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Greetings! I'm Anthony Brown, and I'll be joining Brit and Hank on this channel to talk about these wonderful, weird brains of ours and how they work!
大家好!我是 Anthony Brown,我將加入 Brit 與 Hank 的頻道與你們一起來聊聊我們美妙又古怪的大腦是如何運作的!
And I couldn't be more… psyched about it.
而我真的超... 期待的!
Now, onto the science.
We all know that having a little bit to drink can make you a little… loose lipped.
我們都知道小酌幾杯會讓你有點... 講話隨便。
Like, you're having a few beers while watching the Packers game with your buddies.
And before you know it, you're screaming :"Tom Brady is no Aaron Rodgers!" at the top of your lungs.
在你意會過來以前,你高聲吶喊「 Tom Brady (新英格蘭愛國者隊的四分衛) 才比不上 Aaron Rodgers (綠灣包裝工隊的四分衛) 呢!」
Whoops. Well, we all know that last statement is true.
Even if some people don't want to accept it.
And it turns out a bit of booze might actually improve your language skills more generally; that is, if you're speaking a foreign tongue.
Drunk people aren't exactly known for their language skills, since, you know, slurring doesn't count as articulate speech.
But, strangely enough, studies do suggest that drinking might help you master the complexities of speaking that new language you've been trying to pick up.
For instance, take a study first published online in 2017 in The Journal of Psychopharmacology, which looked at the language abilities of 50 students in the Netherlands.
舉例來說,有一份 2017 年於網路發表在精神藥物學期刊的研究來說,他們研究了 50 位荷蘭學生的語言能力。
All of the participants natively spoke German, but were trying to learn Dutch, and had to pass an exam showing they could speak the language to get into their course.
As part of the study, they were asked to rate how good they thought their Dutch language skills were, and complete the Rosenburg self-esteem scale, designed to measure, you guessed it, self-esteem.
研究中,參與者被要求為自己的荷蘭語能力評分,然後完成 Rosenburg 自尊量表,設計為量測,對你沒猜錯,量測自尊心。
Then, they either got a healthy glass of water or a vodka with bitter lemon; enough booze to give them a blood alcohol concentration of around 0.04%.
隨後,他們會拿到一杯水或一杯伏特加搭配一點苦檸檬;足夠量的量讓血液中的酒精含量達到 0.04%。
Once served, they had 10 minutes to finish the drink.
一旦送上了,參與者有 10 分鐘的時間把飲料喝完。
Then, 15 minutes later, when the alcohol had started to make its way into their bloodstream, the language test began.
接著 15 分鐘後,當酒精開始進入血液中,語言測驗就開始了。
They were told to verbally argue for or against animal testing, in Dutch, for two minutes.
And it turned out that the group that drank spoke Dutch better.
Now I know what you're thinking.
But no, they didn't just think they did better because they were buzzed, like your friend "thinks" they're so much better at karaoke after three tequila shots.
They rated their own language skills about the same as when they weren't drunk, and the self-esteem scores weren't significantly different, either.
It was actually other, native Dutch speakers who said they spoke the language better, and in particular, those judges noted the tipsy participants sounded more natively Dutch.
And though there isn't a ton of work on this topic specifically, other research does seem to confirm this idea that pronunciation of a foreign language improves with a little buzz.
Or, at least, it doesn't get worse, like pronunciation in your native tongue does.
That might sound kind of ridiculous, but when we think about some of the relaxing qualities of alcohol, it kinda makes sense.
You see, you went off about Aaron Rodgers being better than Tom Brady after a few drinks, still no argument there, because booze acts as a multipurpose wet blanket in the brain.
你看,當你喝了幾杯後發表了 Aaron Rodgers 比 Tom Brady 優秀的言論,我對這個還是沒有爭論的,因為微醺扮演了大腦裡多用途掃興者的角色。
Specifically, it increases the effectiveness of GABA, a neurotransmitter that generally quiets the chatter between neurons.
特別是增加了 GABA,一種神經傳導物質的工作效率,它通常可以抑制神經元間雜亂吵鬧的訊息來往。
That includes the neurons you need to activate to stop yourself from saying something you'll regret.
But such signal dampening can also lessen anxiety.
For example, a 2008 study found that self-reported ratings of intoxication negatively correlated with the activation of brain areas associated with fear response, namely, the limbic system.
舉例來說,一份 2008 年的研究發現關於喝醉的自我報告指數與大腦產生恐懼反應,名為邊緣系統的部位活動呈現負相關。
Many language learners suffer from foreign language anxiety, which is a feeling of tension or apprehension associated with second-language contexts.
Basically, they think they're terrible, so they get discouraged and subsequently do worse.
In severe cases, they might even shy away from speaking the language entirely.
And it seems like a bit of booze can dull your fears about making mistakes, which might mean you make fewer of them.
Or, there might be some other, as of yet unidentified reason drinking helps you sound more natural.
But that will take more research.
Alcohol might be able to help you learn the language, too.
Of course, conventional wisdom would say drinking isn't great for learning for, well... a lot of reasons.
But perhaps the biggest is its reputation for impairing memory.
I mean, there are whole Hollywood blockbusters with plots centered around binge drinking-induced blackouts.
And research has shown that even at lower levels, alcohol can mess with memory storage.
But that's not the whole story.
Some research suggests that a drink might actually help you remember things; specifically, things you did before you started to drink.
A surprising study published in 2017 found that people who drank to their hearts' content after a memorizing task remembered more than those who stayed sober.
一個令人驚訝的研究發表於 2017 年發現,在一場記憶測驗之後暢快喝酒人們記得的東西比保持清醒的人多。
And that seemed to be because of alcohol's memory-tampering abilities, or what psychologists refer to as a period of "reduced memory encoding".
The basic gist is that because you remember less when you're wasted, your brain does an extra good job locking in the stuff that happened before alcohol started interfering with your memory.
Which is basically an argument for following your study sessions with a couple of well deserved beers.
But, it's important to note that even if a little drinking can improve your pronunciation or even help you remember what was on those flashcards, this is definitely not a case where more is better.
These studies all used pretty low doses of alcohol.
So, if you're hoping to get a linguistic boost, just a drink or two will do.
Besides, you should always drink responsibly!
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!
謝謝收看本集的 SciShow Psych!
And thanks for joining me on my first episode!
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