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Aye-o! Good morning gamers.
嘿呦~早安阿 各位玩家
It's Minecraft Day.
Heck yeah, my favorite day! I love Minecraft
讚啦!我最喜歡的一天 我愛麥塊
I am legit addicted to this game
I am having so much fun
Look at this! Look at my farm, it's epic.
And look at my- oh my God.
I Feel like this probably goes against some rules and regulations. All right, who's hungry? Who's hungry? There you go. There you go
我覺得這是不是犯了某種法還是規定之類的... 算了,誰餓啦?誰餓啦?給你吃 給你吃
Have it all
想吃就吃 吃到飽
Eat as much as you can
我讓他們狂生小孩 其實是因為我要宰掉一些牛 然後我們還要...歐淦
Now the reason I did this is because we actually need to start murdering them because we're going- Agh god dammit.
算了 我就直接宰了他們
Alright, I'm just gonna kill
歹勢啦PETA(動保組織) 別看! 喔
I'm sorry, PETA look away! Ah
我需要你的牛排 抱歉 他們都快跑光了!!
I need your meat. I'm sorry, they're escaping
Stop them. Oh
God, what have I done?
Okay, all right the children gets to what are you doing in my boat? Okay, that's awesome you guys can stay in the boat that's
Oh, you're friends with Jørgan. You can stay. Why do I even have a farm? This is too- look at all the children you
00:01:02,040 --> 00:01:04,039 好 小朋友可以活下ㄌ...
Wouldn't kill a child Felix. No, I wouldn't. Oh my god. All right. Okay, it's Oh
Oh! Jørgan! Jørgan; Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. All right, the kids gets to live
好吧 也不錯 你們可以待在我的船上
I'm that gracious, but I do need their meat because today we are going on epic
歐~你就和Jørgan當朋友吧 讓你留著 ( F for Jørgan ; (
Adventure. That's right everyone. We had these treasure maps and we're gonna go and find
我到底蓋這個農場幹嘛 這有夠...
Where it is, it looks like it's probably pretty goddamn far
Epic that is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Oh, yeah, I made some
" 你不可殺小朋友阿!!Felix "
Improvement to the house as well. Got this new carpet got this new (?). It's pretty epic
我!! 不!! 會 !!
It's whatever, Oh yeah and these bad guys attacked me. So I put their banner on our epic Tree of Life
Okay, Jørgan has to stay on this adventure. Actually, maybe I should bring him. Oh god, it's too scary. So we are
好 殼蟻
The tiny dot on the map. That's so far dude. Is this one mirror?
Oh, look, it it is it changing it is changing. Oh god. This is so complicated, dude
All right. We'll get Jørgan for this one. All right, Jørgan, let's ride
喔Jørgan! Jørgan!
So we have to ride
this direction
好 小朋友可以活下來
Question mark hey Jørgan's friend. Hello. Jørgan's friend. This is epic Oh God, we're gonna need a boat, aren't we?
你看我人多好 但我的確是需要他們的牛排 因為我們今天要去超OP
Uhh... or maybe, not so all the people in this village disappeared it
大 冒 險
I don't know why it's not like I was trying to blow up their house or anything, but turtley still here
沒有綽 各位同學 我們有這些藏寶圖 所以我們要去
Hello, turtle and stone person is still here. Hello stone person. So now wait, this is now we're going south
How'd it go in on the map? Surely? This should be the way or is it this way?
Okay, wait, so we need to go west we need to go this way
AGH AH, Gee-Bali-Ba! Ugh, god dammit. Yeah, it's this way. No, it's not. Haahahaha...
Okay this way I don't know how this works. Okay. I've never done this. I'm a gamer. It's old gamer intuition
That's all I got. I haven't shown everything I've been doing
I've been playing offline for hours and hours, and I'm so hooked on minecraft, but I haven't done any adventure
裝潢了我家 鋪了地毯~蓋了陽台~ 有夠讚
So I'm excited now to go on epic. Okay, this is working. I think now we're just going up again, aren't we?
