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  • - Here's why this one detail

  • in the "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" trailer

  • has fans loosing their minds.

  • Ghostbusters!

  • Despite all of the back and forth

  • surrounding the franchise over the past couple of years,

  • it's still a series that's near and dear

  • to many of our movie-going hearts.

  • So when the first real look at the sequel

  • was unveiled at this past weekend's

  • Brazil Comic Con Experience, we waited with baited breath

  • as the reactions began to trickle out.

  • And thankfully, it looks like fans answered the call

  • and are pretty much completely on board with this sequel,

  • and in fact, many are already starting to lose it

  • over one hyper-specific detail

  • that may reveal way more than you think about this movie.

  • So with the trailer finally out there on the Interwebs

  • we thought this would be a good time

  • to break it all down and reveal what has fans so excited.

  • Now this story seems pretty straightforward.

  • Original Ghostbuster Egon Spengler's

  • daughter and grandchildren,

  • have to move into his creepy old farm house

  • in a small Oklahoma town after his death

  • when the ghost menace returns some 30 years later.

  • Of course, the trailer is full of Easter eggs

  • and references to past Ghostbusters films,

  • with the obvious ones being things like proton packs,

  • the Ecto-1, jumpsuits, a PKE Meter and a ghost trap.

  • But there were also many other call backs

  • to the OG films and characters,

  • like the stack of books in Spengler's house.

  • - You're right, no human being would stack books like this.

  • - Spengler's collection of spores, mold and fungi,

  • the gunner seat from the Ecto-1

  • which is from "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon toys

  • and what most believe

  • to be everyone's favorite ghost (ding) Slimer.

  • He's done haunting your high C

  • and back on the big screen.

  • But the one Easter egg in particular

  • that has fans thinking they've cracked this case wide open,

  • was when Mckenna Grace's Phoebe

  • walks toward Shandor Mining,

  • which is a huge connection to the first Ghostbusters

  • and that films' villain, Gozer the Gozerian.

  • Now, if you need a refresher,

  • Ivo Shandor is the name of the entrepreneur,

  • who in Ghostbusters lore,

  • led the cult of Gozer in the 1920s.

  • He's also the person who built 550 Central Park West,

  • Dana's apartment building,

  • that was a superconductor

  • for spectral activity in the first film

  • and brought Gozer the Gozerian into our realm.

  • So why does he have a random, abandoned mine

  • in the middle of nowhere?

  • Well, we know that 550 Central Park West's ghost activity

  • was partly due to the selenium pillars

  • in the building itself,

  • and it's a safe bet that the selenium

  • was most likely obtained, from this mine.

  • And we even see a shot of one of Gozer's Terror Dogs

  • in the trailer, meaning that Gozer

  • will probably be back in some form or another

  • as the villain, for a brand new generation

  • of Ghostbusters to deal with.

  • Hopefully once and for all this time around.

  • Now there may have even been a subconscious

  • visual connection to Gozer

  • with the shot of the shopkeeper with a bunch of keys.

  • Has this film perhaps found it's new Keymaster?

  • Now, one big question that we have

  • is if Gozer returns, what form will he take this time

  • instead of perhaps the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?

  • - It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

  • - Although it's also possible

  • that Spengler moved out here

  • and he's using the mine as a giant ghost trap

  • that might be failing, after years of continuous use.

  • But we think the Shandor connection

  • is too deliberately tied to Gozer's return

  • for it to mean anything else.

  • But a town that's violently shaking every day

  • due to ghost activity building up underground,

  • definitely sets the table for a lot of ghosts

  • in dire need of bustin'.

  • And as we all know, bustin' makes us feel good.

  • But we'll have to wait until the film releases next year

  • to see if this theory, holds water, or ectoplasm.

  • Which I assume is too sticky to hold.

  • But what do you folks think?

  • Are you excited for "Ghostbusters: Afterlife"?

  • Are fans correct about Gozer the Gozerian returning?

  • And, is this film gonna get it's own

  • old school theme song?

  • Let's discuss.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • If you enjoyed what you saw,

  • why not give us a like and subscribe while you're at it?

  • And if you wanna get notified every time we go live

  • with a new show, or drop a new video,

  • please feel free to mash that little bell.

  • That way, you can be up to date

  • on all the latest theories, news and rumors

  • in the pop culture world.

  • (techo music)

- Here's why this one detail

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為什麼這一個《鬼吹燈》。"來世 "的細節讓粉絲們大跌眼鏡!(Nerdist News w/Dan Casey) (Why this One Ghostbusters: Afterlife Detail is Blowing Fans’ Minds! (Nerdist News w/ Dan Casey))

  • 15 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary