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  • Amazon reported record profits in 2018, earning $10.1 billion in net income compared to just $3 billion in 2017.

    根據 Amazon 的 2018 年利潤報告指出,公司的淨利達 101 億美元,與 2017 年相比,當年只有 30 億。

  • Considering the company hardly had any annual profit until 2016, this represents major growth.

    考量到該公司於 2016 年度幾乎沒有任何利潤,所以這代表了 2018 年屬重大的增長。

  • Whether that's gap earnings, operating income, free cash flow, this company hit an inflection point at the beginning of 2018.

    無論是差額收入、營運收入和自由現今流量等,2018 年初都到達了反曲點。

  • It's one of the reasons that the stock materially outperformed the market.


  • Traditionally, Amazon has funneled most of its money straight back into the company itself, leading to meager earnings compared to other tech giants like Apple or Google.

    一般來說,Amazon 把大部分的資金直接流回公司,與 Apple 或 Google 等科技巨頭相比,營收根本是微不足道。

  • But in spite of this strategy, Amazon has been making enough lately that there's still money left after all of its expenses on inventory, fulfillment centers and people.

    不過就算採取了這項策略,其實在扣減庫存、物流中心和人手方面的開支後,Amazon 在近年來賺得也不少。

  • Amazon still doesn't have the types of profits that other big tech companies do, say a Google or an Apple or a Microsoft.

    不過,Amazon 的利潤仍然無法與其他大型公司比,像是 Google、Apple 或微軟。

  • But significantly more than they ever have in the past and it really allows them to do much more experimentation with the core business.


  • So what's changed?


  • Though Amazon has long dominated the U.S. e-commerce market, online sales are not actually the biggest moneymaker for the company.

    雖然 Amazon 已長期主導美國的電子商務市場,但網路銷售業可不是該公司最賺錢的業務。

  • Its e-commerce division isn't even profitable internationally.


  • Instead, Amazon Web Services, or AWS, has generated the majority of the company's operating income since 2016.

    反倒是 Amazon 雲端運算服務 (AWS),自 2016 年以來創下了該公司最大部分的營運收入。

  • AWS is Amazon's cloud computing division, comprised of a huge network of servers providing processing and storage solutions for companies, government agencies and individuals.

    AWS 是 Amazon 的雲端運算平台,由龐大的伺服器網路所組成,提供公司、政府機關和個人處理和儲存的解決方案。

  • What that did for Amazon is it turned Amazon into a technology company as well as being an e-commerce and retailer.

    這服務對 Amazon 的影響是把它轉型成為集科技、電子商務和零售商於一身的公司。

  • Its clients, which include Netflix, Airbnb and Yelp, are charged for their volume of usage, the features they subscribe to, and the services they use.

    它們的客戶包括 Netflix、Airbnb 和 Yelp 等,都會按使用流量、訂閱功能以及使用的服務收費。

  • AWS really started to grow about four or five years ago and became a significant force in computing.

    AWS 約莫於四五年前才真正開始增長,更為運算的發展帶來重要的影響。

  • Amazon Web Services continues to get bigger as a percentage of overall revenue and it's a highly profitable business by Amazon's standards.


  • But by most corporate standards, it's doing something like 30 percent operating margins.

    但按照大多數公司的標準,營業利潤率大約為 30%。

  • In 2018, AWS brought in 7.3 billion dollars in operating income and 25.7 billion dollars in revenue which, for reference, is more than both McDonald's and Macy's.

    於 2018 年,AWS 為公司帶來 73 億美元的營收入和 257 億美元的收益,為方便大家參考,可說是比麥當勞和梅西百貨來得高。

  • In this last quarter, AWS was 58 percent of total operating profit for Amazon.

    在最後一個季度,AWS 佔了 Amazon 總營運利潤的 58%。

  • So it's still clearly the profit driver for the overall company.

    因此,整個公司的利潤驅動力顯然是 AWS。

  • In fact in 2017, AWS was actually more than 100 percent of Amazon's operating profit.

    而實際上於 2017 年,AWS 的業績比 Amazon 營運利潤高出超過 100%。

  • So without AWS, Amazon would not have been making any money.

    所以沒有 AWS 的話,Amazon 不會賺錢。

  • But though it's a huge reason behind Amazon's recent profitability, other areas of the company are seeing major growth as well.

    雖然這是 Amazon 最近最賺錢的一個重要原因,但公司的其他領域亦見巨大的增長。

  • The fastest growing division of Amazon is its other category, comprised mainly of its advertising business.

