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Hello summoners and welcome back to another Proguides video. My name is Dan and
today, I'll be going over how to improve your farming so you can flame horizon your
opponents. Once you finish watching this video, I can guarantee that you'll see
immediate results in your creep score but its CRUCIAL that you watch every minute.
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using the link below. Now without further delay, let's jump right into it.
Csing, or farming is a key part to every lane in league of legends, it's basically
free gold. In case you are not familiar already, melee minions give 21 gold, caster
minions give 14 and siege minions, better known as cannon minions give 60 or more.
If we do some simple calculations, we get an average of 125 gold per wave.
This ultimately converts to a FREE KILL worth of gold every 3 waves. This means that you
could be up 4 kills worth of income compared to your lane counterpart EVEN if you
are 0/0/0. So all in all, being good at csing is ALWAYS better than being good at solo
killing. But now that we've covered the basics, let's jump straight into the tips.
Tip #1: Learn how to farm optimally under tower.
By now you've already been exposed to the basics of farming – you have to simply
deal the last blow to the enemy minion in order to receive gold. Chances are, you've
also had to deal with last hitting under tower. This can be confusing for some,
but it gets a lot easier once you understand how towers work. First things first,
Melee Minions need 2 tower shots + 1 auto attack to last hit
Caster minions need 1 tower shot and 1 auto attack from an
AD champ or 2 auto attacks from an AP Champ to last hit.
Cannon minions can take multiple shots and are vary between champions but generally
you'll want to last hit them with a spell to ensure that you don't miss their gold bonus.
Generally, the tower will hit the minion that approaches the tower
boundary first, then start focusing cannon minions. Once the
cannon minions are dead, they'll move on to the melee minions and then the ranged minions. Knowing this order, you'll have
to come up with a quick plan every time you see the wave crashing
into your turret. I want you to actively think about how
you're going to nail every cs and eventually you'll hardwire
this into your brain and csing under tower will be on autopilot.
For example; Let's say you're playing as Jhin in the bottom lane and see that the opposing wave is crashing into
your tower. Like we mentioned before, the tower will hit the closest
melee minion first so pay close attention to that specific creep. However, let's spice things up a bit and say
that the melee minion is at 30% health and WILL DIE if it gets hit by 1 tower shot. Now you have 2 choices
1. Leave the melee minion alone, let it die to turret and nail all the other creeps.
Or 2. Auto the melee minion then hit it with your bouncing grenades and
damage the HP bars on the other 2 melee minions and 1 caster minion.
While most players would go with option 1 because it is the safest and easiest way
to secure the other 5 creeps, OUR challenger analysts want to you go for option
2 instead. If you want to improve, then you can't always take the easy way out.
You have to constantly put yourself in these types of situations where CSing
isn't a walk in the park. It's going to get difficult to hit the other 5 cs
perfectly but trust me, its possible. Pro players do it all the time.
They will literally screw up their entire wave just to catch 1 cs because they're
confident enough in their ability to last hit the creeps no matter what HP they're at.
Here's a small tip. When you're looking to last hit, focus on the HP bar of the minion and keep everything
else at a peripheral. Although this seems pretty obvious, you'd be surprised at how many people don't do this.
That way you'll still be able to respond to sudden movements from your enemy laner but also be concentrated on
the farm. It's difficult to pay attention to everything at once, but keep trying and it'll surely aid your CS.
Tip number 4: Learn to FREEZE your lane.
Freezing your lane is one of the EASIEST ways to hit EVERY single cs. Pros abuse this wave
management trick ALL THE TIME and its definitely one of the most impactful strats that you
can implement to see instant results. Freezing is when you keep the minion wave in a spot
that is safe for you while also being dangerous for your opponent.
You'll want to freeze waves whenever you can during the early game unless for some reason you'll
need to rotate or recall anytime soon. Freezes can guarantee a safe early game where you can
primarily focus on farming. If you need more help with Freezes, then check out our FREE video
on youtube called “ The only wave management guide youll ever need” or check out
During a freeze, it becomes a lot easier for you to farm because
there's a lot pressure taken off your shoulders. If you freeze
correctly, then you should be in a position where the opponent
CANNOT KILL YOU and they're forced to overextend to catch
creeps. This means that you're in the driver seat now and
control the pace of the lane. However, a main downside a freeze
is that your counterpart can easily roam to the other side of
the map while you're trying to keep the wave at a standstill.
