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from time to time you probably run into a picture something that you want a
model in this case i found a one handed
beer bottle opener and so many use this sketch picture inside
of solidworks to recreate this design so to start i want to create a new part
and have a part metric template if you don't have a template in metric
units you can come to the options go to document
properties and change the units
so I'll create sketch on the front plane and over the tools
sketch tools and sketch picture and I save this over the desktop
i may go ahead and bring it so you can modify this by using the
properties on the left which generally easiest way
to work with this is simply dragging it out
and resizing it in the workspace i want to create a quick reference line
for one of my dimensions so i can get the sketch picture dimension correctly
typically any picture you find a minute isn't gonna be the size that you want to
be so easiest
way to go is typically draw out a couple reference lines
and give them a dimension and then get your picture set
in this case i took a quick trip with my fridge
grabbed a beer and a pair of calipers
and got the width of the beer bottle cap
so Im gonna go ahead and add a quick centerline with the width of twenty eight point five
millimeters you can see the pictures quite a bit
larger than my reference line
so I'm gonna go ahead and resize it by double clicking back in
until we get down to the correct size
in this case since it is a bottle opener
we quite prefer it to be slightly oversized than being a slightly
undersized that looks about right
and i no longer need this centerline so I go ahead and delete it out
next i wanna grab my line tool and start tracing
this bottle opener out as well as the circle tool
this looks like a simplest way to start so go ahead and add a circle
and I'm gonna go ahead and make this twenty six
once i have the circle i can see that it's undefined or under
defined and that might make it a little bit
difficult to work with this entire profile as I created
i want at least one good base where i don't have the entire
sketch moving around so I may go ahead and right click in
and go to fully define sketch and click calculate
and this will just add two positional dimensions from the origin to the center
of that circle next I'm gonna go ahead and create another
circle and give that another dimension
there's some items that you work with their some pictures you work with with
the dimensions are very important
in this case as long as it is roughly close
that should fairly easily open a bottle of beer
from here I'm gonna grab the line tool and start tracing the rest of the profile
I go ahead and click this in and if I press A
this will bring me into a tangent arc
and once i click again this will bring me back in the line tool
click once more hit A again
and that will bring me back into the tangent arc
and once again and once again
now just continue around and get the rough profile
so you can see a half most of the tangent relations i need
but we want to go ahead and make the other arc tangent as well
so control click in for those selecting both
and making each of these tangent where they need to be tangent
from here i can start adding dimensions once i have certain
radius set I'm gonna go ahead and add
each one of these individually so this back arc looks pretty good
so go ahead and give it its radius lets call it eight and half millimeters
the top looks good as well and so this doesn't move around too much
while dimensioning this I may go ahead and add a couple
of dimensions and as you had dimensions you can
notice that this will project in whatever direction it
thinks that you want to dimension it
and if you wanna lock this into a certain dimension
you can simply right click see next to my mouse there's a little lock icon
and now I can place this where i want
so i can go ahead and continue dragging this out
I go ahead and drag a centerline from the origin
and my angle looks just about right
on the side of this line I'm gonna go ahead and create an angle
dimension and the final line
next I go ahead and set this radius once i had it in the right place
and i noticed a horizontal relation accidentally got added so I can go ahead and
delete that out so i get the correct angle here
and I can continue refining this but this looks about right
so I'm gonna go ahead and just right click in once again and see it in fully defined
sketch and this isn't always the best tool to
use as little dimension has it
sees fit but it's typically very convenient once you
have everything set in the sketch and with that last change this looks
about right i want to have a single close profile
so its easier to look through so I may use the trim tool
with the power trim option and I left click drag into this line
to remove out that extra arc and once i have all that set i can
simply use the extrude tool I may choose the mid plane option
and ten millimeters looks about right
so go ahead and click ok and here we have a completed key beer bottle