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  • Hello, there, and welcome, I'm Bob Proctor.

  • I'm gonna talk to you about a subject

  • that literally changed the course of my life.

  • It's a subject not many people understand,

  • but those who do sure live a lot better

  • than the ones who don't.

  • Now, Spanish Distiller one time said,

  • "The good life's expensive.

  • "There's another way to live that doesn't cost as much,

  • "but it isn't any good."

  • Well, a lot of what he said is true.

  • Many years ago, a man gave me this book,

  • Think and Grow Rich.

  • I was flat broke.

  • I had always been flat broke.

  • I had never had any money.

  • I was 26 years old, I had two months' high school

  • and no business experience.

  • He said, "Bob, you read this, do exactly what I tell you,

  • "you can have anything you want."

  • Now, I really didn't believe that,

  • but I believed he believed it.

  • And I said, all I want is some money.

  • I figured if I had enough money,

  • all my problems would go away.

  • See, I was earning $4,000 a year, but I owed 6,000.

  • If I had paid every cent I owned, or earned,

  • in 18 months, I would have just broken even.

  • So I really didn't think I was going

  • to be able to change that.

  • Do you know that within a year,

  • I was earning 15,000 a month.

  • I went from 4,000 a year, to 15,000 a month, within a year.

  • Now, I hadn't got that much smarter.

  • You don't have to be very smart to earn money,

  • but you do have to understand some basic rules,

  • and that's what I want to talk to you about.

  • You'll notice here, where we put money up on the screen,

  • there's a young lady there, and myself.

  • She is my business partner, and I'm gonna tell ya,

  • if I ever met anyone that understands money,

  • this lady sure does.

  • Sandy Gallagher is an absolutely brilliant woman.

  • She was a securities attorney when I met her,

  • had been in the banking business, in the law side of it,

  • for 20 years.

  • And she had done $100 billion in business.

  • Now I found that out by asking her.

  • Said, "How much did you do?"

  • She said, "$100 billion."

  • I thought, you mean $100 million.

  • She said, "No, $100 billion."

  • Now, if you considered, she was turning banks public,

  • she was buying banks, selling banks, merging banks,

  • so she was dealing in lot of money all the time.

  • And I thought, that's the kind of person

  • I want to work with.

  • Well, she is my business partner today, and has been

  • for the past 10 years.

  • She's absolutely brilliant when it comes to money.

  • Well, that's what I'm gonna talk to you about.

  • And that's what I want you to think about.

  • You see, the truth is, you can earn as much every month

  • as you're presently earning in a year.

  • We can show you how to turn your annual income

  • into a monthly income.

  • Now that may sound like a gross exaggeration,

  • but it is really not.

  • It's the way it happens.

  • Now, here's something that I read in this book,

  • when I first started to study it,

  • and I first started to earn some money.

  • It was by Napoleon Hill, and it's called Big Money.

  • Listen very carefully, because when this is done,

  • I'm gonna show you how you can execute this.

  • Napoleon Hill said, "When money comes in quantities,

  • "known as the big money, it flows to the one

  • "who accumulates it as easily as water flows downhill."

  • Now he says, "There exists a great stream of power,

  • "which can be compared to a river,

  • "except that one side flows in one direction,

  • "carrying all who get into that side of the stream

  • "onward and upward to wealth,

  • "and the other side flows in the opposite direction,

  • "carrying all who are unfortunate enough to

  • "get into that side, and not able to extricate themselves

  • "from it, downward to misery and poverty."

  • Now he said, "Every person who has accumulated

  • "a great fortune has recognized the existence

  • "of this stream of life.

  • "It consists of one's thinking process.

  • "The positive emotions of thought form the side

  • "of the stream which carries one to fortune.

  • "The negative emotions form the side which

  • "carries one down to poverty."

  • Now he said, "This carries a thought

  • "of stupendous importance.

  • "To the person who is following

  • "what we're talkin' about here,

  • "with the object of accumulating a fortune.

  • "If you are on the side of the stream of power,

  • "which leads to poverty, this may serve as an oar,

  • "by which you may propel yourself to

  • "the other side of the stream.

  • "It can serve you only through application and use.

  • "Merely reading and passing judgment on it,

  • "either one way or another, will in no way benefit you."

  • Now he says, "Poverty and riches often change places.

  • "Poverty may, and generally does, voluntarily

  • "take the place of riches.

  • "But when riches take the place of poverty,

  • "that change is usually brought about

  • "through well-conceived, and carefully executed, plans.

