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- Here's why this one detail
in the "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" trailer
has fans loosing their minds.
Despite all of the back and forth
surrounding the franchise over the past couple of years,
it's still a series that's near and dear
to many of our movie-going hearts.
So when the first real look at the sequel
was unveiled at this past weekend's
Brazil Comic Con Experience, we waited with baited breath
as the reactions began to trickle out.
And thankfully, it looks like fans answered the call
and are pretty much completely on board with this sequel,
and in fact, many are already starting to lose it
over one hyper-specific detail
that may reveal way more than you think about this movie.
So with the trailer finally out there on the Interwebs
we thought this would be a good time
to break it all down and reveal what has fans so excited.
Now this story seems pretty straightforward.
Original Ghostbuster Egon Spengler's
daughter and grandchildren,
have to move into his creepy old farm house
in a small Oklahoma town after his death
when the ghost menace returns some 30 years later.
Of course, the trailer is full of Easter eggs
and references to past Ghostbusters films,
with the obvious ones being things like proton packs,
the Ecto-1, jumpsuits, a PKE Meter and a ghost trap.
But there were also many other call backs
to the OG films and characters,
like the stack of books in Spengler's house.
- You're right, no human being would stack books like this.
- Spengler's collection of spores, mold and fungi,
the gunner seat from the Ecto-1
which is from "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon toys
and what most believe
to be everyone's favorite ghost (ding) Slimer.
He's done haunting your high C
and back on the big screen.
But the one Easter egg in particular
that has fans thinking they've cracked this case wide open,
was when Mckenna Grace's Phoebe
walks toward Shandor Mining,
which is a huge connection to the first Ghostbusters
and that films' villain, Gozer the Gozerian.
Now, if you need a refresher,
Ivo Shandor is the name of the entrepreneur,
who in Ghostbusters lore,
led the cult of Gozer in the 1920s.
He's also the person who built 550 Central Park West,
Dana's apartment building,
that was a superconductor
for spectral activity in the first film
and brought Gozer the Gozerian into our realm.
So why does he have a random, abandoned mine
in the middle of nowhere?
Well, we know that 550 Central Park West's ghost activity
was partly due to the selenium pillars
in the building itself,
and it's a safe bet that the selenium
was most likely obtained, from this mine.
And we even see a shot of one of Gozer's Terror Dogs
in the trailer, meaning that Gozer
will probably be back in some form or another
as the villain, for a brand new generation
of Ghostbusters to deal with.
Hopefully once and for all this time around.
Now there may have even been a subconscious
visual connection to Gozer
with the shot of the shopkeeper with a bunch of keys.
Has this film perhaps found it's new Keymaster?
Now, one big question that we have
is if Gozer returns, what form will he take this time
instead of perhaps the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?
- It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- Although it's also possible
that Spengler moved out here
and he's using the mine as a giant ghost trap
that might be failing, after years of continuous use.
But we think the Shandor connection
is too deliberately tied to Gozer's return
for it to mean anything else.
But a town that's violently shaking every day
due to ghost activity building up underground,
definitely sets the table for a lot of ghosts
in dire need of bustin'.
And as we all know, bustin' makes us feel good.
But we'll have to wait until the film releases next year
to see if this theory, holds water, or ectoplasm.
Which I assume is too sticky to hold.
But what do you folks think?
Are you excited for "Ghostbusters: Afterlife"?
Are fans correct about Gozer the Gozerian returning?
And, is this film gonna get it's own
old school theme song?
Let's discuss.
(upbeat music)
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(techo music)