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  • One of the main features of globalization of world politics is that it takes a view of theory ...

  • ...that helps you understand the world, by treating theories as if they're different coloured lenses.

  • So to use a simple analogy, if you were to wear yellow sunglasses, the world would look yellow...

  • ...if you had red tinted sunglasses, the world would look red and so on.

  • Well that's how we use theory, that is to say we see the different theories of world politics...

  • ways of understanding the same issue from different perspectives, so in that sense...

  • ...theories are not something separate from the world that report on the world as it really is...

  • ...rather theories are things that construct what we see, so if you take one theoretical position...

  •'ll see a certain set of events, if you see it take another theoretical position...

  •'ll see a different set of events.

  • So the book outlines the main theories and gives you a whole series of studies...

  • ...and examples that you can then apply the theories to.

  • Let's just take one contemporary case study, the war, the civil war in Syria.

  • The main theory of international relations, realism, treats the Syrian war in a very simple way.

  • It sees it as a struggle for power, it sees the role of the United Nations as limited...

  • ... it sees the various great powers competing for how they will affect a change in Syria...

  • ...the Russians and the Chinese vetoing anything in the United Nations...

  • ...because they don't want the United Nations to intervene in the sovereign affairs of a state.

  • ou see the British and the Europeans and the Americans are trying to support the rebels...

  • ...but being restricted in their ability to do that because they don't have the sheer power...

  • ...military and political power, to intervene, it would be difficult.

  • So realists see the Syrian con- conflict in a quite specific way.

  • Liberals, the other major theory of world politics, tend to look at Syria...

  • an attempt to construct consensus to see how you can get norms and rules and laws and cooperation...

  • solve a problem.

  • So they would focus on all those leaders in the world...

  • ...who are trying to bring peace to the region and they would see the role of the United Nations as central...

  • ...and they would point out that over time, the UN and world bodies...

  • ... have a greater opportunity to influence events than they did hundreds of years ago...

  • in that sense, liberals look at the conflict in Syria in a different way.

  • If you then turn to a theory such as Marxism, Marxists have a very, very different set of glasses...

  • look at the Syrian conflict if you like, than the other two main theories.

  • Marxists look at this, look at Syria as a conflict really, ultimately determined by oil...

  • centrality in the Middle East, by ruling classes, by economic power...

  • ...and they look at it as a clash of economic interests and they see the Assad regime...

  • ...and the opponents as representing different economic interests globally and their concern...

  • ...really is not so much with the details of the conflict...

  • ... as with the great conflict through history between various competing economic forms.

  • Those who look at ethics, obviously, look at the conflict in a very different way...

  • ...they're concerned with the ethical issues about when should you intervene...

  • there a, a duty to intervene? Is there a right to protect?

  • Is there a need to support people who are being killed in other countries?

  • Or should, ethics people would say, should governments stay out of other people's conflicts?

  • Then you've got post structural theories and post-colonial theories as well...

  • ... I won't go into them in detail, the point I want to make is all these different theories look at the same conflict...

  • ...but look at it in a different way, what it gives the reader the opportunity to do is to look...

  • the information from different perspectives and therefore we ask the reader...

  • reflect upon the way in which your view about how the world operates colours what you see...

  • we're trying to make a bigger theoretical point in globalization of world politics...

  • ...which there isn't a simple common sense view of the world that's right but instead...

  • ...what we have are different theories that paint a different picture of reality...

  • ...and it's therefore up to the reader to judge which theory is most suitable, which theory is correct...

  • ...which theory they prefer and to know what other theories would say about that issue.

  • We think that's a unique selling point of the book and all the feedback over the years has been that...

  • ...the ability to give different theoretical views is one of the great strengths of the text.

One of the main features of globalization of world politics is that it takes a view of theory ...

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史蒂夫-史密斯談國際關係理論的生活化 (Steve Smith on bringing International Relations theory to life)

  • 22 2
    孫宜君 posted on 2021/01/14
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