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  • For decades, there were really only two men's hair loss brands.


  • When my hair gets wet, you can tell I'm losing it.


  • But I'm gonna regrow it with Rogaine.


  • Propecia.


  • Helping make hair loss history.


  • But over the past few years, new companies have popped up, flooding the zone with marketing campaigns.


  • We help you stay looking like this.


  • Not like this.


  • These new brands are coming to life in a different world, one with growing acceptance of male personal care and social media putting pressure on men.


  • Those factors, combined with the expiration of a drug patent, are driving the industry to new heights.


  • The global market for hair loss treatment was worth over $7 billion in 2015, according to Global Market Insights.

    環球訊息公司的市場調查報告顯示,掉髮治療的全球市場 2015 年時價值超過七十億美元。

  • And it's growing so fast that it's projected to pass $11 billion by 2024.

    而該市場成長得相當快速,預計在 2024 年前會超過一百一十億美元。

  • The hair loss market and the explosive growth of that market is exceptionally reflective of what's happening across the men's market, which is that you have a new demographic of men, a younger group of men, who are encouraged to now be well and to be their best selves.


  • Andrew Dudum is the founder and CEO of Hims, one of the newer brands on the market.

    Andrew Dudum 是掉髮市場中的最新品牌之一 Hims 的創辦人暨執行長。

  • His San Francisco-based company is marketing in a different way than Rogaine and Propecia.


  • We're going after men in their 20s who are starting to experience while sitting in a college classroom, who are starting to see hair loss while applying for their first job.


  • Dudum offers a variety of hair loss treatment drugs, including generic versions of Propecia and Rogaine.

    Dudum 提供多種治療掉髮的產品,包含柔沛和落健的無專利版本。

  • Merck created a drug called Propecia a very long time ago.


  • Today, if you go to a Walgreens or a CVS, that drug could cost you $100 or $200 per month.


  • We now, at Hims and other players in the space, can offer generic options of finasteride for $20 or $25 per month.

    現在我們 Hims 以及其他同領域的競爭者可以提供每個月只要二十到二十五美元的無專利非那雄胺。

  • And so, what you see is a huge proportion of the population who is scared of hair loss or experiencing hair loss but unable to afford it for a very long time now be able to move into the market.


  • Dudum's company is emblematic of a group of hair growth startups that have sprung up in the last couple of years.

    Dudum 的公司是過去幾年來竄起的幾間生髮新創公司的代表。

  • Hims, Roman, Keeps and others all demonstrate how a market can shift when a patent for a popular brand-name drug expires.

    Hims、Roman、Keeps 和其他品牌展現了當受歡迎的知名藥品專利到期時市場會產生的劇變。

  • The combination of Rogaine, which went off patent first, and Propecia, which went off patent in 2014, and Propecia, which went off patent in 2014, together with some other things that are going on in the industry, that's caused a dramatic increase in the availability, in the cost, and in the success of using these products.

    專利先到期的落健、專利 2014 年到期的柔沛加上產業中的其他變化造成了這些生髮產品的易得性、花費以及使用成功率急劇增加。

  • Gary Stibel is the CEO of New England Consulting Group.

    Gary Stibel 是 New England 顧問公司的執行長。

  • He does a lot of research in the men's health space.


  • He says there are only two main drugs on the market that are scientifically proven to help stop hair loss in some men: minoxidil and finasteride.


  • In 1988, the FDA approved minoxidil under the trade name Rogaine.

    1988 年,美國食藥署核准了登記於落健名下的米諾地爾。

  • Then, in 1997, Merck obtained an FDA-approved patent for finasteride, which they marketed as Propecia.

    隨後在 1997 年,默克藥廠取得了食藥署核准的非那雄胺專利權,他們行銷時將其命名為柔沛。

  • After both patents expired, new companies started crowding into the space.


  • Extra-strength minoxidil is expected to see 4.5% growth between 2018 and 2024.

    加強版米諾地爾預計在 2018 到 2024 年間會成長百分之四點五。

  • And finasteride may also see market gains in the coming years.


  • The Propecia patent expired in 2013, an opportune moment for these brands.

    柔沛的專利權在 2013 年到期,對這些新品牌來說是個大好時機。

  • Social media is creating a huge behavioral shift.


  • So is dating apps.


  • When you're always on social media, all you see is beautiful things, beautiful people, beautiful places, beautiful food, beautiful fashion.


  • It creates a desire to be part of that, and you want to be just as pretty, just as handsome, just as good looking.


  • Part of that is the way you look.


  • So, it's competitive.


  • There's a lot of pressure today.


  • The men's personal care industry was worth around $121 billion in 2016.

    2016 年的男性個人保養市場大約值一千兩百一十億美元。

  • By 2022, it's expected to reach $166 billion.

    其市值預計會在 2022 年前達到一千六百六十億美元。

  • That's a 37% increase in just six years.


  • Psychologically, men were concerned about looking like they were too fashion conscious.


  • That day has passed.


  • Men are into looking their best.


  • They are buying all kinds of toiletries.


  • They are using cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.


  • And they're even experiencing and paying a lot of money for procedures like Botox.


  • The men's hair loss industry is part of this sea change.


  • Experts say that, as men grow more concerned with their looks, the hair growth industry has an opportunity to expand their market and cash in.


  • So it's no surprise that companies are looking for the next drug or procedure, one that could stop balding for good.


  • The forefront of the research has to do with hair transplants, which take hair follicles from a part of the scalp that's still growing and plants them where it's not.


  • Doctors have performed these for years, but the procedure has some supply and demand problems.


  • Some men don't have enough healthy follicles to replace all their bald spots.


  • Scientists in California, funded by Allergan, are trying to solve this problem by using stem cells to create an infinite number of hair follicles, which could theoretically give completely bald men the ability to regrow a full mane.

    Allergan 製藥公司贊助的加州科學家正嘗試以幹細胞繁殖出無限多的毛囊解決這個問題,理論上能夠讓完全禿頭的男性重新長回整頭毛髮。

  • In June of 2019, the team managed to get hair to grow through the skin of a mouse.

    2019 年七月,研究團隊成功讓老鼠皮表面長出毛髮。

  • Some experts have described this as a revolutionary achievement for the hair growth industry.


  • But there's still a final hurdle to overcome before the team can present their findings to the FDA.


  • They have to find a way to use only human cells to create hair growth, rather than the combination of human and mouse cells they've used so far.


  • The team thinks they're roughly seven years away from bringing their product to market, but other experts predict it could take a decade or longer.


  • If and when this does become an option, Hamilton says it could cost tens of thousands of dollars, and consumers may still have to use minoxidil and finasteride to keep the new hair.

    要是當這項技術真的成為一項選擇,醫藥記者 Hamilton 認為該手術可能要價好幾萬美元,而消費者可能還是需要使用米諾地爾和非那雄胺來保住新長的頭髮。

  • They may also have to get additional transplants later in life.


  • Whether or not researchers come up with a cure for baldness, Stibel and Dudum think this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the explosion of male grooming.

    無論科學家們是否會找出禿頭的解藥,Stibel 和 Dudum 認為這只是男士美容爆炸成長的冰山一角。

  • Hair loss is a microcosm of what's going on in male grooming.


  • I think what's happening in the hair loss market is reflective of what's happening across the men's market, which is a general activation of men to go and be well.


For decades, there were really only two men's hair loss brands.


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