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During this video we're going to take you through a series of programs.
You can do the whole video,
but if you don't have time, just
dip in and use the sections that suit you.
Yoga is non-competitive and done at your own pace.
If a pose feels too
much on that day, back
away, and try again another time.
Build your practice slowly, rather
than following me on everything that I do.
Remember, we have our whole lives to practice yoga.
Inhale, come up.
Be sure the blades slide down the back, that's it, yes, exactly.
Forwards and down.
Think of the leg being forwards and down.
Good, forehead to the floor.
And again forward to your nose,
chin, opening up the
chest, and exhaling.
So it's very good for the
kidneys, this one, and
you're working on the adrenal glands,
sort of a calming and balancing posture.
I need that, calming and balancing, hopefully.
Work on bridge pose.
Just undulating the spine off the ground.
Tilt the pubic bone towards the navel.
Lift the lower back off the floor.
Unfurl each of the
vertebrae from the floor until
you're in a diagonal line, knees, hips and shoulders straight.
Exhale, concave the chest,
ribs, belly and, pelvis relaxes to the floor.
Let's try that once more.
Breath in, and as
you exhale uncurl the body
one by one until you're in that diagonal line.
And exhale to lower down.
When you're ready, widen the foot position.
Turn your left foot out.
Turn your hips to the left.
Bend down onto your left leg,
knee over the toe, back leg supported and long.
Take the arms up, three rounds
of breath here, inhale and exhale.
I'm gonna come and help you out now.
Inhale, and exhale.
There you go, good.
One more round, in and out.
Now reach the arms up and open them out.
Inhale, the hips also open, exhale.
Good, back leg working through
the outside edge of the
foot and out.
In, and out.
A bit of energy.
And we begin some scissor action.
Inhale, exhale, bring the
left leg forwards, the right
leg forwards, the left leg forwards.
So, it's the opposite arm to
leg that crosses, to
work on the side muscles in your torso.
Exhale left arm, exhale right
arm left leg and changing
opposite arm and leg working exhale.
Good, support your head with
your hand to take any pressure out.
Bring the knees into the chest.
So, press down into the elbows
and work the shoulders away from the ears.
Tuck the toes, breathe in,
and straighten the legs into the
inverted V. At this
point, you could walk the feet inwards.
You could bring one leg off
the floor, and then try
and lift the other leg off the floor.
Bring the knees upwards, towards the
sky unfolding at the
hips, and then straighten the legs up.
It's important to keep breathing as you practice the head stand.
Exhale into the abdominal area.
Imagine that you have a
glove around the abdomen, and
that each time you exhale it
squeezes the center, keeping you firm from your middle.
And then again, fly upwards
through the feet pressing down
through the elbows, the hands,
and bringing the shoulders away from the ears.
Relaxation can often be a
real challenge for some, but do persist.
It truly is a blissful place to be when you arrive.
I know, I can smell it.
I've got two, you know.
How special is that.