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  • Medical science is changing, for example when we started talking about

  • intermittent fasting, which is truly a method, a diet, it's literally the oldest

  • dietary intervention known to humanity. It's been used for thousands of years.

  • And we know that if you don't eat, nothing bad will happen you'll burn some

  • sugar, you'll burn some fat, that's the reason you have body fats, so that if

  • you don't have anything to eat, you're gonna burn that fat. So nothing bad

  • really happens. So intermittent fasting, for example, five

  • years will go when I started talking about it and using it for patients as a

  • therapeutic option, because we don't make anybody do it, we can't make anybody do anything.

  • We give them the option to do it. Everybody thought it was the craziest,

  • stupidest idea they'd ever heard. And just last month I went to San Diego to

  • give the keynote lecture for the Obesity Medicine Association, which is the

  • largest association of obesity specialists in the United States. And

  • there were hundreds and hundreds of doctors there wanting to know about how

  • to use intermittent fasting so that they could also make their patients better.

  • The problem is, I think that the doctors and the medical community in general is

  • very slow to change, and that's really one of the reasons why I go to sort of

  • popular books and social media, because this is a message that doesn't need to

  • be delivered to a doctor to change the message, we want people to kind of be

  • empowered, and the thing is that medical science, everybody thinks it moves very

  • fast, is very very slow, so you could have debates ongoing. If your blood sugar

  • drops, then you don't need to take medications. And then, if you continue to

  • not eat, you'll lose weight. And then if you lose weight, your diabetes your

  • type 2 diabetes will go away. Again, I don't think anybody is gonna argue with that.

  • So the question is, why don't we just do that? And that's what we do. I'm not gonna

  • make my patient, who I know in 12 years will be on dialysis, I'm not gonna

  • make them wait 12 years assuming that I can actually get the funding for

  • this. My duty to him or her is to take care of them right now

  • to the best of my ability. So I do that. And we see cases every single day. So we

  • have an intensive dietary management program and every single day I come in,

  • and just this morning for example, I saw a lady - 15 years of type 2 diabetes on 80

  • units of insulin, followed by a specialist an endocrinologist. I took her

  • from 80 units of insulin to zero and her A1C is now 5.9 % which

  • is classified, because she's on no medications and her A1C is below 6%, she

  • actually classified as a non-diabetic. So we took a severe type 2 diabetes and

  • in four months we moved her and she would be classified as a non-diabetic.

  • This is a reversible disease, but I don't need to prove it to anybody. I need to

  • treat people. And that's what I do. I mean, it would be great if somebody gave to me

  • a, you know, a couple million dollars to hire five or ten researchers full-time

  • who can do a study, but that's not gonna happen and I don'tsee

  • that as a very logical solution. We can do both at the same time. So when you

  • take the message out sort of directly to the people on the frontlines, that is the

  • doctors who want to be there, the patients who want to be there, they want to

  • know, because something like fasting, something like low carbohydrate diets,

  • it's an option. I'm not saying that everybody in the world must do it, I'm

  • saying you can give it a try, it's okay. If you do well, great. If you don't do

  • well, then don't do it. But at least you have the option. It's like a tool in your

  • toolbox - it's better to have that there, rather than saying "Oh, you must never do

  • this." It's ridiculous really to to give that sort of,

  • you know, to take away those choices from patients when they should really, you

  • know, be empowered to to make decisions for themselves.

Medical science is changing, for example when we started talking about

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責備馮醫生治療2型糖尿病的方法 (Criticism of Dr. Fung Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes)

  • 13 0
    eddy posted on 2021/01/14
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