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Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste.
日本是擁有豐富旅遊資源的國家 不論您有何種旅遊喜好 只要來日本就一定可以找到符合興趣的觀光景點
For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport
對於首次來日本觀光的旅客而言 除了擁擠的車站人潮及言語不通會產生諸多困難之外
options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around
挑選日本國內 令人眼花撩亂的各種服務及交通工具
seem a little daunting.
With this in mind, we've put together a list of tips that aims to help visitors get
為了解決這些難題 我們特別針對首次日本觀光的旅客
the most out their first trip to Japan.
提供各種旅遊建議 希望能協助旅客盡情享受日本之旅
In this video we'll be focusing on one of the most common routes for first time visitors,
在這部影片中 我們將從成田機場出發
which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to
在參觀東京景點後 搭乘東海道新幹線造訪京都及大阪
Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen.
Some of our tips may seem obvious if you've been to Japan before, but hopefully even experienced
已多次來日本觀光的旅客 可能已經知道我們所提供的建議
tourists will find some of these useful.
希望這部影片 也能為具有豐富日本旅遊經驗的旅客帶來靈感
So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for
言歸正傳 首先就先讓我們為您介紹 首次前往日本旅遊時
first time travelers to Japan.
#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport's luggage delivery services
#1 靈活運用成田機場的隨身行李宅配服務
Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of
抵達成田機場後 建議您先把較大或較重的行李
the airport's convenient Luggage Delivery counters.
These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere
這項值得信賴 且深具價值的行李配送服務
in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels
可以為您把行李寄送 至飯店、旅館、機場
airports and private residences.
All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered,
and then enjoy being bag-free.
In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if
staying at smaller establishments.
#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport
#2 離開機場前先購買數據SIM卡或WiFi路由器
One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country
抵達國外後 許多旅客的第一要務通常是
is how to get connected to the internet.
Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
一般而言 日本國內連接網路的方式有兩種 第一種是使用智慧型手機的日本國內專用數據SIM卡
or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group.
而另一種則是使用團體旅遊時 每個人都能共用的攜帶型WiFi路由器
One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous
在機場購買後 立即確認網路連接是最簡單便利的方法
shops offering mobile data options.
It's possible with some of these companies to book over the internet in advance, and
許多公司都推出旅遊便利方案 旅客僅需事先以網路預約
then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival.
就可於抵達機場後 直接在航廈領取路由器或SIM卡
#3 Buy an IC card
#3 購買IC卡
In order to make traveling around Japan as
smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of
your Japan journey.
目前幾乎所有日本大都市的公共交通系統 都能使用IC卡
These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan
買卡後也能利用車站售票機 或在便利商店輕鬆儲值
areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores.
此外 日本各大商店、餐廳、車站
What's more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at a large number of shops
及其周邊店家等都能使用 IC卡以非現金方式付款
and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations.
The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station,
with instructions available in English.
旅程結束後 可退還IC卡並辦理退款 如果每次搭車前購買車票可能會浪費不少時間
At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to
而且也極為不便 因此建議旅客先購入IC卡 節省時間輕鬆旅遊
buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey.
#4 別忘了購買鐵路通票
#4 Don't forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most common form of public
transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending
外國旅客可以依據旅遊行程 購買日本鐵路通票等各種鐵路通票
on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper
不僅價格划算 也會使旅遊更加便利
and more convenient for you if you're a foreign visitor.
入境日本前事先購入通票的旅客 可於抵達日本後
For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers
至成田機場 第1航廈或第2航廈
located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the
first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing.
#5 從成田機場前往東京都心
#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo
There are a number of ways to get from Narita
Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where in Tokyo you're
going to, and your budget.
For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita
可以選擇車票價格較貴的JR成田特快 或Skyliner列車
Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train,
這兩台列車都會從成田機場出發 直達東京站或日暮里站後
making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively
before stopping at other major downtown stations.
想節省車資慢慢前往東京都心的旅客 則可以選擇京成特急列車
Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains.
此外 成田機場還提供兩種巴士可直接通往東京都內
There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport
首先是沿路停靠許多東京都心車站或飯店 但價格較貴的機場利木津巴士
Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount
另一種是停靠站較少 但車票較低廉的機場接駁巴士
shuttle buses which connect to fewer places.
Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo,
但車資昂貴 搭乘前請先做好心理準備
but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option.
#6 搜尋東京最棒的住宿地點
#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo
Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of
因此 在日本首都觀光有非常多種住宿選擇
accommodation options available to visitors to Japan's capital.
在東京這座大型都市中 依個人預算及需求
Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation
types that one would expect to find in any major city.
除此之外 還可以找到膠囊旅館、青年旅館
However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of
including capsule hotels, quality hostels,
東京都內可以找到 許多特別吸引旅客的獨特住宿選擇
internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan.
#7 利用智慧型手機應用程式購買新幹線票券
#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app
In order to save time at the station, it can
且提供英語版介面的smart EX應用程式 事先購買新幹線車票
be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which
is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface.
利用Smart EX應用程式時 請依下列步驟操作:
In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:
1- 購買IC卡 2- 下載應用程式
1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App
3- 註冊信用卡 4- 輸入IC卡上記載的ID號碼,連結應用程式與信用卡
3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card
5- 預約信幹線
5- Book your Shinkansen
6- 在東京~博多間的新幹線車站剪票口 感應已完成連結的IC卡後出站
6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station
between Tokyo and Hakata.
And don't forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side.
Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved
#8 沿著東京站內的標示看板前進
and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car.
#8 Navigate Tokyo Station
Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing
建議旅客抵達東京站後 沿著東海道新幹線標示板從剪票口入站
even for those who use it regularly.
Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates.
From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up
尚未購票的旅客 請於進入新幹線剪票口前
at the right car number.
For those who don't have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before entering the shinkansen
#9 搭乘新幹線列車前購買車站便當
gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter.
#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen
先到東京站內商店 或月台便亭購買美味的車站便當
Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo Station's good-quality
food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found
around the station or even on train platforms.
Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box
are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go.
They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in
美味且頂級的車站便當 會依各個車站而有不同的特色
a decorative box or on a sealed platter.
前往日本全國各地旅遊時 不妨品嘗看看各地所推出的車站便當
Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station
#10 新幹線上的隨身行李放置處
and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels.
#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen
If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns
新幹線車廂內 設置了多處可放置行李廂的空間
is where to store it on the train.
Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags
後背包或隨身包等小型提包等 可以放置在上方的行李架上
in several locations throughout the car.
而各車廂的最後一排座位後方 也設有寬敞的行李放置空間
Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves,
#11 使用新幹線或車站內的洗手間
and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car.
#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations
不論車站 或新幹線列車上的洗手間都很乾淨
Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly
extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen
all of which are free of charge.
新幹線列車上的洗手間很乾淨 間隔兩、三節車廂就設置洗手間
This means that you don't have to worry if you miss your chance to freshen up before boarding.
Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating
#12 靈活運用東海道新幹線的各種設施
them once aboard is quick and easy.
#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen's selection of amenities
Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities
that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient.
For example, if your mobile device's battery is about to die
肚子餓時 車內也有巡迴販售飲食的手推車
many seats have power outlets nearby.
In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds
of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer
#13 欣賞富士山壯麗山景
can be purchased for reasonable prices.
#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen
許多旅客可能沒有注意到如果天氣好的話 從車上就能欣賞到富士山的壯麗山景
Many passengers don't realize that on a
眺望富士山景最好的位置是 靠窗的E座位(綠色車廂則為D座位)
clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen.
搭車時就能毫無阻礙地眺望 日本最具代表性的自然景觀
The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class)
因此 預約座位時請盡可能挑選E座位
is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan's most famous natural icon
如果沒有辦法 預約到視野良好的熱門位置
so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible.
從車廂連結通道的車窗 也能眺望到美麗的富士山景
If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it's also possible to see
#14 抵達目的地後如何保管隨身行李
Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there.
#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination
未於成田機場辦理寄送行李的旅客 可以在抵達目的地後
Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services
將大型行李快速簡單地寄送至飯店 減少旅程中的不便
and for those who didn't get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport
此外 預計順道前往其他景點的旅客
now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel.
許多大型車站內也有能 以IC卡付款的置物櫃等各種隨身行李寄放設施
Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning,
there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers
#15 領錢方法
which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards.
飛機降落後 最早可以兌換外幣的地方是
#15 Know how to get at your money
The first opportunity to access your money
日本國內許多銀行 或便利商店雖然設有ATM
upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports.
但是這些機器卻不一定 能讀取您所持有的銀行卡
After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs
所幸 在都內及郊區都有分行的郵局
however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card.
Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas)
as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores
除此之外還有許多實用的旅遊建議 但對於首次前來日本觀光的旅客
have atms that are compatible with foreign cards.
只要參考以上15項建議 應該就能展開愉快的日本之旅了
Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable
欲觀賞其它關於日本旅遊的相關資訊或影片 請點擊螢幕上的連結
you to get more out of your first trip to Japan.
或直接瀏覽Japan-guide網站 Japan-guide是提供日本旅遊第一手資訊的旅遊網站
For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head
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Happy travels.