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  • There are some questions you don't ask, right? You just leave well enough alone. For example,

  • how have I gone without ever reviewing a Wipeout game? I review all the bad games. How have

  • I escaped these ones? I don't know, I don't ask. Or I didn't ask. But then I ended up

  • with two Wipeout games in the same week. And not only two Wipeout games...

  • The same Wipeout game, on two different platforms.

  • I guess the universe has a way of, just...evening things out.

  • By the way, uh...f*ck you, universe.

  • If you caught our review of Wipeout: Create and Crash for the Xbox 360, you'll know that I reviewed

  • that game. And you'll also know that...I was kind of a mess, in that review. Listen, I

  • give every game a fair shake, but...that game just sucks. It's actually incredible, how

  • much it sucks. Like, on its own. That's before you add Kinect to the equation. You can imagine

  • how that affects the sum.

  • Or you can consult my review and watch me have a mental breakdown.

  • There's some math, for you. Serenity plus now.

  • Anyway, here I am with the Wii U version. And surprisingly, there's some good news.

  • Uh, this one doesn't have you jumping around like an over-caffeinated wallaby, so there's

  • that. You just play it with the GamePad, so ten points. That gets the score up to, what?

  • Negative 30? Also, there's a decent multiplayer mode exclusive to the Wii U.

  • Don't me wrong, it's still a lousy game,'s less lousy, I guess?

  • I don't know, this is what happens you play too much Wipeout.

  • So if you have no idea what's going on here, uh...Wipeout is a TV show, where people run

  • through an obstacle course, and hurt themselves. This is a game where you run through an obstacle

  • course, and hurt your brain. I mean, people must buy thesethere's a new one released

  • every year. But for the life of me, I have no idea why.

  • I guess, multiplayer? Like, watching your friends fail? But that's fun in the same way

  • doing anything with your friends is fun. Doesn't mean the game's any good. And it's...really

  • not.

  • Since it's the same core game as the 360 version, all the same criticisms apply. A physics system

  • from hell, clunky gameplay, bad production, repetitive everything. Also, John Henson.

  • You can actually feel your brain being drained when you play Wipeout games, and that's the

  • case with this one, too. The only difference, you can design your own courses.

  • And on the Wii U, there's a GamePad multiplayer mode. You can tap the screen to throw balls

  • at your friends while they're running the courses with a Wii Remote. And to be fair,

  • that's pretty cool. That's the most fun you'll ever have with a Wipeout game.

  • In fact, that mode is so cool relative to the rest of the game...I'm gonna go ahead

  • and say the Wii U version is the way to go. Partly because Kinect sucks, partly because

  • the Wii version is a low-res mess...partly because I'm grasping at straws here. Otherwise,

  • though...same terrible Wipeout game. With the same terrible audio.

  • I don't even have anything to say about that.

  • Anyway, to the game's credit...the level editor is nice and simple, and the ability to share

  • your creations is a nice touch. On the other hand, then you have to actually play them.

  • No thanks, on that one. The GamePad Trap Attack mode is alright, but only in comparison to

  • the rest of the game, which isn't. I don't know.

  • Watch my 360 review, to see the effect this game actually has on people.

  • I can tell you this, it's certainly not pretty.

  • It's Wipeout: Crash and Create for the Wii U.

There are some questions you don't ask, right? You just leave well enough alone. For example,

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任天堂Wii U的CGR Undertow - WIPEOUT CREATE & CRASH評測。 (CGR Undertow - WIPEOUT CREATE & CRASH review for Nintendo Wii U)

  • 64 1
    阿多賓 posted on 2021/01/14
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