What about this way? I think we might have to get a boat. I don't like this
阿還有這些壞蛋攻擊我 所以我把他們的 旗幟放在我們的經典生命之樹上
Will you be a good boy?
ok Jørgan 你不能跟我去冒險 實際上也許我應該帶它去
Uh, Jørgan we're gonna we're gonna do it like this
所以我們...是地圖上這個小白點(笑 這也太遠了吧老兄
Oh god, Stay; Jørgan... Eegh, Jørgan.
How did I not bring a shovel to a goddamn treasure hunt map hunting thing this is what I get for
看 它有在動嗎? 它有在動耶(真的有嗎??
forgetting everything
Jørgan stop, wandering, off, My god.
好吧 這次我會帶Jørgan上路 好 我們走 Jørgan
I've already lost your brother now down the hole you go just be a good boy and stay in the hole here
I have a flower don't look at me like that. I'm sorry. I have to, that's right. Woah, there's another City there!
There's another
City, all right, Jørgan. Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. Oh, yeah. Ahh!
嘿Jørgan的朋友 哈囉Jørgan的朋友
My boat, where'd my Boat go?There you are. Awww, I feel bad for Jørgan.
這太經典了 老天我們要做艘船對吧?
Hahahaha ,Why do I care? Hah.
Maybe we can trade with these people. Maybe this city is less lousy than the other one. The city is being under attack
Alright, then I won't go then okay, so now it would make sense that we just need to go in this direction
At least if you ask me, is it possible that the treasure is just underwater? I think that might be a yes
There's what there's light under the water. Is that Santa Claus? I can't see I don't have my glasses
Oh my god, there's so many cities
哈囉烏龜 還有...石頭男
*gasp* Woah!
The map the map is appearing
所以我們現在...等等 我們現在往南走了
Sudei... It's a ship in the sand question mark? Okay. Let's remember where we parked our boat
Is there a treasure map, I think I need dark wood. I don't remember why I needed dark wood, but I think I do
Nothing's gonna stop me from getting this treasure. Oh god, I think it's by the city
Well, that's perfect I'll just place torches so I can remember how t- AAAhh
ok 等等 所以我們要往西走 也就是往這邊
It's sand zombies (Husks)
And so he ventured deep in the night. This is just like a love thing. Am I right?
00:03:08,320 --> 00:03:10,239 阿天殺的!!!
My glasses are practically blind. Wow, what's that? Okay, we need to cross
360! Yeeaahh...
不 走錯了
Okay. Oh damn, I swim faster underwater
Okay, we're going we're getting close gamers what what is that that's my other nether portal what that's crazy
我是個玩家好嗎 我都靠直覺
He's got a golden arm art stop stop stupid baby, I I will kill a child I don't care
這就是我會的 我甚至還沒發揮真實力呢
God these ones. So what Wow a rich boy
我已經單機玩了好幾個小時 然後我現在整個上癮了
Hypebeast (XD)
Okay, alright gamers we're gonna find this treasure if it's the last thing I'll ever do so
I see my direction right where I'm facing. It's kind hard to...
This is faced away from it
現在我們應該往上走 是這樣嗎?
And this is face towards it. Let's see how my orientation skills
那這條是對的嗎? 我覺得我要需要一艘船
Will pan out that's what I wanted to do. Okay should be
Somewhere. Yeah, no problem, right?
How in the gods earth am I gonna find this? GAMING WEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!
