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  • Is type 2 diabetes a reversible disease?

  • We are told that this is a chronic and progressive disorder.

  • That means that once you develop type 2 diabetes,

  • you're going to have it for life and there's nothing you can do about it.

  • You're going to be on medications, you're going to be on insulin

  • and then you're going to develop the complications.

  • Blindness, nerve damage, amputations, heart attack,

  • strokes, kidney damage, dialysis...

  • The whole works... it's inevitable.

  • But is it really?

  • Imagine a world where type 2 diabetes is a simple reversible disorder

  • where a simple dietary maneuver can reverse your diabetes in a matter of weeks.

  • The American Diabetes Association of course disagrees.

  • They say right on their website that it's a fact

  • that for most people type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease.

  • So you might as well forget about it.

  • Don't even try to get better, it's hopeless.

  • They're telling you there's no hope.

  • But we can look at certain examples

  • and we can see that this is actually not true at all.

  • Let me give you some of these examples - bariatric surgery.

  • Bariatric surgery is also called weight loss surgery or stomach stapling.

  • What they do is they take your stomach and they cut it to the size of a walnut,

  • so you really just can't eat.

  • Because you're not eating, you're going to lose a lot of weight.

  • But what happens to the diabetes?

  • Well let's look at this study here.

  • In this study they randomized two groups of people.

  • One group of people stayed on their medications

  • and got the best medical therapy available.

  • The other group got weight loss surgery.

  • On the horizontal axis is time over 12 months.

  • On the vertical axis is the number of medications that these people were taking.

  • You can see that the number of medications that people took

  • while doing the best medical therapy available, really didn't change.

  • They kept taking the same number of medications,

  • they're really no better than they were when they started.

  • Than they were at the end.

  • But look at the weight loss surgery group.

  • Very quickly within a matter of months

  • they're coming off all their medications and it keeps going.

  • By 12 months many of these people are off of all their medications

  • and their blood sugars are completely normal.

  • That's amazing!

  • Wasn't this a chronic and progressive disorder?

  • Wasn't this a disorder where there's no treatment

  • and there's nothing you can do, it'll get worse?

  • Well not really, not according to this study.

  • It looks like diabetes is a disease that's reversible.

  • But better than that, it's quickly reversible.

  • And even other types of weight loss surgery, such as gastric banding,

  • have the same benefits.

  • Gastric banding is a procedure where they put a belt inside your stomach

  • and tighten it so you can't eat.

  • And again what you see here

  • is that the diabetes very quickly reverses and it stays gone.

  • So this is not a chronic and progressive disorder, this is a reversible disorder.

  • I'm not saying that gastric banding or weight loss surgery is the answer for everybody,

  • but it simply points to the fact that the situation is different

  • and this is a reversible disease.

  • Let's look at another example.

  • We can look at fasting.

  • Fasting is a dietary maneuver

  • where you don't eat anything for a certain period of time.

  • I had this patient here, Richard, who came to me for treatment of his diabetes.

  • He had been diabetic for 10 years, he was taking about 70 units of insulin

  • and he was developing complications.

  • He was getting eye disease, he was getting kidney disease.

  • So we changed his diet, we put him on a low carbohydrate diet

  • and we gave him some simple tips

  • and we included some intermittent fasting in his regimen.

  • Over a period of months he lost about 50 pounds.

  • And his diabetes got incredibly better.

  • We took him off all of his insulin, we took him off all of his medications

  • and his blood sugars are normal.

  • Even two years out now he is still on no medications

  • and his blood sugars are doing amazing.

  • So in fact this is a reversible disease.

  • Fasting seems to lead to a reversal of his diabetes.

  • And this is not a new finding.

  • In fact, if we go back almost 100 years,

  • Dr. Elliott Joslin, perhaps the most famous diabetes specialists in history,

  • wrote this in the Canadian medical journal...

  • "That temporary periods of under-nutrition are helpful in the treatment of diabetes

  • "will probably be acknowledged by all

  • after these two years of experience with fasting."