    Amazon 增長速度最快的還有其他部門,主要包含廣告業務。

  • It grew 95 percent in the fourth quarter of 2018 and brought in $10.1 billion in revenue for the year overall.

    於 2018 年的第四季度增長了 95%,該業績的全年總入為 101 億美元。

  • As Amazon has become the center of commerce for a lot of businesses, it's becoming a huge advertising play as well.

    隨著 Amazon 逐漸成為許多企業的商務中心,也漸漸成為廣告業的巨頭。

  • They don't break out the profits of this, but looking at comps like Facebook and Google, it's almost certainly also in that 30 percent operating margin range.

    不過他們並沒有從中獲利,但看看像 Facebook 和 Google,其實可以肯定的是 Amazon 的營利率也落在 30% 的範圍內。

  • If advertising continues to grow at this rate, some analysts even predict it will be more profitable than AWS by 2021.

    倘若廣告業務持續以這般速度增長,有分析師甚至還預測 2021 年廣告的利潤會比 AWS 高。

  • The last segment experiencing major growth is the third-party marketplace.


  • While Amazon traditionally buys products in bulk from wholesalers and sells them at a slight markup, in the third-party marketplace outside companies pay Amazon to sell their goods using its platform.

    Amazon 一直以來都是從批發商大量購入產品,再以比購入價稍高的價錢賣出,而第三方市場的外部企業因為使用該平台須向 Amazon 付款。

  • Amazon takes about a 15 to 20 percent cut of the sales, while also collecting fees for things like storage and shipping.

    Amazon 削減了約 15%-20% 的銷售額,且向客戶收取倉儲和運輸費用。

  • While Amazon generates significantly less revenue from third-party merchants than from products it sells, margins are much higher, making it more profitable than the traditional model.


  • If you assume even a small 5 percent margin, you're talking about potentially two billion dollars in profit just from third-party contributing to overall Amazon.

    假設就算只是小小的 5% 利潤,但其實所談論的卻是第三方就佔了 Amazon 20億美元的利潤。

  • Today, more than half of all goods sold come from third-party sellers, and more and more businesses are signing up.


  • Sales of third-party seller services rose 34 percent in 2018 to 42.7 billion dollars.

    第三方賣方服務的銷售額於 2018 年增長了 34%,高達 427 億美元。

  • You really have to be on Amazon, unless you are going to go it alone.

    除非你是要獨立出來做,否則你真的要在 Amazon 上銷售。

  • Amazon is the only place where you can instantly get scale without having to do all of the marketing yourself.

    Amazon 是唯一一個你無需自己到現場即可達成可觀銷售的平台。

  • Amazon smart speakers also have analysts excited.

    Amazon 的智慧型喇叭也令分析師感到興奮。

  • The last thing I find really interesting is Alexa.

    我還發現一件真的很有趣的事是 Alexa。

  • So you now have an installed base of over 100 million of these voice-activated devices.

    現在已有超過 1 億個現有用戶群使用這些聲控產品。

  • Over time, you'll find yourself increasingly turning to Alexa, and say "Alexa, order more coffee."

    隨著時間你會發現,自己漸漸轉向使用 Alexa,還會說「Alexa,幫我訂購咖啡。」

  • And it's one of those things that will accelerate the move of Amazon into two places, the pantry and into the refrigerator.

    這些都有助 Amazon 更快打進兩個地方:食品儲藏室和冰箱。

  • The boom in all these categories, from Alexa to cloud computing, advertising and third-party seller divisions, raises the question of how the company should be valued.

    各種不同類型的業務迅速發展,像是從 Alexa 至雲端運算、廣告業務以及第三方賣家等,都帶出公司的估值問題。

  • At the size of the company now, well over 200 billion dollars in annual revenue, it's just really hard to grow at 20 plus percent.

    以公司現在的規模來說,年收益已超過 2000 億美元,要以高達 20% 以上的速度增長真的是很難。

  • So that means these investors who have expected high growth repeatedly every quarter are now looking at a company with slowing growth but lots of profitability.


  • There's clearly some consternation in the investor community as to how to value Amazon today.

    投資群對於現今如何評估 Amazon 顯然是感到驚愕。

Amazon reported record profits in 2018, earning $10.1 billion in net income compared to just $3 billion in 2017.

根據 Amazon 的 2018 年利潤報告指出,公司的淨利達 101 億美元,與 2017 年相比,當年只有 30 億。

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