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  • Holy crap, I'm going to Japan!

  • Good morning some of my favorite people!

  • So today, I'm heading to a bus stop, which is extremely

  • weird for me to do in my own City, but today I have very good reason to do that!

  • So we're going to Japan! It was very unplanned. So originally we

  • were just going to be going to Quebec, which is only a couple provinces away,

  • maybe a 10-12 hour drive from where I live here in Halifax,

  • but then Akane had to go back to Japan, and I said "you know, this is probably the

  • perfect time to go". So earlier this week, actually technically it was last week,

  • we bought the flights on like a Wednesday, here it is Monday, and we are

  • heading to the airport!

  • So what we're going be doing, is we're going to be

  • taking the city bus to the airport. So something that would take you 20 minutes

  • or half an hour to drive, is going to take us a leisurely hour-and-a-half this

  • morning, so we're going be catching the #3 from here near the Mumford Terminal,

  • and then we're going to be going to the Bridge Terminal, where we

  • catch I believe it's the #320 all the way out to the airport! So chances are we'll

  • see you there, not so much along the way. It's going to be a pretty long and boring ride.

  • Good morning Akane!

  • Good morning.

  • How do you feel about this morning?

  • Cold!

  • Yeah? What's the temperature?

  • Umm?

  • 10C?

  • Yeah.

  • Oh it was 9 degrees in the morning.

  • That's pretty crazy, isn't it?

  • Yeah.

  • And what's the temperature of where we're going to be going?

  • Ah rainy! Right now just 23 degrees.

  • Well, that's alright.

  • But today...look!

  • It's going to be 29!

  • Nice!

  • Flight 1 of 2. Halifax, Canada to Toronto, Canada. Flight Duration: 2 Hours.

  • Alright, so we have made it to Toronto after two hours of flight. It was a really

  • good flight, looks like a brand new plane! Everything was super clean, super perfect,

  • and it was absolutely fantastic! So I'm hoping our second flight is just like that

  • although it's gonna be like six times longer!

  • Uh oh!

  • That's a big difference!

  • But anyway, first section of the journey, really good so far!

  • Welcome to Tokyo, Japan!

  • Alright! Good day! For us, it's next day technically, after a 13 hour plane ride

  • we have finally made it to Tokyo!

  • We cleared customs, which we thought was going to be quite a little hassle,

  • Because as you can see, by my passport, my picture is horrible! If you guys remember back in

  • the Kentucky videos, where that massive rainstorm happened...

  • About to find out

  • the status of our tent.

  • Well, the tent is standing.


  • The fly is...oh no.

  • So just on the other side of that fly is my open...

  • The word I'm looking for is "suitcase"

  • My open clothes, luggage.

  • It might be wet!

  • Okay, so our entrance has collapsed,

  • But...

  • Let's see what it's like on the inside.

  • I don't...

  • No, you're clothes are so wet.

  • Oh yeah, there's a puddle in my chair.

  • So there's a nice puddle of water.

  • Oh your speaker!

  • Oh no! Hopefully that's...

  • Is that waterproof?

  • Nope, I don't know.

  • I guess we'll find out.

  • Yeah, oh yeah, that's pretty wet.

  • Well my passport was in my luggage, and that's what it looks like now.

  • When we came back from that trip, and went to Canada, we asked about it.

  • They said it was fine since it still scanned.

  • However,

  • So we flew from Halifax to Toronto and Toronto here,

  • When we were boarding in Toronto

  • coming internationally, they stopped me at the gate

  • it's probably...there's a good chance it's not going to work.

  • Anyway, we get here, and the looks at it, and he's like "whatever"

  • and puts me right on through,

  • so far things for the trip have gone really smoothly.

  • I slept really well, probably,

  • I don't know, 5 or 6 hours of the 13 hour trip. as oh hey length is good to be

  • Anyway, it's good to be here on Japanese soil, and I'm looking to see with this country has to offer!

  • Catching the train to Iwaki.

  • A great system where the color of the light above your seat lets you know if it's available or pre-booked.

  • Hey guys, we're pretty much ready for bed.

  • I want to thank you all so much for watching.

  • If you like the video, hit the thumbs up for me,

  • And if you're new to the channel I want to say welcome, I hope you subscribe.

  • We're going to be doing some amazing things while here in Japan.

  • So everyone, I hope you have a great day, and I hope to see you on the next adventure tomorrow!

  • A special thank you to the following sponsors.

  • Filmed August 2018

Holy crap, I'm going to Japan!

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加拿大到日本 - 旅程|加拿大到東京|東京到巖城|日本的旅程 (Canada to Japan - The Journey | Canada to Tokyo | Tokyo to Iwaki | Japan)

  • 151 0
    ayami posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary