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  • bjbjLULU RAY SUAREZ: Finally tonight, a history of humanity told 100 ways. Jeffrey Brown has

  • our book conversation. JEFFREY BROWN: A two-million-year-old stone chopping tool from Tanzania, a double-headed

  • serpent from around the 16th century in Mexico, a credit card issued in the United Arab Emirates

  • in 2009 -- just three of the objects that, according to a new book, help us understand

  • our past and who we are today. The book is "A History of the World in 100 Objects," all

  • of which are taken from the British Museum, which has been collecting objects for more

  • than 250 years. The author is Neil MacGregor, director of the museum. And he joins me now.

  • And welcome to you. NEIL MACGREGOR, "A History of the World in 100 Objects": Thank you very

  • much. JEFFREY BROWN: Now, we go to museums like yours, right, and we look at things,

  • stuff. But the contention here that you can pick a hundred of these things and somehow

  • draw a history of the world? NEIL MACGREGOR: Yes, quite a brave contention. What we were

  • trying to do was argue that, actually, when you go to a museum, the big thing to do is

  • really focus on a single object, choose one and get into it. And if you take one object

  • and go into it in-depth, then you learn a lot about the people that made it, why they

  • made it, the world it was for, and what it is to be a person needing objects and making

  • objects. You learn a lot about us almost in the object. JEFFREY BROWN: And in this case,

  • you put a bunch of objects, 100 objects, together. NEIL MACGREGOR: Yes. We chose 100 that go

  • from the very beginning of human history, of making things. So the first things we make

  • are about two million years ago. And we start there. And we wanted to keep going round the

  • world at different moments in history, up until today, sort of see what have we made

  • and why have we made it? That's the interesting thing, why we made these things anywhere in

  • the world and what do they tell us about us? JEFFREY BROWN: Well, tell me about that first

  • one, that earliest one, right? NEIL MACGREGOR: This is just about the oldest thing that anybody

  • like us made, made about nearly two million years ago in Tanzania in East Africa. And

  • it looks just like a (INAUDIBLE) but then at the top ridge there has been chipped away

  • very carefully to give a sharp edge. And these are the tools. This is the Swiss army knife

  • of the Stone Age. (LAUGHTER) NEIL MACGREGOR: And it's this kind of tool that lets us all

  • leave Africa and live everywhere, because this lets you strip the meat off the animals

  • to get more protein, break the bones to get the marrow. Then you can use it to take the

  • branches off the trees, skin the hides. This is what lets us... JEFFREY BROWN: Become us.

  • NEIL MACGREGOR: Become us. JEFFREY BROWN: As you say in the beginning, it allows people

  • to eat better, to grow better, to develop a better brain, everything, right? NEIL MACGREGOR:

  • Everything. Everything comes from that. And we, having made this thing, we now depend

  • on it. And for most of human history, this is the most important technology. This is

  • the technological discovery of humanity. JEFFREY BROWN: All right, now, you describe that one

  • as a first one. But how do you pick the objects? I mean, there have been -- was it fun? Were

  • there a lot of arguments about... NEIL MACGREGOR: There were huge arguments. JEFFREY BROWN:

  • Yes. NEIL MACGREGOR: It was the greatest fun ever, because the idea was we would spin the

  • world and say what's going on around in 2,000 years ago, 1,000 years ago? JEFFREY BROWN:

  • Spin the world and take walks through your own museum. NEIL MACGREGOR: Walks through

  • the museum and walks through time. And what is going in China, what is going on in Mexico,

  • in Egypt? And the thing then lets you go on this walk into another world. They open the

  • poetry of another existence that we can only know the things, because obviously nobody

  • wrote what they were doing with this. So we have got to take the things, imagine it and

  • recover it. JEFFREY BROWN: One interesting aspect that comes through as I have looked

  • through here, you often cite the impact of an object in its own era, but then through

  • time, in different eras. A famous example, of course, is the Rosetta stone, one of your

  • most famous objects. It had its own time, but then through Napoleonic era and up to

  • our own. NEIL MACGREGOR: That's the great joy of objects, that they're made for one

  • purpose and then over time they do something completely unexpected. The Rosetta stone is

  • actually a tax break between the king and the church. The Greek king says that he will

  • give the priests a tax break if they pray for him. Fine. And this is announced on the

  • stone tablet, and dozens of copies all through Egypt. And that all ends, all breaks down,