Let's give a quick example. Let's say you're playing as Darius in the
top lane and you now have the wave at a freeze near the 2/3rd mark in
the lane. The enemy laner is Quinn and she is forced to overextend for
CS and CANNOT get in range to poke you because she'll leave herself
in a vulnerable spot. As you can see, Darius has a lot of pressure taken
off and is applying that same pressure to the enemy Quinn. Due to the
position of the wave, Darius can now focus primarily on CSing while
also being carefree of getting ganked or solo killed by the opponent.
Tip number 3: Practice, practice, and practice.
The most boring and tedious part of improving at league of legends – it's like the field practice in baseball, the
passing drills in soccer, or the shooting exercises in basket. Practice is boring, but it's essential for your
improvement. You can be the most knowledgeable and smartest
league of legends player in the world, but without
practice, all that knowledge is USELESS. Here we've provided a quick training guide on how you should practice.
Level 1: Hop into a custom game with runes THAT DO NOT HELP YOU cs better. For example, you'll
want to take summoner spellbook, sorcery second for transcendence and waterwalking, take
scaling cooldown, armor, and magic resist for adaptive bonuses and DO NOT purchase any items.
Walk into your desired lane and start farming every minion that you can possibly get.
As reference, 10 cs per minute is unreasonable and you shouldn't aim for that level like the
pros. In my opinion, you should aim for 8 cs per minute which is a lot more doable and easy
to replicate in your solo queue games. 107 CS is the maximum amount that you can get in 10
minutes so just try for 80 CS total. BUT, it's important that you don't miss ANY CANNONS.
You might ask, why do we choose such bad runes and not buy any items?
Well, it's to give yourself a harder time. Runes might give you
extra attack speed or AD that might make the farming process easier. Like we mentioned before, if you want to improve then it won't
just be a walk in the park. You have to constantly put yourself in
these difficult situations and overcome them. It's like training with
10 pound weights on each of your legs – it might suck now, but chances are that you will become much better when you take them off.
Level 2: Hop into a custom game except add a couple of
intermediate bots. Level 1 teaches you how to farm well when
you're alone, but level 2 is to get you better at farming when there is an opponent. Get into game, choose 3 bots
and do the EXACT same thing. Make sure you keep moving between
your auto attacks, and keep yourself at full HP. Like
level 1, you want to take off your runes and choose
negligible adaptive bonuses to give yourself a harder time.
and finally level 3: Play normal games. Level 3 for practice is to hop into a
normal game and try applying everything you've learned. If you do the level 1
and level 2 practices a few times a day, then you'll be ready for level 3.
Before you get into game, make sure you're adding on proper runes and adaptive
bonuses now. We're in the big boy leagues so we gotta start practicing for real.
Once you get into game, purchase your normal items and then start playing
the game out. I PROMISE YOU that you will see MASSIVE improvements in your farming
skill IF you put in the work and practiced levels 1 and 2 of CS training.
Onto tip number 4: This is our final tip and it's to TAKE CS in
the areas given to you. Now what we mean by this is that you
should be actively looking to rotate around the map to take cs
in specific spots. For example, if you see that your team is
grouped mid, but the bot lane is pushing towards you, then it'd
be a good idea to travel down there and grab the extra gold.
If the enemy jungler is ganking top lane and your lane is pushed,
then you can invade his wraiths and get a bit of extra farm.
Froggen – one of the best farmers in the GAME constantly
takes the wraith camp away from his jungler to
hit RECORD breaking CS numbers. However, we have to
warn you to try and limit the amount of times you
do this in solo queue because you'll likely make your jungler afk. On the other hand, Dopa – who has
some of the best wave management and macro play in the world, ALWAYS looks to push in a side lane. After
the laning phase ends, he'll immediately jump bot or top to catch a few waves as Kassadin or Twisted fate.
The point is, when there is free CS being HANDED to you, then take it. Learn to spot out when these
opportunities arise and take advantage of them. Although it will take some practice to start getting
used to this, you can visit and receive coaching to help improve your CSin immediately.
Alright, that was it for our video on the 4 best tips to help you CS like the pros.
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In addition to that, don't forget to check out if you want to see MASSIVE improvements to
your rank. We're looking to start uploading daily videos on our website, much like we do on our youtube
channel so trust me, you don't want to miss out on those. We hope that you continue to improve by watching
our videos but until next, take care, good luck in your next few games, and I'll see you on the rift.