  • "Poverty needs no plan.

  • "It needs no-one to aid it, because it is bold and ruthless.

  • "Riches are shy and timid.

  • "They have to be attracted."

  • Now, of course we talked about that in The Secret,

  • you've got to attract it.

  • Now, I think you're gonna enjoy this.

  • First of all, money has to be earned, and there is a law

  • that governs this whole universe.

  • Everything operates by a law, well Emerson

  • wrote beautifully, Ralph Waldo Emerson,

  • on the Law of Compensation.

  • And the Law of Compensation is exact.

  • The Law of Compensation clearly states: the amount

  • of money you earn will be in exact ratio to

  • these three points.

  • Number one, the need for what you do.

  • The need for what you do.

  • Number two, your ability to do it.

  • And number three, the difficulty there will be

  • in replacing you.

  • Now think of that.

  • Number one, the need for what you do.

  • Number two, your ability to do it.

  • And number three, the difficulty there is in replacing you.

  • Now, odds are pretty good, the need for what you do

  • is already there, you don't have to anything about that.

  • Number three will be taken care of if you

  • take care of number two.

  • You may wanna think about this for a little while.

  • I thought about it for a long while,

  • and I realized, it's pretty true.

  • So you see, you only have to focus

  • on one of those three points, and that is number two:

  • your ability to do it.

  • Whatever you're doing, you wanna get better at it.

  • Just keep working at getting better at what you're doing.

  • And there isn't any competition.

  • You're the only competition you're ever gonna have.

  • Master whatever you do.

  • Master it.

  • Now, I want you to think of this.

  • There are only three strategies for earning money.

  • Just three strategies.

  • Pay close attention.

  • It's M 1, M 2, and M 3.

  • Now, before I start into them, here's something

  • you wanna burn into your mind.

  • If you don't teach your children how to earn money,

  • odds are pretty good they're not gonna learn.

  • School does not teach us how to earn money.

  • You can go all the way through school,

  • you can go to Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, won't matter,

  • they do not teach you how to earn it.

  • They'll teach you how to invest it.

  • They'll teach you how to store it.

  • They'll teach you how to count it.

  • But they do not teach you how to earn it.

  • Now there's three strategies.

  • If you're gonna teach your children,

  • you teach them number three.

  • But let's start with number one.

  • Number one strategy is used by 96% of the population,

  • and it won't work.

  • It never has worked.

  • This is where you trade your time for money.

  • You see this strategy has an inherent problem,

  • it's called saturation.

  • It's-- if you run outta time, I don't care

  • how effective you are, I don't care how much

  • you earn an hour, you're gonna run outta time.

  • You're trading your time for money.

  • It doesn't work.

  • It does not work.

  • Number two is an excellent strategy, but it's only used

  • by 3% of the population.

  • Number two is where you invest money to earn money.

  • Now, people in the number one strategy,

  • they hear about this, and so they squirrel a little bit

  • of what they're earning away, and they invest it,

  • but they don't understand how to invest it,

  • and they usually lose it.

  • If you're gonna invest money, you really gotta know

  • what you're doin', or go to somebody that has proved

  • that they know what they're doing.

  • Number three is where you invest money to earn money.

  • Now the first two strategies are not the one

  • you wanna focus on.

  • Here's the one you wanna focus on: number three.

  • It's only used by approximately one person

  • out of a hundred.

  • This is where this group earns almost all the money.

  • 96% of all the money that's earned goes to a very

  • small select group of people.

  • And I'm gonna tell you something, I used to think

  • they were really smart.

  • Some of them aren't very smart.

  • I was earning over a million dollars a year,

  • and I started to analyze what the heck was I doing,

  • how was I doin' it?

  • I had stumbled on M 3.

  • I didn't know what I was doin', but was doin' it.

  • I had been raised to believe, if you're gonna earn

  • a lotta money, you're gonna be really smart.

  • I knew I wasn't that smart, but I was earning

  • a fair amount of money.

  • M 3 is used by 1% of the population, but they are 96%

  • of all the money.

  • These people multiply their time by setting up

  • multiple sources of income.

  • Now that's the strategy.

  • How do you set up multiple sources of income?

  • Well some people get that mixed up with multiple jobs.

  • That's not multiple jobs, it's multiple sources of income.

  • The truth is, you can set up sources of income

  • where you're earning money while you're sleeping.

  • And it's never been easier than it is today.

  • With the internet, and with the way we're working,

  • man, you can make it happen.

  • So here we are back again.