  • ruins, whatever. And in the 17 -- late 1790s, when the French have invaded Egypt, they start

  • digging up to fortify themselves at Rosetta. They come across the stone. And then the British

  • arrive to stop the French taking Egypt. (LAUGHTER) JEFFREY BROWN: So we get into a different

  • sort of history, right of European power and colonialism, right? NEIL MACGREGOR: The beginning

  • of European colonialism in Egypt. And then this object, which has the Greek and the Egyptian

  • on it, is studied by the whole of Europe. And it's that object that now tells us how

  • we can read ancient Egypt. But nobody making the stone ever thought, to start with, that

  • they were going to provide the code for hieroglyphics, never crossed their mind. And that is what

  • is wonderful about objects. They mean different things as time goes on. JEFFREY BROWN: Of

  • course, another interesting aspect of this is many things simply don't survive, right?

  • So we don't know about some of the missing pieces of history. NEIL MACGREGOR: No. That

  • s the -- and obviously, we only have bits and pieces of the story. And the main things

  • that don't survive, of course, are textiles or things made of wood in wet climates. JEFFREY

  • BROWN: Right. I notice when you get to a piece of clothing, you say something about it. We're

  • halfway through, we're about a million years into human history. This is the first piece

  • of cloth. NEIL MACGREGOR: That survives. JEFFREY BROWN: Yes. Yes. NEIL MACGREGOR: Paper doesn't

  • survive very often. So it's very patchy. But that's another part of the game, because it

  • means you have to imagine what didn't survive and remember what didn't survive. JEFFREY

  • BROWN: What about -- I want to go to the last object of the book. NEIL MACGREGOR: Yes. JEFFREY

  • BROWN: It's a solar-powered lamp. Now, you write here that it was hard to decide what

  • should be the last thing, right? Because now you're up to our own era. NEIL MACGREGOR:

  • We wanted to choose an object that would tell us about the world today and this extraordinary

  • global world we live in, where we're all in constant contact with each other. We thought

  • we would go back to the beginning of the story, the way somebody in East Africa was using

  • an object to change their life. And this is now changing the life of millions of people

  • in the tropics. It's a solar panel which powers both a lamp and a mobile phone recharger.

  • And with this lamp, anybody working in a hut, living in a hut, away from main electricity,

  • for the first time has light at night. This means they can read, they can study. It also

  • means they don't need to have kerosene lamps. So it's better for health. With the mobile

  • phone charger, they can sell their produce better in the local markets. This is evening

  • up the great divide between the city and the country among the poorest people on the planet.

  • And the technology is of course American. The microtechnology was invented in the U.S.

  • It's fabricated in China and sold in Africa. And it's another tool that's going to let

  • us change the world. JEFFREY BROWN: So the story continues. NEIL MACGREGOR: The story

  • continues. JEFFREY BROWN: Let me ask you, finally, this was -- this book was based on,

  • I gather it was an enormously popular BBC radio program, right? Now, the book was a

  • bestseller in Britain. Now it's out here. What do you think it is that grabs people

  • so much about looking at things like this? NEIL MACGREGOR: I think that the point is

  • that a single object lets you explore a world that you want to know about. We all want to

  • know a bit about what it is like to see the world from Sudan or from Korea or from Mexico.

  • And it's difficult to read long books on that. A thing lets you journey immediately into

  • another world. And it's a thing made by somebody like you with hands like yours, a mind like

  • yours. And you're on a journey of poetic imagination to a place that you could never reach otherwise.

  • JEFFREY BROWN: All right. We're going to continue this conversation online. We will go through

  • the entire history of the world, but for now... (LAUGHTER) JEFFREY BROWN: ... Neil MacGregor

  • is the director of the British Museum. And his new book is "A History of the World in

  • 100 Objects." Thanks so much. NEIL MACGREGOR: Thank you. urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags

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  • PlaceName urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType RAY SUAREZ: Finally tonight, a history

  • of humanity told 100 ways Normal Microsoft Office Word RAY SUAREZ: Finally tonight, a

  • history of humanity told 100 ways Title Microsoft Office Word Document MSWordDoc Word.Document.8

bjbjLULU RAY SUAREZ: Finally tonight, a history of humanity told 100 ways. Jeffrey Brown has

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通過 "百物 "講述人類的故事。 (The Story of Humanity Told Through '100 Objects')

  • 63 5
    孫子文 posted on 2021/01/14
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