  • So what happened was that he had been using fasting for two years

  • and he thought it was so amazingly great

  • that it's going to be obvious, everybody is going to know this.

  • There were a few problems of course.

  • At the time he didn't differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

  • Well, it's very beneficial for type 2 diabetes, it really doesn't impact type 1 very much.

  • And with the discovery of insulin a few years later

  • all focus shifted to insulin

  • and everybody forgot about these dietary therapies.

  • Recently in the United Kingdom

  • Dr. Taylor performed a study called "The counterpoint study"

  • and there he put people on very low calorie diets.

  • Well, it's not fasting, it's very close.

  • And look at these results.

  • In this group the blood sugars went from 9.6 to 5.9 in seven days.

  • Seven days!

  • His sugars have gone back to normal.

  • What happens with this idea that it's chronic, it's progressive,

  • you'll always be on medication?

  • It's simply not true.

  • There's another example we can give.

  • We can look at the example of very low carbohydrate diets,

  • or so-called ketogenic diets.

  • Let me give you a case -

  • I had a 27-year-old graduate student, she was actually studying physiology

  • and she was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

  • Her hemoglobin A1c was 10.4%.

  • This is a three-month average of her blood sugars.

  • The diagnosis of diabetes happens at 6.5%, so 10.4% is very high.

  • Her doctors were very concerned of course

  • and started her on three medications right away.

  • Being only 27 she didn't want to stay on medications for the rest of her life.

  • So she looked on the Internet and decided that she would follow a ketogenic diet.

  • Well, she very quickly lost about 20 pounds

  • and at her three-month checkup, her hemoglobin A1c was 5.5%.

  • Well within the normal range and clearly not diabetic.

  • Better she had taken herself off of all the medications as soon as she started.

  • So in this case it looked like her type 2 diabetes was essentially cured.

  • Wow!

  • That's not what we are told. Right?

  • But we all know this is true.

  • We all know that the type 2 diabetes is completely reversible.

  • For example if somebody comes up to you and says, "You know what?

  • I lost 50 pounds and my diabetes went away."

  • You'd say, "Wow, that's great! Terrific, good for you!"

  • You wouldn't say to them, "No, you're lying to me.

  • "The American Diabetes Association says it's chronic and progressive.

  • Get back on your medications!"

  • No, of course not.

  • So, it's immediately obvious that this is just a lie.

  • Type 2 diabetes is not chronic and it's not progressive.

  • It's reversible.

  • But what about all the cases about people on medications?

  • Do you ever hear people say,

  • "I started my insulin or I started my medications

  • and now I'm so much better, I took myself off"?

  • No, not really.

  • If you take medications, you're generally on it for life. Right?

  • But what about the standard low-fat diet?

  • Nobody ever comes up to me and says,

  • "You know, I went to my dietitian, I started a low-fat diet

  • and now I'm so much better, I'm off all my medications."

  • I've seen thousands of patients and that doesn't happen.

  • So in those cases the diabetes is not cured.

  • So actually there are treatments that lead to a cure

  • and there are treatments that do not lead to a cure.

  • So those that lead to a cure -

  • bariatric surgery, fasting and very low-carb diets

  • And these treatments do not lead to a cure -

  • insulin, other drugs, a low-fat diet.

  • You'll never guess of course which direction

  • all our current treatment protocols and research are heading to.

  • They're all heading towards the path of no cure.

  • And that's why, they tell you - it's a chronic and progressive disease.

  • But it's not.

  • This is amazing news.

  • This is amazing

  • because type 2 diabetes is in fact a curable and reversible disease.

  • The fact that treatments exist, means that there is hope for all of us.

  • Drugs however cannot cure a dietary disease.

  • The cure must be a diet.

  • The right diet.

Is type 2 diabetes a reversible disease?

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如何逆轉2型糖尿病 (How to reverse diabetes type 2)

  • 41 1
    eddy posted on 2021/01/14
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