能,可隨時進行定製

  • and deploy for various applications.


  • Processing times are somewhat slower.


  • Operators interact with the control system via an integrated graphical display.


  • DCS's also have a claim that when safety is a top priority, the DCS is the most reliable system.

    DCS 還聲稱,當安全成為重中之重時,DCS 是最可靠的系統。

  • The reason for this is because the manufacturer supplies both the control and supervisory equipment


  • as an integrated package, the risks of integration errors are greatly reduced.


  • There are indeed scenarios in which a PLC system would be the best option such as smaller sized processes

    在某些情況下,PLC 系統確實是最佳選擇,例如較小規模的流程

  • where you could employ redundant components to negate the possibility of process shutdowns.


  • Without redundancy, you risk production halts due to the nature of a single processor controlling an entire plant.


  • Redundancy may be deployed in either the PLC or DCS applications.

    冗餘可部署在 PLC 或 DCS 應用中。

  • We will talk more about redundancy in a future video.


  • Just as there are circumstances for a PLC system, the use of DCS would be for larger,more complex processes

    正如在某些情況下需要使用 PLC 系統一樣,DCS 也適用於更大型、更復雜的流程

  • that require a lot of interaction between many processors.


  • Now that we've touched on some of the differences in the systems,


  • let's focus on the DCS and some of its components.

    讓我們把重點放在 DCS 及其部分組件上。

  • The DCS is a process-oriented system that uses closed-loop control.

    DCS 是一個面向過程的系統,採用閉環控制。

  • A typical plant starts with a centralized operator control center typically called Operator Stations.


  • Operator Stations, in a DCS, are the heart of the system.

    在 DCS 中,操作員站是系統的核心。

  • This is where the operator can observe the operations of the plant,


  • view process warnings and alarms, monitor production, and more.


  • The next level of components may contain servers, archiving computers, and engineering stations.


  • Communications with the Operator Station level is typically Industrial Ethernet.


  • Servers are used for the collection of data at the processor level.


  • They are responsible for the data that moves between the Operator Station and the processors on the plant floor.


  • Archiving computers are used for storing historical data that may be used for trends or compliance.


  • Engineering stations are used for creating the projects on which the processes run.


  • This includes hardware configurations, logic for tasks, graphical displays for operator interaction,


  • and the administration of all of those tasks through installed software packages.


  • This is the station that is used to download the projects to the processors and the graphical displays.


  • At the next level, you have the master controllers that supervise the individual processors as well as I/O modules.

    下一級是主控制器,負責監控各個處理器和 I/O 模塊。

  • These controllers are also responsible for providing the data to the servers,


  • which in turn, supply the data for the graphical interface.


  • Industrial Ethernet is typically used for communication with the previous level.


  • Fiber Optic may be used here when Ethernet cabling runs would be too long.


  • At this level, the processor executes the logic and does what it needs to do in order to control the process.


  • The next level is the field device level.


  • Communications between this level and the processor level


  • can be nearly any type that may be compatible with the components.


  • Those include Industrial Ethernet, Profibus DP, EtherCAT,

    其中包括工業以太網、Profibus DP 和 EtherCAT、

  • Fiber Optic, or other proprietary communication protocols.


  • Components at this level would be devices


  • such as transmitters, switches, valves, motors, remote or distributed I/O, etc.

    如變送器、開關、閥門、電機、遠程或分佈式 I/O 等。

  • In short, both PLCs and a DCS have their place in the market today.

    簡而言之,PLC 和 DCS 在當今市場上都佔有一席之地。

  • PLCs would work best in a small production environment

    PLC 在小型生產環境中最有效

  • where component failure if no redundant system is deployed, is a small risk for the application,


  • the budget is restricted, or the tasks and I/O count are minimal.

    預算有限,或任務和 I/O 數量很少。

  • A DCS would be better used in an environment where there are large I/O counts

    在有大量輸入/輸出的環境中,使用 DCS 效果更好

  • with many continuous processes,


  • a processor failure in one section of the plant is not a problem for production,


  • or risk assessment has determined that an integrated package would be the best option.


  • The line between the two systems is nearly invisible nowadays


  • and it may not be long before there is no differentiation at all.


  • In future videos, we are going to discuss SCADA and contrast DCS and SCADA systems so stay tuned!

    在今後的視頻中,我們將討論 SCADA 並對比 DCS 和 SCADA 系統,敬請期待!

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In this video, we are going to do a deep dive into a DCS

在本視頻中,我們將深入瞭解 DCS

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