嗯Jørgan 我們要 我們要這樣做
Yeah. Yeah Oh
Looks like Sun is almost up gamers. Oh, that's me. When gaming week is over
Gaming week for life. Oh
Alright, so I need a lot of dirt. Oh look at me I got arrows inside me. I need a lot of dirt
00:03:56,780 --> 00:04:01,820 我怎麼會沒帶鏟子就出來尋找該死的寶藏
So we can make an air bubble thing God what if we find Gucci pants in the treasure, that would be so awesome
How do you make an air bubble. listen I don't have time for boat people
Jørgan 不要再跑走了 老天啊
Go back to the swamp shrek. Oh
And the music kicks in at the perfect time and you're having an epic adventure looking for minecraft
Okay, so I don't know if this is the most effective way to do it
在這洞裡(笑 當個乖孩子
Knowing myself most no. No it is why is there no scuba equipment in
來 給你花... 不要這樣看我
我很抱歉 我必須這樣做
They had nine years to add it my way. What an irony to dig up treasure map we have to build
That's called a paradox my minecraft children
It actually makes it easier with sand cuz then I can just drop them drop them faster minecraft
好 Jørgan 別擔心
I ain't got time not I feel like this is the time where in my audience this is cringing at me
Like what is he doing it? Listen, I don't know
Okay, I'm not pretending that I know all I do know is like subscribe for more epic minecraft. Okay, come on
00:04:30,640 --> 00:04:32,240 啊!我的船 我的船去哪了
Straight down here should do it. Okay. Let's go gamers
喔在這裡 我感覺我對不起 Jørgan
Hopefully we don't drown
So, how do I know how deep it goes oh
I'm drowning. I'm drowning. I'm drowning gamers. If I didn't could if I didn't oh god, I'm opposite drowning. Can I assume in at least?
Must be here somewhere
Maybe just dig deeper
好 那我就不去了
Question mark my name is Jeff. Like where is it? Where is it? God? Dammit. Jurgen is waiting for me
好 那現在走這邊會比較合理
He's gonna be so pissed dude
Maybe I can make an airlock underneath the water and I will make it easier for me to just mine
Alright dolphin I don't have time for you
My being pranked is it a thing? Maybe it's like has to be surface level and I'm just digging super deep
It's harder to find these math and diamonds
是聖誕老公公嗎? 我沒戴眼鏡我看不到
Okay, I
Give up. I'm starting to think there was no treasure. Oh my god, but at least we had fine
I'll get them at the llamas are gone. Alright, well, at least we can explore what we were gonna do last episode. Whoa
00:05:07,040 --> 00:05:07,697 地圖
It's like a pyramid
That's awesome. Can I go what in the world is that this place makes zero sense? Whoa, look at these, This time
すげ~ 這是三小?
No Traps
Okay, here we go gamers. No stepping on trapssssss
Ok (my name is eatnoodls and I'm getting tired of subtittling this so please enjoy the rest of google's auto-translate.)
Gamer learned from my mistakes diamonds. Oh my god
I run horse armor. Your again is gonna be so happy. Oh my craft
我忘記我為甚麼要黑橡木 可是我記得我要用
This is better than any treasure the trip was worth it after all Oh God Felix, maybe you shouldn't be greedy
You literally cannot carry anything else. Okay gamers. Let's go. What if we uragan starve to death in the hole? Oh
喔這太讚了 我只要沿路放火把 我就能記得回去的...
Please please be in the hole. Please be in. Oh my god. You're in the hole you're gay
Did you have a good time I dude I got a carrot eat the carrot, how do I give him the carrot?
All right, cool. Well anyway, I have a present for you. Oh
My god, oh
My god, you look so good your game. You don't mind if I have the carrot. Do you? Thank you. What up cows?
Oh my god. What am I gonna do about you? I didn't realize they would get so many
00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:01,480 還是不用?
Alright, I'm making a diamond pickaxe coz we're gonna go on epic gaming has been shit. It's crazy
00:06:02,280 --> 00:06:05,059 我沒戴眼鏡我基本上看不到
How much time you can spend in this game seriously? Alright, I'm working on the powered rails guys. Please don't judge me
So I'm gonna get some more nether. I forgot what it's called. We need to mine more of these
Which is always the most fun ever, all right we have obsidian
360度(no scope
So I want to see what it's like if you head out in the other direction
Because I have leather I have epic stuff to trade with the villagers
Can I kill that thing? I don't have an arrow. All right time to make a bridge
靠 我在水裡游得好快
Whoa, what is that? What is that it like a frog? Is it dangerous?
