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- Why are there little poppy balls?
- Fish eggs?
(light guitar music)
Gotta love there types of videos!
- Open?
- No yays.
- Is this breakfast?
- No.
This is weird.
(blows harder)
- Okay.
- Yea. I-I-I can't use these.
- Ah!
(laughs softly)
- Chopsticks.
(shakes head)
- What is that?
- They're shwing.
- Pleh!
- No.
- Fermented soybean.
So hot!
No,no no no no
Not like breakfast
Can we open them?
That looks good
So what is this stuff
Raw fish? This is raw fish
Raw fish?
Wait which one is raw fish?
Do I have to?
The orange bowl then when i tasted it the outside was pretty good then boom
It exploded in my mouth
wait a min
are these fish eggs?
I love this sauce