  • What we want to do is show you how to turn

  • your annual income into a monthly income.

  • Now pay attention, because this is super important.

  • It's very very important.

  • This can be accomplished by having

  • multiple sources of income.

  • You check back in history, you're gonna find

  • all wealthy people have always had

  • multiple sources of income.

  • They didn't have one, they had all kinds

  • of different sources of income.

  • I'm not quite sure how many I've got.

  • I don't even look after them, I have somebody else

  • look after them.

  • Sandy's got a team of people, my business partner,

  • that looks after our sources of income.

  • Now keep standing here.

  • Listen to what we're sayin'.

  • Our world is changing.

  • Make no mistake about it.

  • You know, Alvin Toffler wrote a book, way back

  • around 1970, called Future Shock,

  • and he talked about the changes that were coming.

  • Well, I was workin' with Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant

  • in 1970, and that was a very popular book

  • around the Nightingale Conant Corporation.

  • We were all studyin' it, and we were laughing

  • at some of the predictions.

  • We'll say "This could never possibly happen."

  • Well, move ahead to 40 or 50 years, Toffler fell short.

  • He didn't predict it big enough.

  • Now, he just passed away here a while ago,

  • but he said somethin' before he died that maybe

  • you should remember.

  • He said, "The illiterate of the 21st Century

  • "will not be the people who cannot read and write.

  • "They're gonne be the people who

  • "cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

  • Most of what we've learned, up to this point,

  • we're gonna have to unlearn, and then we're gonna

  • have to learn some new rules.

  • Now I am unlearning and learning all the time.

  • And I'll tell you somethin' I've learned:

  • our world is changing.

  • It's not getting bigger.

  • The world is getting smaller.

  • It is shrinking.

  • And here's somethin' else.

  • This is very important.

  • You can have business all over the world,

  • through multiple sources of income.

  • Here's the question you wanna ask:

  • How much do you want?

  • How much do YOU want?

  • Because you can set up sources of income

  • all over the place.

  • Now, I do have multiple sources of income.

  • Our company's structured that way.

  • We train consultants in our business to teach

  • what we teach, they have multiple sources of income.

  • If I were starting over today, I would probably

  • go into network marketing, because it is probably

  • the easiest way to set up multiple sources of income.

  • Now the fact is that most people that go into it

  • never earn any money, is another thing.

  • They're just not working with the right people.

  • Study the real heavy hitters.

  • They all have multiple sources of income,

  • and they have money comin' at them from all over the world.

  • It's a beautiful thing to understand.

  • Doesn't matter where you live, you can be setting up

  • sources of income all over the globe.

  • You can just keep settin' them up.

  • You like the idea, don't ya?

  • Well, I'm gonna tell you something.

  • You are capable of doing this.

  • We teach this in our programs.

  • Now, we don't only teach this way,

  • there's all kinds of ways.

  • And you'll say, "Well, are all the sources of income

  • "that you have the same size?"

  • No.

  • Some are bigger, some are smaller.

  • But they all have one thing in common.

  • Although they're big or small, they all flow

  • into your bank.

  • That's right.

  • When you have a source of income that comes into your bank,

  • and it just keeps adding up and up and up.

  • Now just keep watchin'.

  • It just keeps comin'.

  • And it comes into your bank.

  • Big and small.

  • It's a beautiful thing to know.

  • (relaxing music)

  • How much do want to earn?

  • Watch this video often.

  • Share it with your friends.

  • Not multiple jobs; multiple sources of income.

  • Now Napoleon Hill was talkin' about the big money,

  • what'd he say?

  • It's a mental thing.

  • It's all in your mind.

  • I don't care what you've done in the past,

  • I can tell you this.

  • You watch this often enough, you study the material

  • in our company, the Proctor Gallagher Institute for that.

  • You'll learn how to earn money.

  • 'Cause we teach that.

  • We teach many things.

  • We teach how to control our own thinking process.

  • So I wanna thank you.

  • And I look forward to seeing you in a seminar.

  • Sandy Gallagher and I spent all our time,

  • teach this information.

  • Thank you for tunin' in.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - [Announcer] Check us out at


  • for tips, tools, and resources.

Hello, there, and welcome, I'm Bob Proctor.

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如何將你的年收入轉化為你的月收入--鮑勃-普羅克特【報酬法則】。 (How To Turn Your Yearly Income Into Your Monthly Income - Bob Proctor [ The Law of Compensation ])

  • 6 1
    王惟惟 posted on 2021/01/14
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