好玩家們 我們越來越近了
Hello, let me be your friend it's so cute. Oh
God it's coming towards me safe distance
safe distance
I'm gonna kill it. It is decided you're again. You will not believe this
Sorry, you can't commit this in hundred percent safe. I've never done this. Okay, we're gonna kill the giant frog thing
Maybe he just wants to hug me. I'm not gonna faint. Yeah. Hello
00:06:31,640 --> 00:06:34,700 它有黃金裝 別...!
Where'd he go, I wanted to kill it. Well, we'll look at that it whoa it's so big. Oh, there it is
笨小孩 我會殺小孩的 我不在乎
Alright, ok. Alright. Ok, it's a battle of the battle begins. I can't shoot
00:06:43,440 --> 00:06:44,620 哇 它好有錢
00:06:47,129 --> 00:06:53,088 好的好的玩家們 我要找到這寶藏 在我死前做得到的話
This is bad, it's alright I brought don't panic I brought water buckets
It doesn't work. I brought plenty of food. I'm ready. Maiya. You may have done the upper hand mister
Quick scope
Quick scope
Quick scope Oh hit them
That was easy dude easy mode you see that pig. Alright, I'm gonna find that demon frog now have I mind those?
I think I have what are those?
好哦應該在...這附近 對 沒問題 對吧?
Fucking ass. Oh it's over. Oh, it's over not like this
No yard, again, you will not believe what just happened
yeah yeah yeah
You be quiet oh god I hit my sheep I've sunk in soul. Yeah. I lost everything that's epic gamer rage quit
00:07:22,720 --> 00:07:25,440 看來連太陽都要升起了 玩家們
I'm so sick of dying. This is for Jurgen. Ah
噢 那就是我在遊戲週結束的樣子
You can run but you can't hide it I'd feel bad if Jurgen wasn't dead that needs to be suffering in this world
好吧 看來我需要很多泥土
Apparently one block in in the nether realm is eight blocks in the other round. So if I walk like this I
噢看看我身上有箭 我需要很多土
Open up
Opportunity now, hopefully all my stuff isn't gone I count on maybe some of my stuff
Maybe just not all of my stuff trying to have a PMA over here. Okay back to level 4
S. Oh
My god, oh
聽著 我沒有時間理你這些...划船的傢伙
Yes, oh I got my job, okay guys banks, oh my god, alright, you know what
回去你的沼澤啦 史瑞克
I had a feeling so many of you have to say it told me that you can enter a code like a
Text and then you won't lose your stuff if you die, but I feel like that beats the purpose. Alright, we're doing it survival
好吧 我不確定這是不是最有效的方法
I'm a pro player. Okay?
Another thing I read is apparently if I mine those then I can breathe on the water
Question mark it's the hottest day in UK. I have two lights headed on my face
So the green screen will work. Why am I torturing myself? Okay. Another thing you guys told me was to bring up the brightness
Oh my god, that is so much nicer
See I listened to you guys to buy do you tell me to do all these awful things instead?
We had a trust and that trust is broken forever. Whoa. What is this?
這在麥塊裡面真是自相矛盾啊 孩子們
Cirie's saying
Fifi feast did I just try to mine with a melon? Oh my god, you can
I'm mining with a melon brush. I keep mellow meaning. Alright, let's build our little
Portal over here. One two, this will literally be the furthest we've ever gone. I'm actually kind of scared plus
We're really low down Oh dog, what's gonna happen? Dude? Look how long it's taking. All right gamers
像是 pews你在做什麼
I am all gamed out smash like subscribe for more minecraft and I see you guys next episode
聽著 我也不知道
Well, you never played super simulator
好嗎 我也不會假裝我知道 我唯一知道的就是
You know, it's fun right I'm not supposed to give my opinion
But give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good or not not convinced yet. Okay
從這直直往下挖應該就是了 好啦 讓我們開始吧 玩家們
I'll cut you a deal the game is available for free and that's a great price